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P. 8
LOCAL Tuesday 23 april 2024
Interactive exhibition presents the history of corals in the Dutch Caribbean
WWF-NL launched an online photos and videos from their
exhibition on the history of cor- personal collection, ranging
als in the Dutch Caribbean. from old to recent footage.
Through a story map, visitors WWF-NL invites organizations
can engage interactively to and individuals to continue
learn more about the region, submitting imagery from all six
its reefs, their value, and what's islands via
threatening them. It is also de- The online exhibition ‘Historic
scribed how individuals and Healthy coral reef. Credit: Reefs of the Dutch Caribbe-
governments can contribute Casper Douma an’ is a collection that will be
to the protection of coral reefs. Diver in Fuikbaai, Curaçao in protect corals. Coral disease. Credit: Ellen regularly updated with new
1955. Credit: Willem van de Many conservation activities Muller information and imagery.q
Poll, National Archive/ Photo
Coral reefs have highest collection van de Poll A few of the conservation proj- are also essential grazers of
biodiversity ects that are included in the reefs. Furthermore, WWF-NL
It is widely known that corals wastewater pollution. exhibition are the work from shares easy tips for coral pro-
provide food, income and pro- Corals: then and now Reef Renewal Bonaire, Reef tection such as: don’t touch
tection to inhabitants of the WWF-NL created an online Renewal Curaçao, Turning the coral or feed animals, use reef-
Dutch Caribbean. The coral collection of information and Tide in Aruba and Intellireefs friendly sunscreen and avoid
reef is a complex ecosystem imagery in a simple, clear and in St. Maarten. Also included using single-use plastics.
that is believed to have the interactive way for teenag- are the sea urchin restoration Share your imagery
highest biodiversity of any ers and adults. This exhibition projects in St. Eustatius and The online story map was
ecosystem on the planet. highlights how the reefs have Saba, and RoffaReefs in Bo- made possible with the valu-
Unfortunately, Dutch Carib- changed over the years, the naire. The goal of RoffaReefs able contribution of scientists,
bean reefs have lost significant several threats that corals are is to collect eggs and breed universities and nature orga- Restauration work of Reef
area coverage and biodi- facing, what is currently being selected fish species that are nizations that provided aca- Renewal Bonaire. Credit:
versity due to many threats done to protect them and important for maintaining the demic information and imag- Reef Renewal Bonaire
such as climate change and what each person can do to health of corals. Sea urchins ery. Local citizens also shared
Aruba to me
ORANJESTAD — You are back and website, Instagram and Facebook
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vacation picture while enjoying our you a happy reader every day
Happy Island. again.
For today we received a lovely
Complete the sentence: Aruba to message from our awesome visitor
me is ……. Send your picture with Brenda Carpenter from South Burl-
that text (including your name and ington, Vermont, USA.
where you are from) to: news@aru- and we will publish She wrote to us saying: “Aruba to
your vacation memory. Isn’t that a me is family. My beautiful 85 year
special way to keep your best mo- old mom also known as “Mamma
ments alive? Please do note: By Linda” to our family and I have
submitting photos, text or any other stayed in touch with on the island
materials, you give permission to ( Manchebo beach Resort family
The Aruba Today Newspaper, Ca- and our fabulous tour guide Ray
ribbean Speed Printers and any of Croes).”
its affiliated companies to use said
materials, as well as names, like- Thank you for sending us this won-
ness, etc. for promotional purposes derful message sharing what Aru-
without compensation. ba means to you with us and our
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