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                Thursday 17 OcTOber 2024
            New UK bill aims to legalize assisted dying for people who are

            terminally ill

            By MARIA CHENG                                                                                                      of  Parliament,  saying  “all
            AP Medical Writer                                                                                                   we are asking for is the right
            LONDON  (AP)  —  A  new                                                                                             to choose.” Rantzen said in
            bill  aiming  to  legalize  as-                                                                                     the absence of a legal way
            sisted  dying  in  Britain  was                                                                                     to end her life in Britain, she
            introduced  in  Parliament                                                                                          plans  to  travel  to  Switzer-
            on    Wednesday,     mark-                                                                                          land,  where  assisted  sui-
            ing  the  first  time  in  nearly                                                                                   cide is legal for foreigners.
            a  decade  that  the  House                                                                                         Opponents  of  assisted  dy-
            of  Commons  will  debate                                                                                           ing,  however,  say  there  is
            allowing  doctors  to  help                                                                                         no way to change the law
            end  people’s  lives  after                                                                                         without  endangering  vul-
            previous  court  challenges                                                                                         nerable people, according
            to change a legal blanket                                                                                           to actress Liz Carr, a disabil-
            ban failed.                                                                                                         ity rights campaigner.
            Labour politician Kim Lead-                                                                                         Assisted suicide  where pa-
            beater read out the name                                                                                            tients  take  a  lethal  drink
            of  the  bill  in  the  House  of                                                                                   prescribed  by  a  doctor  is
            Commons,  formally  start-                                                                                          legal  in  Australia,  Belgium,
            ing it on its journey through                                                                                       Canada, Luxembourg, the
            Parliament.  The  bill  grants                                                                                      Netherlands, New Zealand,
            terminally ill people in Eng-                                                                                       Portugal, Spain, Switzerland
            land  and  Wales  a  way  to                                                                                        and  parts  of  the  U.S.,  with
            allow  physicians  to  help   A small demonstration by people advocating assisted dying hold a protest outside the Hoses of   regulations  on  qualifying
            them die, although the de-   Parliament as a bill to legalise assisted dying is to be put before lawmakers in London, England,   criteria  varying  by  jurisdic-
                                         Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2024.
            tails won’t be released until                                                                      Associated Press  tion.
            later  in  the  month,  ahead                                                                                       Naomi Richards, an anthro-
            of its first substantial debate  ple or those with mental ill-  morning.  Leadbeater’s  bill  House  of  Lords  restricts  as-  pologist at the University of
            and a Parliamentary vote.    ness who are not terminally  is likely to be similar to one  sisted dying to adults with six  Glasgow  who  specializes
            Prime  Minister  Keir  Starmer  ill  being  pressured  to  end  introduced  in  the  House  or fewer months to live and  in  death  and  dying,  said
            has promised that lawmak-    their lives,” Leadbeater said  of  Lords  earlier  this  year  requires  permission  from  the number of people who
            ers will have a “free vote,”  in a statement. She said it is  that  has  made  only  slow  the  High  Court  after  hav-  might make use of assisted
            meaning  they  will  not  be  “important that we get the  progress.  The  unelected  ing  a  declaration  signed  dying, if legalized in Britain,
            obliged to vote along party  legislation  right,  with  the  House of Lords studies and  by  two  doctors,  among  would be fairly limited, un-
            lines.  Starmer  supported  a  necessary  protections  and  amends  legislation  passed  other  criteria.Esther  Rant-  less  the  public  pushed  for
            2015 assisted dying bill and  safeguards in place.”       by  the  elected  House  of  zen, the founder of a British  wider  access.”These  are
            has said “there are grounds  Small  groups  of  protest-  Commons.  While  bills  can  children’s  charity  who  has  questions that in a democ-
            for changing the law.”       ers    both  for  and  against  originate in the Lords, they  advanced  lung  cancer,  racy will only be answered
            “There  is  absolutely  no  the  bill    gathered  outside  rarely become law.         encouraged  people  to  further down the road,” she
            question  of  disabled  peo-  Parliament  on  Wednesday  The  bill  introduced  in  the  write to their local member  said.q

            Zimbabwe to compensate white farmers who lost land in seizures

            20 years ago

            By FARAI MUTSAKA             ern  African  nation  gained  government approved 441  lion, will be paid in cash to  cluded beatings and rape,
            Associated Press             independence  from  white  applications  for  compen-     local farmers who lost land.  according to Human Rights
            HARARE, Zimbabwe (AP) —  minority rule in 1980.           sation  worth  $351.6  million  The  balance,  Ncube  said,  Watch.  The  seizures  badly
            Zimbabwe says it will com-   Finance    Minister   Mthu-  from  local  white  farmers  will be paid through the is-  impacted     commercial
            pensate  local  and  foreign  li   Ncube    announced  and  94  applications  from  suance of treasury bonds.       farming,  forcing  a  coun-
            white farmers who lost land  Wednesday  at  a  meet-      foreigners worth $196.6 mil-  Foreigners   will   receive  try that was a key regional
            and property more than 20  ing  with  diplomats  that  his  lion, but only 1%, or $3.5 mil-  an  initial  $20  million  to  be  food producer and export-
            years  ago  in  farm  seizures                                                         shared equally among the  er to rely on assistance from
            meant  to  redress  some  of                                                           94  claimants  from  Den-    donors.
            the wrongs of colonialism.                                                             mark,  Germany,  Nether-     Zimbabwe’s      agriculture
            About  4,000  white  farm-                                                             lands, Switzerland and sev-  sector  has  rebounded  in
            ers  lost  their  homes  and                                                           eral countries in eastern Eu-  recent  years,  but  recent
            swathes  of  land  when  the                                                           rope, he said.               droughts are now the main
            Black-majority    country’s                                                            White  farmers  who  owned  challenge. The compensa-
            then-president,     Robert                                                             the majority of prime farm-  tion  for  the  local  farmers
            Mugabe,  launched  the                                                                 land  were  removed  from  is  not  for  the  land    which
            often-chaotic    redistribu-                                                           their  farms,  often  forcibly  Mugabe’s   government
            tion program in 2000, which                                                            by violent mobs led by vet-  said had been seized from
            turned  violent  at  times.                                                            erans of the country’s 1970s  Zimbabwe’s  Black  majority
            Mugabe, who died in 2019,    Zimbabwe  farm  squatters  burn  a  field  of  standing  crops  at   independence  war.  Some  under  colonialism    but  for
            said  it  was  aimed  at  ad-  Chirobi Farm, about 43 miles (70 kms) north of Harare, Saturday   farmers  and  their  workers  infrastructure such as build-
            dressing  colonial-era  land   Nov. 11, 2000.                                          died  or  were  seriously  in-  ings,  wells  and  irrigation
            inequities  after  the  south-                                        Associated Press  jured in the violence that in-  equipment. q
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