Page 39 - IN TTC - MY 25 , 2015
P. 39
Monday 25 May 2015
At the Hyatt Regency:
Arion Wine Company hosts Cab and Beef Seminar with Jackson Family Wines
PALM BEACH – Members Participants were wel- Jackson, the Jackson Fam-
of the food and beverage comed with a Galerie Nais- ily vineyards and wineries
industry in Aruba recently sance Sauvignon Blanc, are first and foremost fam-
came together for an en- before a pre-tasting with a ily-owned and operated,
tertaining and enlighten- selection of Jackson Family which was Jess Jackson’s
ing food and wine semi- Wines, including a Kendall- goal, when he entered
nar, hosted by Arion Wine Jackson ‘Vintner’s Reserve’ the wine business three
Company and Jackson Chardonnay, Stonestreet decades ago, wishing to
Family Wines. The seminar, Chardonnay, La Crema create a family enterprise
led by the first female Mas- Pinot Noir and Byron Pi- specializing in handmade
ter Sommelier in Canada, not Noir. It was then on to wines of unmatched char-
Jennifer Huether, focused the ‘meat’ of the seminar, acter. Arion Wine Com-
on pairing different cuts of where the group explored pany is a local wine im-
beef with Cabernet Sauvi- the nuances of pairing porting firm, offering great
gnon Wines. beef with wine, and how wines, teaching seminars,
the full-bodied nature of organizing tastings and
the Cabernet Sauvignon educating those working
stands up perfectly to a in the hospitality sector.
hearty steak. Cuts of Ri- Arion Wine Company rep-
beye and Filet Mignon resents some of the world’s
were served, paired with a most outstanding wineries
Kendall-Jackson ‘Vintner’s in Aruba.
Reserve’ Cabernet Sauvi- Photos show members of
gnon, 2005 Freemark Ab- the food and beverage
bey Sycamore Vineyard industry, enjoying the Cab
Cabernet Sauvignon and and Beef Seminar led by
the Stonestreet Cabernet Jackson Family Wines’
Sauvignon. Master Sommelier Jennifer
Founded in 1982 by Jess Huether. q