Page 5 - AM221024
P. 5
Dialuna, 24 October 2022 AWEMainta Local
Samuel Johnson (Barcelo)
Firmamento dje
Contracto Colectivo
tabata uno lihe
iabierna atardi, a tuma luga e firmamento
D dje Contracto Colectivo entre sindicato FTA
y Barcelo Aruba, pa un duracion di cuater aña.
E gerente general di e
hotel, Samuel Johnson,
a comenta cu e firma-
mento tabata uno
lihe.E mes tin expe-
riencia di e contract PUBLIC AUCTION
anterior. E biaha aki
a firma dentro di e
tempo indica. E tabata T U E S D A Y
bastante simpel pa O C T O B E R 2 5 , 2 0 2 2
maneha, el a splica.
Esey ta nifica cu e On Tuesday, October 25, 2022 at 11am, at the Chamber of Commerce, Aruba, will be auctioned
postura, tanto di e in public (executoriale verkoop) pursuant to art. 3:268 and 3:254 Civil Code of Aruba:
empresa como di e
trahadonan y e sindi- L.G. Smith Boulevard 95/ Palm Beach Plaza Mall
A commercial building situated on four parcels of property land consisting of:
cato tabata hopi mas 1. a parcel of land, in total 1488 m2 in size, situated at L.G. Smith Boulevard in Aruba, recorded in the
Title Registry of Aruba as Second Division Section C number 2800,
cerca e biaha aki. 2. a parcel of land, in total 533 m2 in size, situated at L.G. Smith Boulevard in Aruba, recorded in the
P’e motibo aki, como 3. Title Registry of Aruba as Second Division Section C number 2801,
a parcel of land, in total 14031 m2 in size, situated at L.G. Smith Boulevard in Aruba, recorded in
Barcelo, Johnson kier 4. the Title Registry of Aruba as Second Division Section C number 2802, and
a parcel of land, in total 922 m2 in size, situated at L.G. Smith Boulevard in Aruba, recorded in the
a gradici cu natural- Title Registry of Aruba as Second Division Section C number 2803.
mente cada biaha nan Starting bid: Afl. 21.700.000,00
ta compronde mas y Barcadera 99
p’e futuro di e fami- A right of long lease until 23 July 2053, on
anan cu nan ta repre- 1. a parcel domein land with a measurement of 658 m2, situated at Barcadera in Aruba, recorded in
the Title Registry of Aruba as First Division Section T number 1938;
senta, di e empresa 2. a parcel domein land with a measurement of 2.820 m2, situated at Barcadera in Aruba, recorded in
the Title Registry of Aruba as First Division Section T number 1939.
y p’e sindicatonan cu Starting bid: Afl. T.B.D.
ta traha pa Aruba pa
yega na acuerdo, unda Barcadera z/n
A right of long lease until 30 November 2067, on a parcel domein land with a measurement of 6.831
cu ta bay mas cerca di m2, situated at Barcadera in Aruba, recorded in the Title Registry of Aruba as First Division Section T
number 1298.
e postura di e empre-
sanan hunto cu esun di Starting bid: Afl. 3.500.000,00
·The auction is subject to the general conditions for foreclosure auctions and special auction conditions which
will be determined by civil law notary Th.R. Johnson.
Johnson a felicita ·Seller has the right to not accept any bid, at its sole discretion.
di parti di Barcelo y ·The auction may be stopped or postponed at any time.
·Each bidder must submit a bank guarantee and/or letter of credit issued by a bank in Aruba to the amount of the
kier a manifesta nan highest bid increased with an amount equal to the auction costs.
gradicimento n’e bon ·A signed and dated private bid can be submitted until 9 October , 2022, 5 PM. A bidding form can be
downloaded on our website.
comprondement o
y colaboracion cu For more information visit:
semper tabatin entre e