Page 40 - IN TTC - MY 25 , 2015
P. 40

                                                         Monday 25 May 2015

Loyal Visitors Honored at the Renaissance Ocean Suites

PALM BEACH - Recently           guests who visit Aruba for  friendly people, the weath-
the Aruba Tourism Author-       20-to-34 and 35-or-more     er, the beaches and the
ity had the great pleasure      consecutive years.          restaurants, and because
of honoring two very nice       The honorees were Mr.       being on Aruba and stay-
couples who are loyal and       Randy and Mrs. Vita Anne    ing at the Renaissance
friendly visitors of Aruba, at  Damico from North Bell-     Ocean Suites is paradise
the Renaissance Ocean           more, New York, and Mr.     for them!
Suites as Ambassadors of        Richard and Mrs. Doro-      The certificates were pre-
Goodwill and Emerald Am-        thy Lemerise from Everett,  sented by Mr. Ernest Giel
bassadors.                      Massachusetts. The honor-   representing the Aruba
The symbolic honorary titles    ees are loyal members of    Tourism Authority together
are presented in the name       the Renaissance Ocean       with Mr. Tino Daal repre-
of the Minister of Tourism as   Suites and they love Aruba  senting the Renaissance
a token of appreciation to      very much because of the    Ocean Suites.q
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