Page 34 - TTC 27 JULY 2015
P. 34
TRANSFER TAX system can remain in balance. AHATA
Minister Bermudez told ATIA CEO of AHATA Mr. Jim Hepple was also
is not part of the that his goal is to provide more part of this meeting. AHATA is in favor
Fiscal Reform income for the Government of a fiscal reform and it was made very
while fighting the illegal clear during the meeting that the fiscal
activities currently taking place reform is a simplification of tax system.
on our island. Mr. Hepple is very happy that AHATA
Professor Vermeend will be gets to be a part of the Governments’
visiting Aruba soon to help brainstorming process before they
with the Fiscal Reform, which make a final decision.
means that the Fiscal Reform
will become clearer by the end Regarding the Transfer Tax Jim Hepple
of August or the beginning of mentioned that if the purpose is to
September. really fun some projects AHATA does
not agree with it.
ATIA President, Michelle Henriquez other laws. The transfer tax which ATIA They didn’t even mention the exchange
along with a few other ATIA members Michelle Henriquez mentioned that the has been very concerned about was rate tax which will affect the tourist
met with Minister Angel Bermudez meeting went well and that Minister also discussed, but Minister Bermudez industry.
who has a really good relationship with Bermudez informed them that ATIA told ATIA that this is not part of the
ATIA. will receive more details on the Fiscal Fiscal Reform and that the Minister of This measure will generate 15 million
ATIA regularly meets with all Ministers, Reform by the end of this month. Economic Affairs Mike de Meza is in florins for the Government; instead of
but decided to meet with Minister The Government wants to introduce charged with providing information introducing an additional tax why not
Bermudez this time, to receive an the ABB tax which will be charged at about the Fiscal Reform, and Minister use the funds from the exchange rate
up-date on how the Fiscal Reform is the border, but ATIA wants to know de Meza has informed that this is still tax to cover project costs.
progressing and to talk about their which taxes will be eliminated and an idea, no official decision has been The transfer tax will increase tourist
concerns like the CAFT and numerous which taxes will be decreased so the taken yet. As soon as a decision is made expenses which isn’t good for our
ATIA will be informed. tourism according to Jim Hepple.
BONAIRE DELEGATION THE mushroom farm, coriander nursery and dragon fruit
plantation were visited last week by the Bonaire Directorate
visits Aruba’s farms of Agriculture, animal husbandry and fisheries (DLVV). The
delegation consisted of Deputy Gerald Silberie, Pieter Barend
ARUBA TRAVELLER - Monday, July 27 2015 Dutch representative on Bonaire and Sherwin Pourier DLVV of
Led by Nathalie Maduro, Director of Santa Rosa, they spent
Thursday visiting the abattoir, the wine grape plantation and the
mushroom farm. During lunch at Nos Clubhouse in Hadicurari,
the delegation was briefed on Aruba’s fisheries. Friday the group
visited the dragon fruit plantation, Cunuco Aruba Dushi Tera
and coriander nursery. The aim of the visit was to see how Aruba
is doing in the field of agriculture and animal husbandry. A
delegation of Santa Rosa went to Curacao and Bonaire last year
for the same reason. Maduro announced that a platform will be
formed between the DLVV of Curacao, DLVV of Bonaire and DLVV
of Aruba to assist each other in investigations and work together.
“Both islands have the same vision,” Maduro said. “We want
to set up projects to motivate teenagers to work in the primary
sector. That is very important for the islands food supply.”