Page 32 - bon-dia-aruba-20210602
P. 32

A32    sports
                     Diaranson 2 Juni 2021

                          Japan's vaccine push ahead of Olympics looks to be too late

                                                                      that  even  strict  rules  won't  More than three months into  primary care doctors, hospi-
                                                                      prevent  all  mingling,  espe-  Japan's vaccination campaign,  tals and residents, as well as
                                                                      cially among non-athletes.   only 2.7% of the population  flexibility,  have  contributed
                                                                                                   has  been  fully  vaccinated.  to  smooth  progress,  Sumida
                                                                      Prominent  medical  journals  The  country  started  its  roll-  district spokesperson Yosuke
                                                                      have questioned the wisdom  out  with  health  care  work-  Yatabe said.
                                                                      of  pushing  ahead  with  the  ers in mid-February, months  "It's like a factory line," Yatabe
                                                                      Tokyo Games and the Asahi  behind many other countries  said.
                                                                      Shimbun  —  the  country's  because  Japan  required  ad-
                                                                      second-largest newspaper —  ditional clinical testing here,  Ryuichiro Suzuki, a 21-year-
                                                                      has called for them to be can-  a  step  many  experts  say  was  old university student in To-
                                                                      celed,  reflecting  widespread  medically meaningless.    kyo, said he is frustrated with
                                                                      opposition  to  holding  the                              Japan's  lagging  vaccination
                                                                      Olympics  now  among  the  Inoculations  for  the  elderly,  campaign.
                                                                      Japanese population.         who are more likely to suffer  "I saw that some of my friends
                                                                                                   serious  problems  when  in-  overseas have been vaccinat-
                                                                      But  the  government  has  fected,  started  in  mid-April,  ed, but my turn won't come
            (AP) — It may be too lit-    — about 70% of the popula-   said  it's  determined  to  push  but  were  slowed  by  initial  until  later  this  summer,"  he
            tle, too late.               tion would not be inoculated.  ahead,  with  the  viability  of  supply  shortages,  cumber-  said.  "The  risk-averse  gov-
                                         And  many  have  dismissed  Suga's leadership and geopo-  some reservation procedures  ernment  took  extra  caution
            That's the realization sinking  the target as overly optimistic  litical competition with rival  and a lack of medical workers  even when our primary goal
            in as Japan scrambles to catch  anyway.                   Beijing,  the  next  Olympics  to give shots.             was to get back to normal as
            up  on  a  frustratingly  slow  To  meet  it,  Japan  is  vowing  host, as well as the health of                    soon as possible."
            vaccination  drive  less  than  to  soon  start  administering  millions, on the line.   But  there  are  signs  of  im-  Kono,  the  vaccine  minister,
            two months before the Sum-   1 million doses daily. It cur-  "By  using  a  new  weapon  provement. The vaccine sup-  said  more  large-scale  in-
            mer Olympics, delayed by a  rently is only giving 500,000  called  vaccines  and  taking  ply has increased and despite  oculation  centers  are  getting
            year because of the coronavi-  per  day,  already  a  big  im-  firm  preventive  measures,  it  earlier expectations of a hesi-  underway, including at hun-
            rus pandemic, are scheduled  provement after Prime Min-   is fully possible" to hold the  tant  response  to  vaccines  in  dreds  of  college  campuses
            to start.                    ister Yoshihide Suga called on  Olympics safely, Suga told a  general,  senior  citizens  fear-  and offices to start vaccinat-
                                         military  doctors  and  nurses  parliamentary  session  Tues-  ful of the virus are rushing to  ing  younger  people  from
            The  Olympics  risk  becom-  and started making legal ex-  day.                        inoculation sites.           June 21.
            ing an incubator for "a Tokyo  ceptions to recruit other vac-
            variant,"  as  15,000  foreign  cinators in order to boost the  Officials  are  now  desper-  Since May 24, Japan has de-  Beyond  the  concerns  about
            athletes  and  tens  of  thou-  drive.                    ately trying to think of ways  ployed  280  military  doctors  the Olympics and despite the
            sands  officials,  sponsors  and                          to  increase  the  shots  at  a  and nurses in Tokyo and the  fact that Japan has seen fewer
            journalists  from  about  200  "Vaccinations under the cur-  time  when  medical  workers  badly hit city of Osaka. More  cases and deaths compared to
            countries descend on — and  rent  pace  are  not  going  to  are  already  under  pressure  than 33,000 vaccination sites  the  United  States  and  other
            potentially  mix  with  —  a  help  prevent  infections  dur-  treating COVID-19 patients.  now  operate  across  Japan,  advanced  nations,  the  coun-
            largely unvaccinated Japanese  ing  the  Olympics,"  Tokyo  Many say they have no extra  and  more  are  coming,  said  try's  slow  pace  of  vaccina-
            population,  said  Dr.  Naoto  Medical  Association  Chair-  resources  to  help  with  the  Taro  Kono,  the  minister  in  tions and its prolonged, often
            Ueyama, a physician, head of  man Haruo Ozaki said. "The  Olympics,  if,  for  instance,  charge of vaccinations.   toothless  state  of  emergency
            the Japan Doctors Union.     Olympics can trigger a global  the boiling Japanese summer                             could also delay its economic
                                         spread of different variants of  causes  widespread  cases  of  In Sumida, a district in down-  recovery  for  months,  said
            With infections in Tokyo and  the virus."                 heat stroke. Some local lead-  town  Tokyo  where  boxing  Masaya Sasaki, senior econo-
            other heavily populated areas                             ers in and around Tokyo have  events will be held, vaccina-  mist at the Nomura Research
            currently  at  high  levels  and  The  International  Olympic  rejected  the  Olympics  orga-  tions  for  its  61,000  elderly  Institute.
            hospitals already under strain  Committee  says  more  than  nizers'  requests  to  set  aside  residents  began  on  May  10,
            treating serious cases despite  80% of athletes and staff stay-  beds for athletes.    and  within  two  weeks,  31%  And despite repeated expres-
            a state of emergency, experts  ing in the Olympic Village on                           of them had gotten their first  sions  of  official  government
            have  warned  there  is  little  Tokyo Bay will be vaccinated  Dr.  Shigeru  Omi,  former  shots,  compared  to  the  na-  confidence in the Games be-
            slack in the system.         —  and  they  are  expected  to  World  Health  Organization  tional average of 3.7%. Sum-  ing safe, there are fears here
                                         remain largely in a bubble at  regional  director  and  a  head  ida  is  now  looking  to  start  of what might happen if vac-
            Even if the country succeeds  the  village  and  venues.  But  of  a  government  taskforce,  inoculating  younger  people  cinations don't pick up.
            in  meeting  its  goal  of  fully  vaccination rates are not clear  said it is crucial to start inoc-  later  this  month,  well  ahead  "The  Olympics,  billed  as  a
            vaccinating all 36 million el-  for other participants coming  ulating younger people, who  of schedule.            recovery  Games,  can  trigger
            derly by the end of July — al-  from abroad, including hard-  are seen as likely to spread the                      a new disaster," said Ueyama,
            ready a week into the Games  hit regions, and experts warn  virus, as soon as possible.   Close  coordination  among  of the Japan Doctors Union.

