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                                                                                                       sports Diabierna 15 OctOber 2021

                        With fans back, NBA reiterates need for appropriate behavior

            (AP)  —  At  Miami’s  first
            preseason  game  of  the
            year,  something  caught
            Heat  coach  Erik  Spoels-
            tra’s attention as he stood
            in his customary spot be-
            tween  his  team’s  bench
            and the scorer’s table.

            Fans, he noticed, were just a
            couple feet away again.
            “Front-row  seats  that  were
            filled,”  Spoelstra  said.  “We
            haven’t  had  that  for  a  year
            and a half.”

            It’s  a  welcome  sign  toward
            a  return  to  normalcy.  The
            NBA is welcoming their fans
            back -- with hopes everyone
            plays by the rules again.

            The  league  is  expecting  full
            arenas when the season starts  “Certainly,  deterrence  is  a  last season started with emp-                        there rooting for their team.
            next  week,  and  keeping  ev-  goal,”  said  Elizabeth  Mar-  ty buildings, and most cities  “Fans  have  got  to  grow  up  But when it crosses the line
            eryone  —  fans,  players  and  inger, a senior vice president  didn’t have anything close to  at  some  point,”  Brooklyn’s  and  becomes  a  criminal  of-
            coaches  —  safe  remains  an  and assistant general counsel  full  arenas  for  games  again  Kevin  Durant  said  after  the  fense,  that  changes  the  dy-
            utmost  priority.  Mindful  of  for  the  NBA.  “It  absolutely  until  the  playoffs  last  spring  bottle  was  thrown  at  Irving.  namic ... so to be able to put
            high-profile incidents of un-  is  a  goal.  It’s  why  we  have  and  summer.  It  was  during  “I  know  that  being  in  the  the NBA in contact with the
            ruly  fan  behavior  in  recent  signage, it’s why we post our  the playoffs when Irving was  house  for  a  year  and  a  half  right people in each jurisdic-
            years,  the  league  has  part-  fan code of conduct, it’s why  struck and  someone spit to-  with the pandemic has got a  tion, I think is very important
            nered with the National Dis-  we  make  public-address  an-  ward Young.               lot of people on edge, has got  and  you  need  that  ground-
            trict  Attorneys  Association  nouncements  about  behav-                              a  lot  of  people  stressed  out.  work done before an incident
            to  connect  franchises  with  ior.  We  want  to  discourage  “Imagine if a stranger showed  But when you come to these  happens.”
            prosecutors who can serve as  anyone  who’s  thinking  of  up  at  your  job  and  threw  a  games  you’ve  got  to  realize:
            points of contact with teams  doing something from doing  water  bottle  at  your  head,”  These men are human. We’re  The  ongoing  pandemic  has
            when misconduct occurs.      it, particularly if it’s going to  Suffolk  County  District  At-  not animals. We’re not in the  added an extra layer of com-
                                         cross  the  line  into  criminal  torney  Rachael  Rollins  said  circus.”             plexity to the safety and be-
            The hope is simple, that any  behavior.”                  when  charges  were  brought                              havior  issue,  in  that  some
            fan who decides to be unruly                              against  Cole  Buckley,  who  The  NDAA  has  partnered  arenas  are  requiring  fans  to
            understands  that,  if  caught,  The  NBA  met  with  players  allegedly  threw  the  bottle  at  with  sports  organizations  in  be vaccinated or show proof
            consequences  will  be  swift  in  the  summer  of  2019  and  Irving.  “We  have  mandated  the  past.  The  group’s  presi-  of  negative  tests  —  and  the
            and  severe,  as  was  the  case  emerged  from  those  talks  civility and sportsmanship in  dent,  Billy  West,  knows  all  NBA, in all arenas, is requir-
            in last season’s playoffs when  with a renewed focus on en-  all youth sports, yet condone  about  how  fans  can  be  pas-  ing  face  coverings  for  those
            Brooklyn’s  Kyrie  Irving  had  suring  safety  after  incidents  profanity-laced  chants  and  a  sionate;  he  went  to  North  fans in sections within close
            a  bottle  thrown  at  his  head  such  as  Russell  Westbrook  ‘Shut Up and Dribble’ men-  Carolina  State,  where  he  proximity  to  the  court  ex-
            in Boston and Atlanta’s Trae  being  subjected  to  racist  tality for certain professional  played golf and got to experi-  cept when actively eating  or
            Young  was  spit  at  in  New  taunts in Salt Lake City — he  sports  and  athletes?  There  ence first-hand how raucous  drinking.  Some  arenas  are
            York.  In  both  cases,  the  of-  also had popcorn dumped on  is  a  growing  and  disturbing  basketball  arenas  can  be  in  also  mandating  that  all  fans,
            fending  fan  was  found  and  him in Philadelphia last sea-  trend in the NBA of players  the  Atlantic  Coast  Confer-  no matter where they’re seat-
            banned from those respective  son  —  and  Kyle  Lowry  be-  being physically and verbally  ence.                   ed, wear masks.
            arenas; charges were filed in  ing  shoved  during  an  NBA  assaulted  with  profanity  and
            the Boston case as well. And  Finals game at Golden State  blatantly  racist  statements.  “I’m from the home of col-  Spoelstra  said  it  hasn’t  been
            those weren’t the only cases  by a minority partner in the  That  behavior  is  completely  lege  basketball  and  I’m  very  awkward having fans back in
            last spring, either.         Warriors’ ownership group.   unacceptable.”               passionate,  but  there  is  a  their old spots.
                                                                                                   line  that  doesn’t  need  to  be
            With fans back, NBA reiter-  The  pandemic  hit  a  few  Players  have  been  echoing  crossed,”  West  said.  “We’re  “It felt the way it used to feel,
            ates need for appropriate be-  months  later.  The  2019-20  that sentiment for some time  not  looking  to  try  to  prose-  even with people looking in
            havior.                      season resumed with no fans,  now.                        cute the passionate fan that is  on the huddle,” he said. “It’s

                            Cardinals fire Mike Shildt over ‘philosophical differences’

                                                                      (AP) - The Cardinals fired  “philosophical  differences.”  year, and advanced to the NL
                                                                      manager Mike Shildt over  He did point out that Shildt  Championship  Series  before
                                                                      philosophical  differences  was  heading  into  the  final  getting swept by the Nation-
                                                                      within  the  organization  year  of  his  contract  but  that  als.
                                                                      Thursday,  just  one  week  it  wasn’t  the  sole  reason  for
                                                                      after  St.  Louis  lost  to  the  parting ways.           The  Cardinals  went  30-28
                                                                      Los  Angeles  Dodgers  in                                 during  the  pandemic-short-
                                                                      the National League wild-    Shildt replaced current Roy-  ened 2020 season, losing the
                                                                      card game.                   als  manager  Mike  Matheny  wild-card game, before using
                                                                                                   on  an  interim  basis  in  Au-  a  franchise-record  17-game
                                                                      Cardinals  president  John  gust 2018, then took over the  winning  streak  to  reach  the
                                                                      Mozeliak said the firing was  permanent job the following  wild-card  game  again  this
                                                                      “something  that  popped  up  season.  The  Cardinals  won  season.
                                                                      recently,”  but  he  declined  91 games that season, earning
                                                                      to expand on what he called  Shildt the NL manager of the
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