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                                                                                                           LOCAL Tuesday 23 april 2024

            Earth Day forum:

             Aruba has big plans for the conservation of its climate and nature!

            The  second  edition  of
            the  Earth  Day  Forum  took
            place  yesterday  morning
            at  the  Hilton  Hotel,  where
            this  year's  theme  was  "Cli-
            mate  Resilience"  and  was
            organized by the Ministry of
            Transportation,   Infrastruc-
            ture,  Environment,  and  Se-
            nior  Affairs,  where  various
            interest groups presented to
            hold discussions on climate

            Last  year,  as  Minister  Ursell
            Arends explained, they cel-
            ebrated  this  day  on  "Na-
            ture's Right" day, where they
            presented the concept of a
            law on the same day, and
            this year they presented the
            National Climate Resilience
            Council,  which  is  the  plat-
            form  that  will  address  how
            Aruba needs to prepare for   Vulnerability  Index  Assess-  at  the  last  United  Nations  fects each of us, and we all  Aruba before the end of the
            climate change in both the   ment  (CORVI),  which  will  Climate  Change  Confer-     need to be prepared to see  year. "This is what we have
            short  and  long  term,  and   provide more than 100 indi-  ence (COP) where Aruba is  how we will address climate  achieved  since  last  year's
            that's  what  was  presented   cators and also 3,000 data  the champion for the entire  change on our island," Min-  first edition of the Earth Day
            yesterday.                   points on how to deal with  Caribbean region." He said.   ister Arends assured.        Forum until now, certainly a
            It  was  also  reported  that   climate  change.  "Aruba  Furthermore, it was brought                               one-year trajectory, but this
            his  ministry,  together  with   needs to prepare itself, and  forward that "we have tak-  Also,  he  pointed  out  that  is  the  first  time  we  are  go-
            that  of  Communication,     apart from that, a partner-  en  a  national  approach,  last Sunday the public con-   ing to make changes to our
            Economic  Affairs,  and  Sus-  ship  was  announced  with  this is not only the govern-  sultation on Nature's Rights  Constitution, and I believe it
            tainable  Development  of    the  International  Panel  on  ment's  task  but  a  shared  law ended, and now it has  is appropriate to involve the
            Geoffrey  Wever,  and  13    Deltas, Coastal Areas, and  responsibility,   with   both  to continue its path where  entire  community  so  that
            partners  in  the  community   Islands  (IPDC),  a  platform  the  private  sector  as  well  they  need  to  work  on  the  they  know  what  the  con-
            are financing a study con-   launched  by  the  Minister  as  NGOs,  academia,  and  final concept so that it can  tent  of  the  law  is,  but  also
            ducted  by  an  American     of  Infrastructure  and  Wa-  the  public  sector  coming  be  sent  to  the  Advisory  to give their input on what
            institute, which will conduct   ter  Management  of  the  together  so  that  we  can  Council  and  then  it  can  they want to see in the law,"
            a Climate and Ocean Risk     Netherlands,  Mark  Harber,  address  this  issue  as  it  af-  reach  the  Parliament  of  he concluded.q

            Aruba Tourism Authority honored loyal visitors at Playa Linda Beach Resort!

            The  Aruba  Tourism  Authority  re-                                     The three honoring levels are as fol-  thanked them for choosing Aruba
            cently  had  the  great  pleasure  of  The honor certification is presented  lows:                          as  their  best-loved  vacation  des-
            recognizing    Goodwill   Ambas-    on behalf of the Minister of Tourism  •   Distinguished  Visitor  (10>years  tination, as their home away from
            sadors  of  Aruba.  These  honorees  as a token of appreciation and to      consecutively visiting Aruba)   home.
            were  respectively  honored  with  a  say “Masha Danki” to guests who  •    Goodwill          Ambassador
            certificate  acknowledging  their  have  visited  Aruba  10,  20,  or  35   (20>years consecutively visiting  Top reasons for returning to Aruba
            years of visits, loyalty, and love for  years or more consecutively.        Aruba)                          provided by the honorees were:
            the island of Aruba.                                                    •   Emerald           Ambassador  •     Aruba’s beautiful people.
                                                                                        (35>years consecutively visiting  •   Aruba’s wonderful weather.
                                                                                        Aruba)                          •   Aruba´s sun, sand and sea.
                                                                                                                        •   “Spending time with family”.
                                                                                    The honorees were:                  •   “Spending time with friends”.
                                                                                    Goodwill Ambassadors                •   Aruba’s  delicious  clean  drink-
                                                                                    Mr.  Colin  &  Mrs.  Leslie  Holbrown   ing water.
                                                                                    from Toronto, Canada.               •   Aruba’s fabulous restaurants.
                                                                                    Mr.  Allan  &  Mrs.  Sharon  Hopkirk  •   “The feeling of safety”.
                                                                                    from Toronto, Canada.               •   “Direct  flights  from  Toronto
                                                                                    Mr.  Douglas  Rosser  &  Ms.  Susan     makes it amazing”.
                                                                                    Munro from Toronto, Canada.         •   “Lovely  resort  for  families  and
                                                                                    Mr.  Jorgino  Willems  represent-
                                                                                    ing  the  Aruba  Tourism  Authority,  On behalf of the Aruba Tourism Au-
                                                                                    and staff members of Playa Linda  thority, we would like to express our
                                                                                    Beach  Resort  bestowed  the  cer-  sincere gratitude and appreciation
                                                                                    tificate to the honorees, presented  to the honorees for their continued
                                                                                    them  with  memorable  gifts,  and  visits to the “One Happy Island”.q
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