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P. 69
Wednesday 20 september 2017 HEALTH
Cleanliness is next to …..
we had a vacuum clean- great practical skills and not properly cared for, and inevitably causes problems
er that had regained its humaneness distinguished based on health statistics; for the colon. Over time,
youthful vigor. him from his contempo- colon health care in devel- the colon loses the ability to
Amazing how everything raries, in 1600 A.D., offered oped countries has been process vital nutrients, ab-
works better when cleaned. the first distinction between woefully neglected. sorb water and to eliminate
I am not even saying re- colon irrigation and the In the United States alone, fecal matter from the body,
paired, just cleaned! The popular enema therapy of over 400 million dollars is a condition commonly
same can be said about that age. We are talking spent annually on laxatives. known as “constipation”,
your body. We clean our about all the true medical Laxatives act as chemical making bowel movements
clothes, our skin, our hous- greats here. irritants and stimulate the infrequent, and difficult.
es, our cars, our floors, but So what is it? Colon hy- muscular walls of the co- With constipation comes
what about our insides? drotherapy is an extended lon to abnormally contract toxicity. Toxins present in
We can clean our large and more complete form to expel the irritating sub- the unhealthy colon can
intestines with a method of an enema. stances. It is very easy to be transported into the cir-
called colon hydrothera- The treatment is designed become dependent upon culatory system and soon
py. Since we introduced to cleanse above the rec- these drugs. The oral route the body may be unable to
this procedure in Aruba tum to the cecum. of administration is the least properly metabolize food
As newlyweds, Phyllis and at Viana Natural Healing The cecum is the first part optimal method of evacu- and fat, or to provide vital
I moved into a new apart- Center we have seen small of the large intestine, locat- ation of the large intestine. energy for living! Colon tox-
ment without the usual do- miracles take place. ed on the lower right side Very important digestive icity can be the underlying
mestic objects. Neighbors, Historically, co- of the abdomen and hav- processes occurring higher cause of many commonly
having purchased a new lon hydrotherapy was a ing a worm-shaped tube up in the alimentary tract reported health problems
vacuum cleaner, donated popular form of treatment branching off called the (stomach and small intes- and may indicate the
their aged, “it does not among physicians in the appendix. Colon hydro- tine) are interfered with. need for colon hydrother-
work very well anymore” 1930’s and 40’s and has therapy involves the gentle Most laxatives dehydrate apy. Symptoms include:
vacuum cleaner. Three been experiencing reap- infusion of warm filtered or force the body to lose Constipation, Backaches,
points motivated me to ac- pearance among natural water into the rectum by important water. Colon Diarrhea, Skin Problems, Dif-
cept this gift. One, wanting physicians. “Colon lavage” the therapist or Natural Phy- hydrotherapy alternately ficult Weight Loss, Insomnia,
to get off on the right foot, was first recorded 1500 sician., using no chemicals fills and empties the colon Hypertension, Headaches,
I did not want to seem un- B.C., in the Ebers Papyrus, or drugs. It is the natural so- and improves the hydra- Arthritis, Bad Breath/Halito-
gracious to new neighbors. which dealt with ancient lution to conditions, which tion status of the patient. A sis, Asthma, Allergies and
Two, we did not have a medical practices. interfere with the normal very good thing, since most this list could go on.
vacuum, so one, even These enemas were de- functions of the colon. The people’s bodies are se- Intestinal cleansing is a
“working well anymore” scribed as the infusion of individual lies on his back, verely lacking water. Addi- therapeutic procedure,
was better than doing it aqueous substances into and water is mechanically tional health statistics tell us which addresses the cause
the “elbow grease” way. the large intestine through infused into and out of the that this year an estimated or source of many of your
And finally, as my buddy the anus. Hippocrates, intestine without any as- 130,000 new cases of co- medical problem. Other
Bob reminds me, I hate the “father” of allopathic sistance on the part of the lon and rectal cancer will measures, especially allo-
throwing anything away; medicine in the fourth and patient. The out flowing be diagnosed in the United pathic drugs, which treat
wanting instead to repair fifth Century B.C. recorded water removes excess gas, States, making it the fourth only the symptoms, will pro-
everything. I grew up in a using enemas as a therapy mucus, infectious material most common form of can- vide only temporary relief.
car dealership; where to for the reduction of fevers. and feces. cer among Americans. Colon hydrotherapy could
repair is noble. In the second Century A.D., So why should a person Good colon health is as clean and dilute the toxin
Soon, the aged vacuum Galen, one of my heroes, consider colonics? An much a function of the load in the large intestine,
cleaner lay in pieces in the also recognized and was unclean, weak and poor- quality of food, based on resulting in a reduced bur-
corner of our sparsely fur- an advocate of the use of ly functioning colon is a our blood type, we eat, den on the liver, allowing
nished living room. Slow- enemas while strongly criti- breeding ground for dis- as it is our elimination sta- the eliminative organs to
ly, lint, hair and dust were cizing his contemporaries ease, sickness and death. tus. The Standard Ameri- function optimally.
removed from electrical for their ignorance, greed, Natural Physicians will tell can/ Aruban Diet (SAD) Colon hydrotherapy could
contacts, hearing shafts, and superficial knowledge you that “old age starts in comprised of refined, pro- also prevent stagnation
and rotors. A family tradi- of the art of medicine. the colon”. cessed foods, high in satu- and minimize the exposure
tion was born. If it doesn’t Also, Pare, the French sur- Serious health problems rated fats, sugar, flour, pre- of carcinogenic agents to
work, clean it. Within days
geon, born in Laval, whose can develop if the colon is servatives and low in fiber, the colon wall. q