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P. 89
Wednesday 16 august 2017
A weekly calendar with a selection of what’s going on in Aruba
Wednesday 16
Thursday 17
Documentary Vanishing Sail
A powerful representation of the
bond between culture, tradition,
boat building and sailing in the Ca-
7 pm
University of Aruba at Oranjestad
Facebook Aruba International Re-
gatta Local Art Fair Aruba Marriott Resort &
Theatre Show Nurlaila Sings Tina Turner Stellaris Casino
A tribute to the legend of rock Tina Turner Handmade local art
8 pm 6.30 – 9.30 pm
Cas di Cultura at Oranjestad Lobby patio
Facebook Cas di Cultura
Saturday 19
Friday 18
Aruba International Regatta 2017 2nd Anniversary Dinner ft. Duckhorn Vine- Journey into Wine & Chocolates
Sailors of all ages and all classes come to- yards BLT Ritz-Carlton A marvelous journey into the world of wine
gether for the annual Aruba international 5-course dinner paired with exquisite pours of and chocolate pairing.
regatta Duckhorn Vineyards The Wine Room
18-20 August all day 7 pm 7 pm
Surfside Beach at Oranjestad BLT Steakhouse The Ritz-Carlton Aruba Facebook The Wine Room
Facebook Aruba International Regatta Facebook blt steak - at the ritz-carlton aruba
Sunday 20 Tuesday 22
Monday 21
Calabas Mosaic Workshop
Mellow Monday Be part of this workshop
Nothing scheduled for today, and learn from Merveline
which means: make your own how to work with the natu-
Mellow Monday. Take time to ral material ‘Calabas’.
indulge, taste, smell, relax and
pamper. There are many good 7-9 pm
spas at the island where you can Cosecha San Nicolas
enjoy a good massage and a re- Facebook Aruba Cosecha
Walk & Run laxing day.
3-5-10 km walk or run along the coast, or-
ganized by Aruba Malmok Runners
6 am
Fisherman Huts at Palm Beach
Facebook Aruba Malmok Runners