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                                                                                                  business Thursday 16 april 2020
            US relief checks begin arriving as economic damage piles up

            By CHRISTOPHER RUGABER,                                                                                             U.S.  manufacturing  output
            PAUL WISEMAN and                                                                                                    dropped  6.3%  last  month,
            KELLI KENNEDY                                                                                                       led by plunging production
            Associated Press                                                                                                    at  auto  factories,  which
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Gov-                                                                                              have shut down entirely.
            ernment  relief  checks  be-                                                                                        As  of  last  week,  some  17
            gan  arriving  in  Americans'                                                                                       million  people  in  the  U.S.
            bank  accounts  as  the                                                                                             had been thrown onto the
            economic  damage  to  the                                                                                           unemployment  rolls  be-
            U.S.  from  the  coronavirus                                                                                        cause of the crisis.
            piled  up  Wednesday  and                                                                                           "Woke  up  to  our  Stimulus
            sluggish sales at reopened                                                                                          check  in  the  bank!"  Darla
            stores in Europe and China                                                                                          Shepherd of Bledsoe in Har-
            made it clear that business                                                                                         lan County, Kentucky, post-
            won't  necessarily  bounce                                                                                          ed  on  Facebook.  "Thank
            right  back  when  the  crisis                                                                                      you Mr. President Trump!"
            eases.                                                                                                              Shepherd,  38,  a  health
            With  lockdowns  and  other                                                                                         worker in the Appalachian
            restrictions  bringing  facto-                                                                                      coal-mining    community,
            ries  to  a  shuddering  halt,                                                                                      and  her  husband,  Bran-
            American  industrial  output                                                                                        don, 44, are both working.
            shriveled in March, register-  A shopper walks out of a store in Annapolis, Wednesday, April 15, 2020.              But he was laid off from his
            ing its biggest decline since                                                                     Associated Press.  quarry job the entire month
            the U.S. demobilized in 1946  tomers  staying  away  from  topped  130,000  and  con-  breathing  problems  has  of  February,  and  his  wife
            at the end of World War II.  the  reopened  businesses  firmed  infections  have  sur-  been tested for the virus, a  said in an interview that the
            And  retail  sales  fell  by  an  and  workers  afraid  the  passed 2 million, according  parliamentary  report  said.  payout  would  help  them
            unprecedented  8.7%,  with  newly  restored  freedoms  to  the  tally  kept  by  Johns  The  explosive  allegation  get caught up on bills.
            April  expected  to  be  far  could  put  their  health  at  Hopkins  University.  The  fig-  was buried in a footnote in  "We're  your  typical  Ameri-
            worse.                       risk.                        ures  understate  the  true  the 46-page document.        can family. We live payday
            The world's biggest econo-   In  China,  millions  are  still  size of the crisis, in part be-  —  New  York  Gov.  Andrew  to payday," said Shepherd,
            my began issuing one-time  wary of spending much or  cause of limited testing, dif-    Cuomo  said  residents  will  who  has  a  9-year-old  son.
            payments this week to tens  even  going  out.  Some  cit-  ferent ways of counting the  be  required  to  wear  face  "It's  a  blessing.  It  means  a
            of millions of people as part  ies have resorted to hand-  dead,  and  concealment  coverings  when  they  are  lot."
            of its $2.2 trillion coronavirus  ing out shopping vouchers  by some governments       near others, such as on the  Trump  has  been  anxious
            relief package, with adults  and trying to reassure con-  The  U.S.  has  reported  ap-  street or a subway platform.  to  see  the  stay-at-home
            receiving up to $1,200 each  sumers by showing officials  proximately  27,000  deaths  He said there will initially be  orders  and  business  shut-
            and $500 per child to help  in state media eating in res-  — the highest in the world  no  penalties  for  violating  downs lifted in the U.S. But
            them pay the rent or cover  taurants.                     —  and  over  600,000  con-  the  measure.  "It  can  be  a  those  aspirations  continue
            other  bills.  The  checks  will  "I  put  off  plans  to  change  firmed infections, by Johns  mask.  It  can  be  a  cloth.  It  to  meet  stiff  resistance  on
            be  directly  deposited  into  cars  and  spend  almost  Hopkins'  count.  Still,  the  can be a bandanna. Make  the state and local levels.
            bank  accounts  or  mailed  nothing  on  eating  out  or  nightmare  scenarios  pro-   it colorful. Make it advertis-  New  York  Mayor  Bill  de
            to  households,  depending  entertainment," said Zhang  jecting  a  far  greater  num-  ing,"  he  said.  "What's  the  Blasio,  a  liberal  Democrat,
            on how they filed their tax  Hu,  a  truck  salesman  in  ber  of  deaths  and  hospi-  big deal?"                  told Fox News he intends to
            returns.                     Zhengzhou  who  has  gone  talizations  have  not  come  Around the world, the eco-    move cautiously.
