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on Aruba
August 16, 2017
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Protestors near Trump Tower react as President Donald Trump arrives, Monday, Aug. 14, 2017, in New York. Donald Trump declared anew Tuesday “there is blame on
both sides” for the deadly violence last weekend in Charlottesville, Virginia.
(AP Photo/Craig Ruttle)
Defiant Trump Insists Anew: Blame Both Sides for Violence
By JONATHAN LEMIRE weekend in Charlottes- ment he delivered at the quell a crush of criticism his Manhattan skyscraper,
JULIE PACE ville, Virginia, appearing to White House a day earlier from both Republicans and he praised his original re-
Associated Press once again equate the ac- when he branded mem- Democrats. But the presi- sponse to the Charlottes-
NEW YORK (AP) — Combat- tions of white supremacist bers of the KKK, neo-Nazis dent’s retorts Tuesday indi- ville clashes and angrily
ive and insistent, President groups and those protest- and white supremacists cated he had been a re- blamed liberal groups in
Donald Trump declared ing them. who take part in violence luctant participant in that addition to white suprema-
anew Tuesday “there is The president’s comments as “criminals and thugs.” cleanup effort. cists for the violence.
blame on both sides” for effectively wiped away the Trump’s advisers had During an impromptu press
the deadly violence last more conventional state- hoped those remarks might conference in the lobby of Continued on Page 3