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                                                                                                 u.s. news Dialuna 19 Juli 2021

                          Biden pledges appeal of ‘deeply disappointing’ DACA ruling

            (AP)  —  President  Joe                                                                it  circumvented  Congress.  Congress to pass the Ameri-
            Biden  said  Saturday  that                                                            U.S.  District  Judge  Andrew  can Dream and Promise Act,
            the  Justice  Department                                                               Hanen  in  Houston  agreed,  and  I  now  renew  that  call
            intends to appeal a federal                                                            and while his ruling left the  with the greatest urgency,” he
            judge’s ruling deeming il-                                                             program  intact  for  existing  said.  “It  is  my  fervent  hope
            legal  an  Obama-era  pro-                                                             recipients, it barred the gov-  that  through  reconciliation
            gram  that  has  protected                                                             ernment from approving any  or  other  means,  Congress
            hundreds of thousands of                                                               new applications.            will  finally  provide  security
            young  immigrants  from                                                                                             to  all  Dreamers,  who  have
            deportation  and  he  re-                                                              In his statement, Biden urged  lived too long in fear.”
            newed  his  calls  for  Con-                                                           Congress  to  move  forward
            gress  to  create  a  perma-                                                           with  legislation  to  perma-  The House approved legisla-
            nent solution.                                                                         nently protect those covered  tion in March creating a path-
                                         migrants to an uncertain fu-  ents,  commonly  known  as   by the program. “Only Con-  way  toward  citizenship  for
            He  said  in  a  statement  that   ture.”                 “Dreamers,”  have  now  been   gress can ensure a permanent  those impacted, but the mea-
            Friday’s decision was “deeply                             in  the  U.S.  for  a  decade  or   solution  by  granting  a  path  sure has stalled in the Senate.
            disappointing,” and although   The  program  has  allowed  longer.                     to  citizenship  for  Dreamers  Immigration  advocates  hope
            the judge’s order did not af-  thousands  of  young  people                            that will provide the certainty  to  include  a  provision  in
            fect  those  already  covered   who  were  brought  illegally  But  Texas  and  eight  other   and stability that these young  sweeping  budget  legislation
            by  the  Deferred  Action  for   into the United States as chil-  states sued to halt DACA, ar-  people  need  and  deserve,”  Democrats want to pass this
            Childhood    Arrivals   pro-  dren,  or  overstayed  visas,  to  guing  that  President  Barack   the president said.  year, but it’s unclear whether
            gram,  it  ”relegates  hundreds   live, work and remain in the  Obama  lacked  the  power  to                       that language will survive.
            of  thousands  of  young  im-  country. Many of the recipi-  create  the  program  because   “I  have  repeatedly  called  on

                              Dozens treated after chemical leak at Texas water park

            (AP) - A chemical leak at a
            Houston-area  water  park
            left dozens suffering from
            minor  skin  irritation  and
            respiratory  issues  Satur-
            day, authorities said.

            Twenty-nine  people  were
            taken  to  local  hospitals  fol-
            lowing  the  incident  at  Six
            Flags   Hurricane   Harbor
            Splashtown  in  Spring,  the
            Harris County Fire Marshal’s
            Office  tweeted.  Thirty-nine   ized in stable condition.  highest priority and the park
            others  declined  to  be  taken                           was  immediately  cleared  as   tion, the park has been closed  from  first  responders  today
                                                                                                   for the day.”
                                                                                                                                at  Splashtown,”  Houston’s
            to a hospital after undergoing   The  chemicals  involved  in-  we try to determine a cause,”
            decontamination procedures.  cluded hypochlorite solution  Hurricane  Harbor  Splash-  Authorities  are  investigat-  chief elected official, Lina Hi-
                                                                                                   ing the cause of the incident,  dalgo, tweeted. “We’ve issued
                                         and  35%  sulfuric  acid,  offi-  town  spokesperson  Rosie   which  they  said  was  con-  a closure order to investigate
            KPRC-TV reports that some    cials said.                  Shepard said in a statement,   tained to one attraction at the  and ensure the park meets all
            of  those  who  became  sick   “The safety of our guests and  according  to  news  outlets.
            were  children,  including  a   team  member  is  always  our  “Out of an abundance of cau-  park.                  requirements before reopen-
                                                                                                   “Grateful for the swift action  ing again.”
            3-year-old who was hospital-
                         Tribe claims remains of kids who died at assimilation school