            Among those who received  back to work but has seen  to pass, raising hopes from  nomic  damage  from  the  "In  this  case,  I'll  call  myself
            a  check  was  Jacqueline  his  income  plummet  be-      coast to coast.              effort to "flatten the curve"  a  conservative,"  said  de
            Gonzalez, a 32-year-old sin-  cause  few  people  buying  In other developments:       of  infections  has  mounted  Blasio,  whose  city's  death
            gle mother who was laid off  20-ton rigs. "I have no idea  —  An  investigation  by  The  alarmingly.               toll now tops 10,000. "Look,
            from her job as a bartender  when the situation will turn  Associated Press found that  While grocery store sales in  I want to see people back
            at a sports bar and lives with  better."                  six days of delays by China  the U.S. jumped nearly 26%  to  work  as  much  as  any-
            her mom, a teacher, in Mi-   In  Austria,  Marie  Froehlich,  in alerting the public to the  as  Americans  stocked  up  one.  I  feel  it  urgently.  But
            ami  Lakes,  Florida.  Gonza-  who owns a clothing store  growing dangers of the vi-   on  food  and  other  goods  we've  got  to  secure  the
            lez  paid  her  car  insurance  in  Vienna,  said  her  staff  rus  in  mid-January  set  the  to  ride  out  the  crisis,  auto  health and safety first of all
            and gave her mother $500  was happy to get back to  stage  for  the  global  disas-    sales  plummeted  by  one-   New Yorkers and, obvious-
            for rent. She has signed up  work  after  weeks  of  being  ter.                       quarter  and  clothing  store  ly, all Americans. ... We get
            for food stamps.             cooped  up  at  home.  But  — Millions of South Korean  sales slid by more than half,  one chance to get it right."
            "There is no other form of in-  with  her  business  depen-  voters  wore  masks  and  the  government  reported.  Foreign   leaders,   mean-
            come for us right now. We  dent  largely  on  tourism,  maintained  social  distanc-   The  category  that  mostly  while,  rushed  to  the  de-
            have no other choice. We  which  has  dried  up  amid  ing  as  they  voted  in  par-  includes  online  shopping  fense  of  the  World  Health
            can't work from home," she  the  travel  restrictions,  she  liamentary  elections,  with  rose more than 3%.       Organization  after  Trump
            said. "We're just sitting here.  expects it will take months  turnout  surprisingly  high.  "With  clear  signs  of  pan-  vowed to cut off payments
            Bills are racking up."       to return to normal.         The  government  resisted  ic  buying  of  necessities  to the U.N. agency for not
            In   an    unprecedented  "Until  then,  we  are  in  crisis  calls  to  postpone  the  bal-  and  the  fact  that  lock-  sounding  the  alarm  over
            move,  President  Donald  mode," she said.                loting,  seen  as  a  midterm  downs  were  introduced  the virus sooner.
            Trump's name will be print-  The  scene  was  similar  in  referendum  on  President  only  around  the  middle  of  EU  foreign  policy  chief  Jo-
            ed on the checks.            hard-hit  Italy,  where  the  Moon Jae-in.                the  month  means  that  far  sep Borrell said the WHO is
            Meanwhile,  the  first  steps  streets of Rome were large-  —  The  death  toll  in  Iran  is  worse  is  to  come  in  April  now  "needed  more  than
            in  lifting  the  economically  ly deserted despite an eas-  probably  almost  twice  the  and  the  second  quarter  ever."
            crippling restrictions in oth-  ing of restrictions this week  officially  reported  figure  more  generally,"  said  Mi-  "Only by joining forces can
            er  parts  of  the  world  are  that allowed some stores to  of  almost  4,800  as  a  result  chael  Pearce,  an  econo-  we  overcome  this  crisis
            running into resistance, with  reopen.                    of  undercounting  and  be-  mist  at  the  consulting  firm  that knows no borders," he
            shoppers  and  other  cus-   Worldwide,  deaths  have  cause  not  everyone  with  Capital Economics.               said.q
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