Page 7 - AHATA
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                                                                                                           LOCAL Thursday 17 OcTOber 2024

                                         Another Treasure of Aruba’s Beaches: Sea Glass!

                                         in the water long enough is   and  clear  glass  which  are  Even if we didn’t mean to  working at the airport have
                                         “Sea glass.                  the  soft  much  loved  “soft  pollute the Beaches how we  no problem you taking sea
                                                                      drink” bottles.              did, it is inspiring to see just  glass home. A few of those
                                         The colorful pieces of glass                              how the earth can correct  pieces make great souvenirs.
                                         are being used for decora-   If you like to see the sea glass  our mistakes.           You  can  place  them  in  a
                                         tion, handcrafts and jewelry!  for yourself, and be in awe of                          wine glass or large bottle for
                                         Once  glass  makes  its  way   the power of nature,  rent a  Funny,  how  trash  can  decoration and every time
                                         into the ocean, the glass is   car or jeep and go explore  change into treasures!      you look at it a smile will light
                                         broken up into shards and is   our  deserted  beaches  on  Everybody  knows  that  you  up your face thinking back
                                         tumbled around in the wa-    the north  side of the island.  are not allowed to take local  of your unforgettable Aruba
                                         ter, where sand and other    Make it a fun family day!    shells home, but the people  vacation! q
                                         rocks act like sandpaper to
                                         smooth out its rough edges.
                                         Sometimes as the sea glass
            NOORD - It is hard to imag-  is passed through fire, it be-  Aruba to me
            ine this happening today, but  comes fire glass, the rarest of
            years ago people dumped  sea glass with certain inclu-      ORANJESTAD  —  You  are  back  and  we
            all  kinds  of  refuse  straight  sions, just like precious gems.  would like to portrait you! By inviting you
            into  the  ocean,  including                                to send us your favorite vacation picture
            old cars, and their household  For  years,  the  water  beat   while enjoying our Happy Island.
            garbage, which of course in-  against the different kinds of
            cluded lots of glass. Over the  trash being dumped. Glass,   Complete  the  sentence:  Aruba  to  me  is
            next 30 years the pounding  household appliances and        ……. Send your picture with that text (in-
            waves cleaned the beach,  even motor parts were dis-        cluding  your  name  and  where  you  are
            by  breaking  down  every-   carded on the beach. The       from) to: and we
            thing but glass and pottery.  waves and weather condi-      will  publish  your  vacation  memory.  Isn’t
            The pounding waves washed  tions wore down   the over-      that a special way to keep your best mo-
            the trash up and down, back  whelming  amount  of  gar-     ments alive? Please do note: By submitting
            and forth. Tons of polished,  bage in the water, creating   photos,  text  or  any  other  materials,  you
            broken  glass  pieces  were  millions of beautiful smooth   give permission to The Aruba Today News-
            created  by  the  pounding  rocks.                          paper, Caribbean Speed Printers and any
            surf.  These  smoothened,                                   of its affiliated companies to use said ma-
            colored glass particles then   It’s hard to believe the short-  terials, as well as names, likeness, etc. for  loved the island so much that they re-
            settled along the sea shore in  sighted  mistakes  we  were   promotional purposes without compensa-  turned to celebrate their wedding an-
            millions, and that is why you  making that could have po-   tion.                                     niversary in October of 1989 when they
            can find these beautiful and  tentially ruined these beauti-  Last but not least: check out our website,  purchased time sharing at the luxurious
            colorful pieces on the north  ful  beaches.  But  thanks  to   Instagram  and  Facebook  page!  Thank  Amsterdam Manor where construction
            shore beaches of Aruba.      natural processes, the ocean   you for supporting our free newspaper, we  was nearly completed at the time.
                                         transformed  the  trash  into   strive to make you a happy reader every
            Especially  on  the  strip  on  the sea glass.              day again.                                We fell in love with the Island and his
            white  sand  between  the  Each  colored  gem  on  the      For today we received a lovely message  people and of course the weather and
            famous Natural Bridge” and  beach has its own story.        from Ron and Maria Itri of Boston Massa-  the beautiful architecture and location
            the huge red anchor close                                   chusetts  USA  who  are  shown  arriving  in  of  Amsterdam  Manor.  And  we  have
            to “Grapefield” beach you  The  ruby  red  glass  stones    Aruba in October of 1990.                 been returning every year to celebrate
            will be able to find your own  are  typically  from  old  car   They wrote to us saying: “Photo was taken  our anniversary with the exception of 2
            pieces of sea glass. The sea  tail-lights.                  at Aruba Airport where they were greeted  years during the pandemic.We consid-
            glass that was created is the                               by  Native  Arubans  and  presented  with  er Aruba our second home and hope
            product of a very long and  Then,  the  sapphire  rocks     flowers as they disembarked from the air-  to come back for many more years to
            interesting  process.  It  can  are  the  remnants  of  bro-  liner which was traditional way of greeting  come if God Allows.”
            take  anywhere  from  10  to  ken  apothecary  bottles.     vacationers to Aruba during the 1990's.
            30 years to make sea glass.  The most common and the                                                  Thank you for sending us this wonderful
            The name for any piece of  easiest to find are the brown    Ron  and  Maria  first  came  to  Aruba  on  message sharing what Aruba means to
            glass that finds its way to the  (Amstel & Polar beer), green   their honeymoon in October of 1988 and  you with us and our readers!q
            ocean and tumbles around  (Heineken  &  Balashi  beer)
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