            (AP)  —  The  remains  of  is about 20 miles (32 kilome-  were historic and thanked the  others  will  be  interred  at  was founded by an Army of-
            nine  Native  American  ters) west of the Pennsylvania  young  people  for  bringing  family  graveyards,  tribal  of-  ficer and opened in 1880, was
            children  who  died  more  capital Harrisburg.            the remains back.            ficials said.                the first of its kind off a res-
            than  a  century  ago  while                                                           U.S.  Interior  Secretary  Deb  ervation  and  set  an  example
            attending  a  government-    It  made  several  stops  along  “This is going to make us that  Haaland  last  month  an-  later used by other schools to
            run  school  in  Pennsylva-  the way, including in Yankton  much stronger as a people as  nounced  a  nationwide  in-  assimilate  Native  American
            nia  meant  to  assimilate  and Whetstone on Friday for  we reclaim who we are,” he  vestigation into the boarding  children  into  white  culture.
            them  into  white  culture  emotional  ceremonies  with  said.  “Indian  Country  na-  schools that attempted to as-  It took drastic steps to sepa-
            have  been  returned  to  tribal members. Another cer-    tionwide  is  rising  up.  We’re  similate Indigenous children  rate  students  from  their  In-
            their  South  Dakota  tribe  emony was held earlier Friday  going to be stronger as we go  into white society.      digenous  cultures,  including
            for  burial  on  its  reserva-  at  a  Missouri  River  landing  forward.”                                          cutting their braids, dressing
            tion.                        near Sioux City, Iowa, which                              Haaland,  the  first  Native  them  in  military-style  uni-
                                         was where the children, who  Christopher  Eagle  Bear,  23,  American to serve as a Cabi-  forms  and  punishing  them
            The Rosebud Sioux planned  died between 1880 and 1910,  who  was  part  of  the  youth  net secretary, said “forced as-  for speaking their native lan-
            to rebury the remains during  boarded a steamboat for their  council   responsible   for  similation practices” stripped  guages. They were also forced
            a ceremony on Saturday, the  journey east.                bringing  returning  the  re-  away  the  children’s  cloth-  to adopt European names.
            Argus Leader reported.                                    mains, said, “On this day, it is  ing, their language and their
                                         “This  is  a  common  sorrow  an honor to be Lakota. Hope-  culture.  She  said  the  gov-  More  than  10,000  Native
            The  effort  to  return  the  re-  we share, but on this day we  fully, what we do here can in-  ernment  aims  to  locate  the  American   children   were
            mains  took  nearly  six  years.  have a common celebration,”  spire another youth group to  schools  and  burial  sites  and  taught at the Carlisle school
            A  caravan  of  young  adults  Ben  Rhodd,  a  member  of  move  the  road  further  than  identify the names and tribal  and  endured  harsh  condi-
            tasked  with  bringing  the  re-  the Rosebud Sioux, told the  what we have started.”  affiliations  of  children  from  tions  that  sometimes  led  to
            mains  home  to  the  reserva-  gathering in Yankton.                                  the boarding schools around  death  from  such  diseases  as
            tion set out Tuesday from the                             Some of the children will be  the country.                tuberculosis.
            site of the former Carlisle In-  Rodney Bordeaux, the tribe’s  reburied in a veterans’ cem-
            dian  Reform  School,  which  president, said Friday’s events  etery on the reservation and  The  Carlisle  school,  which
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