Page 35 - TTC 27 JULY 2015
P. 35


Chef Antonio

Vidal’s bold flavors at the
L.G Smith’s Steak & Chop House

FOR a limited time L.G Smith’s Steak &          Visit L.G Smith’s from July 23rd till august
Chop House will have certified Chef Antonio     16th and chose between Camarones
Vidal as part of its culinary team. During his  Relleno, Sopa de Fideo, Beef Shoulder
stay in Aruba, Chef Antonio will prepare a      Tenderloin Tostones, Crispy “Bang Bang’
3 course menu with original Texas flavors       Shrimp & Slaw, Texas “Two Step” Tacos,
including an L.G Smith’s Steak & Chop           Tejano Mixed Grill and Porcini Encrusted
‘twist.’ Chef Antonio Vidal’s 3 course menu     Ribeye. The 3 course menus at a special rate
will be available as of July 23rd till August   of $57 per person- add wine to the menu for
16th.                                           $90 per person.
Antonio Vidal was born in Bellflower,
California and began cooking from a very        For the complete menu visit www.lgsmiths.
young age even though he enjoyed playing        com. L.G Smith’s Steak & Chop House
American football; his passion for cooking      guarantees its customers an extraordinary
eclipsed his love for football in 1998.         culinary experience.
                                                With Chef Antonio Vidal leading the
After exploring the international culinary      culinary team, L.G Smith’s adds a special
platform, Antonio Vidal became co-owner         touch to its well known menu. Dine at L.G
together with Kevin Williamson of Ranch         Smith’s open from 5:30pm till 11:00pm and
616 in Austin, Texas. The restaurant            indulge. For reservations call 523-6195 or
Ranch 616 offers innovative cuisine that        visit the LG Smith’s Steak & Chop House
encompasses flavors from the Gulf of            website or Facebook page and stay up to
Mexico to the border towns of Texas.            date with special offers.

PROTEST AGAINST                                                                                                       consists of points received by every department.
                                                                                                                      The gratuities and the calculated service charge
division gratuities                                                                                                   is distributed according to the points system and
                                                                                                                      paid to the employees.
EMPLOYEES of the Department of Food and                    employees almost doubled in some departments.
Beverage at the Holiday Inn Resort protested Friday        There are more people, but salary is still the same.”      “It is very difficult to control this system,”
morning with signs. According to them the protest is       “This problem arose after the hotel became an all          Rudy Geerman, FTA union leader explains.
due to unfair distribution of tips and the fact that they  inclusive. The salary of all F&B employees was             He discussed the anger of the employees in a
never get a raise.                                         reduced when the hotel became an all inclusive,            deliberation with the management of Holiday Inn,
The staff went outside at 8 o’clock in the morning         because the service charge was reduced. With all           which lasted several hours. “This has been present
with homemade signs and protested for about half an        inclusive they now receive a final amount once the         for a long time already, but I think that now the
hour. They don’t want to call it a strike, because that    tourist has paid his residence.” According to Hubert   management team received the message. Now they
was not the intention of the employees. “They just         Dirksz of the FTA union.                               understand why people are so angry. Hubert Dirksz
wanted to draw the attention of the management.”                                                                  of the FTA labor union said: “The big question is, how
                                                           Apportionment                                          come it’s so busy yet the employees still earn as if it is
The F&B department’s staff consists of the kitchen,        In addition, the distribution of the service charge    very quiet.”
bar and operation staff. According to the employees        and tip money is an eyesore. “The workers do not
their salary has been the same for a long time, while      know whether they will get enough, because it is       Checks
more and more people are being hired. Geerman:             very difficult to control.” They think they have more  After the meeting Rudy Geerman, FTA union leader
“Compared to three years ago, the number of                rights, but cannot prove it. The distribution system   informed the affected employees about what was
                                                                                                                  being discussed. The managers will think of a solution
                                                                                                                  and will discuss it with the staff in a meeting on August
                                                                                                                  5th. “They know that they have the attention of the
                                                                                                                  managers now and that their case is being worked on.
                                                                                                                  They are currently waiting for more information and
                                                                                                                  will continue working in the meantime.”

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