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                   Monday 20 January 2020
            SETAR Complete


            ORANJESTAD — SETAR introduces their new-
            est package especially for seniors named
            ‘SETAR Complete 60+’ which includes an in-
            crease  in  free  minutes  for  fixed  telephone

            Recently,  SETAR  launched  their  newest
            package  SETAR  Complete  60+.  The  pack-
            age  offers  very  attractive  rates  for  senior
            clients  at  the  age  of  60  years  and  older.   For  more  information  check  out  the  website  interested to apply for the service must pass by
            The  beneficial  package  consists  of  three or call +297 525-1700. Clients 60+  any Setar Teleshop or Setar Store.  q
            services  which  are:  fixed  telephone  line,
            cable and internet. Clients 60+ can choose
            between two packages: the Startup Plan or      Aruba Monuments Guide
            the Premium Plan. With the choice of one of
            these packages the client will receive addi-
            tional free minutes to fixed phone lines, more   ORANJESTAD  —  Aruba!  Everyone
            TV  channels  to  choose  from  and  a  higher   knows  this  tropical  island  in  the  sun
            internet speeds of 170 to 250 Mbs. All these   with  pearly  white  beaches  and  palm
            great services for one price. The additional   trees  swaying  in  the  trade  winds.  But
            free minutes and also the use of both pack-    there’s more to Aruba than this. It has
            ages has been increased. The free minutes      a fascinating history, a diverse culture
            can be used anytime during the day.            and a rich architecture.

                                                                                                   Traces  can  still  be  found  of  the  original  indigenous
                                                                                                   inhabitants,  and  of  the  gold  industry  and  aloe
                                                                                                   plantations.  The  islands  architectural  heritage  includes
                                                                                                   historic  churches,  a  fort  and  a  lighthouse.  And  you  will
                                                                                                   come  across  the  islands  characteristic  cunucu  houses
                                                                                                   wherever  you  go.  The  Aruba  Monuments  Guide  guide
                                                                                                   will  lead  you  through  this  wonderful  cultural  heritage
                                                                                                   along three routes: one driving route around the entire
                                                                                                   island, and two walking routes in the cities of Oranjestad
                                                                                                   and San Nicolas. You will discover places known only to
                                                                                                   insiders. And of course this guide also provides historical
                                                                                                   backgrounds and practical information. Check out the
                                                                                                   local book stores or pay a visit to the Monuments Funds
                                                                                                   (Facebook  page:  Stichting  Monumenten  Fonds  Aruba)
                                                                                                   to get your copy. q
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