Page 18 - AHATA
P. 18

LOCAL           Monday 20 January 2020



              Column by: Shanella Pantophlet
              Updating traditions

              ORANJESTAD — If there is
              one thing I can think of a
              constant  throughout  my
              life has always been fire-
              works on December 31st.
              Two days after Christmas
              the  firework  shops  open
              and sell as much as they
              can  until  the  31st.  While
              individuals spend a good
              chunk of money on their
              personal  fireworks,  the
              kings  have  got  to  be
              companies  in  order  to
              close  out  their  year.  At
              12pm  on  the  last  work
              day  of  the  year  every
              company  sets  off  their
              “pagara”  to  signify  the
              end of the old year and
              welcome in a new one.

              Over the last few years however this and many  It’s a good effort, but still has a lot of room to  the road. These are all small steps in the right
              other practices have been looked at from the  grow. In the same way the government is en-     direction.
              perspective  of  their  potential  hazard  to  the  couraging citizens to do their part to protect  One thing I never thought I’d see come to an
              environment.  Climate  change  is  something  our  local  flora  and  fauna,  so  are  hotels.  Our  end however, was the end of the year “paga-
              that  a  lot  of  vacation  destinations,  including  businesses contribute quite a bit to the overall  ra”, but this last year nine hotels that usually do
              Aruba,  are  actively  fighting  against.  In  order  carbon footprint, but we are trying to do our  this all decided not to participate in the tradi-
              to protect our wildlife, beaches and coral the  part.                                         tion this year. It caused a stir among employ-
              government of Aruba has put in place bans  Most hotels have green initiatives or goals to  ees,  especially  those  of  a  more  superstitious
              on all single use foam and plastics along with  reduce  their  negative  impact.  We  make  re-  nature, but once explained the reasons why
              banning certain types of sunblock. A measure  usable shopping bags available, place more  this practice was being stopped, just like the
              that was met with full support island wide and  water coolers with bottle fillers to encourage  plastic bag ban it gained quick acceptance.
              made  reusable  shopping  bags  the  ultimate  using a bottle instead of a cup. Others have  The best thing to come out of all this is that the
              gift to get once the rules went into effect.   solar panels or electric company cars. We use  money  saved  on  the  fireworks  was  donated
              The government is trying if a little misguided, I  local plants, which require less watering, in our  to various nonprofits, who are focused on pro-
              mean we may have stopped using single use  landscaping.                                       tecting Aruba’s coral reefs and conserving our
              plastic straws, cups and plates, but go into ev-  During off property company events carpool-  local wildlife. In the meantime we have an en-
              ery supermarket and take note of how many  ing is encouraged or a bus is hired to transport  tire year to discover and plan for more envi-
              products you take home that are still in plastic.  employees to reduce the amount of cars on  ronmentally friendly celebrations.q

                                                                                 Aruban born and bred Shanella Pantophlet is passionate about tour-
                                                                                 ism. That is the world she studied and works in, so we might as well call
                                                                                 her a specialist. Luckily for Aruba Today Shanella also loves to write.
                                                                                 And together with the fact that the majority of our readers are tourists,
                                                                                 we found ourselves a perfect combination for a column: Hotel Hustle.
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