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                                                                                         world news Diaranson 2 Juni 2021

                                       In Brazil's Amazon, rivers rise to record levels

            (AP)  —  Rivers  around  activity  and  global  warming  ing the river rise and fall with
            the biggest city in Brazil’s  are altering the frequency and  the  seasons.  Simas  likes  her
            Amazon  rainforest  have  intensity of extreme weather  neighborhood  because  it  is
            swelled to levels unseen in  events, including La Nina.   safe and clean. But the quick-
            over  a  century  of  record-                             ening  pace  of  the  floods  in
            keeping,    according    to  Seven of the 10 biggest floods  the last decade has her wor-
            data published Tuesday by  in the Amazon basin have oc-   ried.
            Manaus’  port  authorities,  curred  in  the  past  13  years,
            straining a society that has  data  from  Brazil’s  state-  “From  1974  until  recently,
            grown  weary  of  increas-   owned  Geological  Survey  many  years  passed  and  we
            ingly frequent flooding.     shows.                       wouldn’t  see  any  water.  It
                                                                      was a normal place,” she said.
            The  Rio  Negro  was  at  its  “If  we  continue  to  destroy
            highest  level  since  records  the Amazon the way we do,  “I  think  human  beings  have
            began in 1902, with a depth  the  climatic  anomalies  will  contributed  a  lot  (to  this
            of  29.98  meters  (98  feet)  at  become  more  and  more  ac-  situation,” she said. “Nature
            the  port’s  measuring  sta-  centuated,”  said  Virgílio  Vi-  doesn’t  forgive.  She  comes
            tion.  The  nearby  Solimoes  ana,  director  of  the  Sustain-  and  doesn’t  want  to  know
            and Amazon rivers were also  able  Amazon  Foundation,  a  whether you’re ready to face
            nearing all-time highs, flood-  nonprofit.  ”  Greater  floods  her or not.”
            ing streets and houses in doz-  on  the  one  hand,  greater
            ens of municipalities and af-  droughts on the other.”    Flooding also has a significant
            fecting some 450,000 people                               impact  on  local  industries
            in the region.               Large  swaths  of  Brazil  are  such  as  farming  and  cattle
                                         currently  drying  up  in  a  se-  ranching.  Many  family-run
            Higher-than-usual  precipi-  vere drought, with a possible  operations  have  seen  their
            tation  is  associated  with  the  shortfall in power generation  production vanish under wa-
            La Nina phenomenon, when  from the nation’s hydroelec-    ter. Others have been unable
            currents  in  the  central  and  tric plants and increased elec-  to  reach  their  shops,  offices
            eastern  Pacific  Ocean  af-  tricity  prices,  government  and market stalls or clients.
            fect  global  climate  patterns.  authorities have warned.
            Environmental  experts  and                               “With these floods, we’re out
            organizations  including  the  But  in  Manaus,  66-year-old  of work,” said Elias Gomes, a  in his small wooden boat.
            U.S.  Environmental  Protec-  Julia Simas has water ankle-  38-year-old electrician in Ca-                          Meteorologists  say  Amazon
            tion Agency and the National  deep in her home. Simas has  cau Pirera, on the other side  Gomes  is  now  looking  to  water  levels  could  continue
            Oceanic  and  Atmospheric  lived  in  the  working-class  of  the  Rio  Negro,  though  move  to  a  more  densely  to rise slightly until late June
            Administration  say  there  is  neighborhood  of  Sao  Jorge  noted he’s been able to earn a  populated  area  where  floods  or  July,  when  floods  usually
            strong  evidence  that  human  since 1974 and is used to see-  bit by transporting neighbors  won’t threaten his livelihood.  peak.

                         Mexico report suggests child sex abuse ring at some schools

              (AP)  —  A  study  published  by  a  children’s  how these perpetrators came to work in the same  report states that in the 2011 case, “those found
              rights  group  in  Mexico  Monday  suggests  school? How were they assigned to this post and  guilty include the school’s principal, four teach-
              there  has  been  a  disturbing  pattern  at  as  by  whom?  How  did  their  coordinated  action  ers,  and  the  school  janitor.  The  patterns  in  the
              many  as  18  schools  and  childcare  centers  come to be? Did they arrive to this post know-  abuse and extreme violence are repeated in mul-
              where  multiple  adult  employees  allegedly  ing each other or did their coordination arise once  tiple  schools.  The  abuse  takes  place  within  the
              collaborated  among  themselves  and  used  working in the school?” the report asks.          school and perpetrators do not seem to hide when
              eerily similar tactics and practices to sexu-                                                 committing the repeated abusive behavior.”
              ally abuse pupils between the ages of three  “We have identified patterns of criminal behavior
              and seven.                                     that raise the possibility that numerous primary  So  the  legal  team  reviewed  37  cases  found  “to
                                                             and pre-school facilities have been coopted and  possibly match the criminal patterns we identi-
              In one case uncovered in 2018, 11 adults at one  used to commit on-line child sexual abuse,” the  fied. Of these cases we were only able to attain
              pre-school allegedly abused 49 children aged be-  report states.                              greater detail as to the narratives of the children in
              tween 3 and 5, by inserting water-filled syringes                                             18 schools that confirmed similar patterns.”
              into  their  bodily  orifices,  a  practice  found  over  Asked about the report, President Andrés Manuel
              and over in other cases.                       López  Obrador  pledged  Monday  to  provide  an  But the report says that police investigations are
                                                             accounting of how the government is combating  poorly coordinated with prosecutors, and tend to
              The “11 offenders are accused of committing the  such cases.                                  prosecute abusers as individuals, without looking
              abuse in a coordinated fashion,” according to the                                             at whether even more accomplices were involved.
              report by the civic group Center for The Defense  “A lot of work is being done, all these reprehen-
              of  Children’s  Rights.  Children  were  forced  to  sible, appalling acts that involve the abuse of chil-  “Organizational  links  between  similar  cases  are
              watch adults performing sexual acts or touch or  dren are being combated, it is an ongoing activity,”  impossible to detect if each school is investigated
              abuse other kids. In many cases, the similar use  López Obrador saying he would instruct the ap-  in  an  isolated  manner,”  the  report  says.  “Frag-
              of disguises or specific staging of the abuse sug-  propriate authorities to report on “how children,  mentation guarantees criminal organizations that
              gested a broader pattern.                      the  most  vulnerable  segment  of  the  population  it is technically impossible to detect any partici-
                                                             are being protected from these attacks.”       pation  other  than  the  material  offenders  in  any
              “The cases identified are notably different from                                              given case.”
              the unfortunately numerous cases of child sexual  Some of the cases in which the Center’s lawyers
              abuse  committed  by  individual  teachers  against  have participated have resulted in convictions of  Moreover, many of the victims report there were
              one or more students,” the report states. “These  abusers. For example, in one 2011 case, six school  cameras  present  during  the  abuse,  raising  the
              cases demonstrate patterns of criminal behavior  employees were convicted and received lengthy  possibility  the  abuse  was  being  filmed  or  pho-
              characterized by organized aggressions commit-  prison sentences.                             tographed for later distribution. “We considered
              ted by multiple adults perpetrated in mass scale                                              that  a  possible  hypothesis  of  the  production  of
              within the premises of a given school.”        But the lawyers were struck both by the brazen-  child  pornography  should  be  investigated,”  ac-
                                                             ness of the abusers, and a pattern that seemed to  cording to the report.
              “Evidently  this  situation  raises  questions  as  to  be  repeated  at  other  schools.  For  example,  the
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