Page 2 - WEB 22 OCT 2015
P. 2
Thursday 22 October 2015
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The Green Aruba VI Final Agenda Announced!
for our utility companies, and will present their ap- ba also exhibits the experi-
all in conjunction with our proach and concept at ences and knowledge of
RAS framework, to create the upcoming conference. other institutions and island
a balance between Reli- The ARIS will provide mod- nations in this field. Over the
able and Sustainable in- els that map out the road past six years, Green Aruba
vestments. This balancing forward towards Aruba’s has evolved into a prac-
act will only be achievable aspiring renewable energy tical and valuable well-
if energy production costs goals, while maintaining known platform within the
remain Affordable for the grid reliability and minimiz- region for the exchange
customer base. ing overall system costs, of information and applied
Local utility stakeholders and can serve as a pro- knowledge on sustainable
together with foreign re- totype or starting point for and best practices for the
nowned institutions are pre- fellow island nations.Green shift to cleaner, more envi-
paring for this dive known Aruba is an annual confer- ronmentally friendly energy
as the Aruba Renewable
Integration Study (ARIS),
PALM BEACH - The Green Aruba has made remark- ence born in 2010 with the sources and resources.
Aruba VI final agenda has able progress over the specific aim to place dedi- Green Aruba VI will be clos-
been announced, and years in the penetration cated emphasis on Aruba’s ing registration soon. If you
the lineup of speakers and level of renewables and/ energy transition to 100% are planning to attend, reg-
events promises to be both or efficiency at production fuel independence. Be- ister as soon as possible! For
insightful and outstanding! level, with in 2015 reach- sides showcasing Aruba’s registration and any other
At this year’s Green Aruba ing close to the 20% mark. progress and challenges to information please visit
conference, to be held With the ongoing and up- the accelerated penetra- the website www.greena-
October 27th and 28th at coming planned projects tion of renewables in the to- or contact: info@
the Aruba Marriott Resort operational by the end of tal energy mix, Green Aru-
& Stellaris Casino, the main 2017, the 40% barrier will be
theme will focus on sharing surpassed by 2018!
sustainability by together With our goal to reach
confronting the common 100% fuel free energy pro-
barriers we face, identi- duction by 2020, and in
fying the solutions mov- order to surpass the 40%
ing forward and creating level, it is fundamental to
the essential roadmaps to embark on a “deep dive”
achieve our desired growth into our existing energy
paths of the sustainability mix. Aruba is examining
journey for our island na- cutting-edge technologies
tions. and new business models