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A30 world news
Diaranson 29 Juni 2022
Turkey lifts its objections to Sweden, Finland joining NATO
(AP) — Turkey agreed
Tuesday to lift its opposi-
tion to Sweden and Fin-
land joining NATO, end-
ing an impasse that had
clouded a leaders’ summit
opening in Madrid amid
Europe’s worst security
crisis in decades, triggered
by the war in Ukraine.
After urgent top-level talks
with leaders of the three
countries, alliance Secretary
General Jens Stoltenberg said
that “we now have an agree-
ment that paves the way for
Finland and Sweden to join
NATO.” He called it “a his-
toric decision.”
She said completing the pro- “they will see that this is good reminder of the war’s hor- and what, if any, concessions
Among its many shatter- cess of membership should for the security of Sweden.” rors. Some saw the timing, as Ukraine should make to end
ing consequences, President be done “the sooner the bet- Group of Seven leaders met the fighting.
Vladimir Putin’s invasion of ter.” U.S. President Joe Biden in Germany and just ahead
Ukraine has prompted Swe- “But there are 30 parliaments congratulated the three na- of the NATO gathering, as a There are also differences on
how hard a line to take on
den and Finland to abandon that need to approve this and tions on taking a “crucial message from Moscow.
their long-held nonaligned you never know,” Andersson step.” China in NATO’s new Stra-
tegic Concept — its once-a-
status and apply to join told the Associated Press. Amid speculation about a Ukrainian President Volody-
NATO as protection against U.S. role in ending the dead- myr Zelenskyy, who is due decade set of priorities and
an increasingly aggressive Turkey hailed Tuesday’s lock, a senior administration to address NATO leaders by goals. The last document,
and unpredictable Russia — agreement as a triumph, say- official said Washington did video on Wednesday, called published in 2010, didn’t
mention China at all.
which shares a long border ing the Nordic nations had not offer any concessions to the strike on the mall a “ter-
with Finland. Under NATO agreed to crack down on Turkey to coax it to accept a rorist” act.
treaties, an attack on any groups that Ankara deems deal. But the official said the Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko The new concept is expected
member would be consid- national security threats, in- U.S. played a crucial role in traveled to Madrid to urge to set out NATO’s approach
ered an attack against all and cluding the Kurdistan Work- helping bring the two parties the alliance to provide his on issues from cybersecurity
trigger a military response by ers’ Party, or PKK, and its closer together, and Biden country with “whatever it to climate change — and the
growing economic and mili-
the entire alliance. Syrian extension. It said they spoke with Erdogan Tues- takes” to stop the war.
also agreed “not to impose day morning at the behest of tary reach of China, and the
NATO operates by consen- embargo restrictions in the Sweden and Finland to help “Wake up, guys. This is hap- rising importance and power
sus, and Turkish President field of defense industry” on encourage the talks. pening now. You are going of the Indo-Pacific region.
Recep Tayyip Erdogan had Turkey and to take “concrete to be next, this is going to For the first time, the leaders
threatened to block the Nor- steps on the extradition of The agreement came at the be knocking on your door of Japan, Australia, South Ko-
dic pair, insisting they change terrorist criminals.” opening of a crucial summit, just in the blink of an eye,” rea and New Zealand are at-
their stance on Kurdish rebel dominated by Russia’s inva- Klitschko told reporters at tending the summit as guests.
Some European members are
groups that Turkey considers Turkey has demanded that sion of Ukraine, that will set the summit venue.
terrorists. Finland and Sweden extra- the course of the alliance for wary of the tough U.S. line
dite wanted individuals and the coming years. The sum- Stoltenberg said the meet- on Beijing and don’t want
After weeks of diplomacy and lift arms restrictions imposed mit was kicking off with a ing would chart a blueprint China cast as an opponent.
hours of talks on Tuesday, after Turkey’s 2019 military leaders’ dinner hosted by for the alliance “in a more
Finnish President Sauli Ni- incursion into northeast Syr- Spain’s King Felipe VI at the dangerous and unpredictable In the Strategic Concept,
inistö said the three leaders ia. 18th-century Royal Palace of world” — and that meant NATO is set to declare Rus-
had signed a joint agreement Turkey, in turn, agreed “to Madrid. “we have to invest more in sia its number one threat.
to break the logjam. support at the 2022 Madrid our defense,” Stoltenberg Russia’s state space agency,
Turkey said it had “got what Summit the invitation of Top of the agenda in meet- said. Just nine of NATO’s 30 Roscosmos marked the sum-
mit’s opening by releasing
members meet the organiza-
it wanted” including “full Finland and Sweden to be- ings Wednesday and Thurs-
cooperation ... in the fight come members of NATO.” day is strengthening defenses tion’s target of spending 2% satellite images and coordi-
of gross domestic product nates of the Madrid confer-
against” the rebel groups. against Russia, and support-
Details of exactly what was ing Ukraine. on defense. Spain, which is ence hall where it is being
Stoltenberg said leaders of agreed were unclear. Amineh hosting the summit, spends held, along with those of the
the 30-nation alliance will Kakabaveh, an independent Moscow’s invasion on Feb. just half that. White House, the Pentagon
and the government head-
issue a formal invitation to Swedish lawmaker of Kurd- 24 shook European security
the two countries to join on ish origin whose support the and brought shelling of cit- Stoltenberg said Monday quarters in London, Paris and
that NATO allies will agree Berlin.
Wednesday. The decision has government depends on for a ies and bloody ground bat-
to be ratified by all individual majority in Parliament, said it tles back to the continent. at the summit to increase the The agency said NATO was
nations, but he said he was was “worrisome that Sweden NATO, which had begun to strength of the alliance’s rap-
“absolutely confident” Fin- isn’t revealing what promises turn its focus to terrorism id reaction force nearly eight- set to declare Russia an en-
land and Sweden would be- it has given Erdogan.” and other non-state threats, fold, from 40,000 to 300,000 emy at the summit, adding
come members, something has had to confront an adver- troops. The troops will be that it was publishing precise
based in their home nations, coordinates “just in case.”
that could happen within Andersson dismissed sugges- sarial Russia once again.
months. tions Sweden and Finland Biden said NATO was “as but dedicated to specific ___
had conceded too much. united and galvanized as I countries on NATO’s east- Associated Press Writers Aritz
Swedish Prime Minister Asked if the Swedish pub- think we have ever been.” ern flank, where the alliance Parra, Ciaran Giles, Sylvie
plans to build up stocks of Corbet and Zeke Miller in
Magdalena Andersson said lic will see the agreement as
the agreement was “good for a concession on issues like A Russian missile strike equipment and ammunition. Madrid, Karl Ritter in Gar-
Finland and Sweden. And it’s extraditions of Kurdish mili- Monday on a shopping mall Beneath the surface, there misch-Partenkirchen, Ger-
good for NATO.” tants regarded by Ankara as in the central Ukrainian city are tensions within NATO many and Zeynep Bilginsoy
terrorists, Andersson said of Kremenchuk was a grim over how the war will end in Istanbul contributed.