                           Braves star Ozuna granted $20,000 bond on assault charge

            (AP)  —  Braves  star  Mar-  During his initial appearance  where  the  front  door  was  joint domestic violence poli-  deal. He batted .338, led the
            cell  Ozuna  was  released  in Fulton County Magistrate  open  and  heard  screaming  cy in place between MLB and  National  League  with  18
            from jail on $20,000 bond  Court, Ozuna was ordered to  from  inside.  Officers  said  the players' union.          homers and 56 RBIs, and fin-
            Monday      after    being  avoid  contact  with  his  wife.  they saw Ozuna grab his wife  He  was  already  on  the  in-  ished sixth in NL MVP bal-
            charged  with  aggravated  He  had  no  comment  as  he  by  the  neck  and  throw  her  jured list and expected to be  loting.
            assault  by  strangulation  walked out of jail.           against a wall, in addition to  out  for  more  than  a  month
            and  battery  against  his                                striking her with a cast on his  after  dislocating  two  fingers  Ozuna also became a fan fa-
            wife.                        In  court,  attorneys  said  the  injured left hand.      on his left hand while sliding  vorite  with  his  colorful  cel-
                                         couple was in the process of                              during a game at Boston last  ebrations,  including  mimed
            Ozuna had been jailed since  divorce. Genesis Ozuna was  Police  said  the  victim  had  week. He was seen wearing a  selfies after home runs and a
            Saturday  after  police  offi-  arrested  on  a  domestic  vio-  visible  injuries  but  was  not  bright yellow cast in video of  pot-stirring  hand  gesture  to
            cers in the Atlanta suburb of  lence charge in Miami a year  taken to the hospital.    his court appearance.        highlight big hits.
            Sandy Springs said they wit-  ago.
            nessed him attacking his wife,                            Ozuna could face a long sus-  Ozuna re-signed with Atlanta  He was off to a slow start this
            Genesis, while responding to  A statement from the Sandy  pension  by  Major  League  after a stellar first season with  season, hitting just .213 with
            a 911 call.                  Springs  Police  Department  Baseball,  which  plans  to  re-  the Braves in 2020, agreeing  seven homers and 26 RBIs at
                                         said officers entered a home  view  the  matter  under  the  to  a  $65  million,  four-year  the time of his injury.
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