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A30    world news
                        Dialuna 19 Juli 2021

                          Thai police use tear gas against anti-government protesters

            (AP)  —  Thai  police  used                                                                                         again,”  she  said  of  the  virus
            tear  gas,  rubber  bullets                                                                                         and the protests.
            and  water  cannons  Sun-
            day  to  disperse  hundreds                                                                                         The  protesters  started  gath-
            of  anti-government  pro-                                                                                           ered at the capital’s Democ-
            testers who held a rally in                                                                                         racy Monument in the early
            Bangkok  despite  corona-                                                                                           afternoon,  where  organizers
            virus restrictions banning                                                                                          distributed N95 masks, med-
            gatherings  of  more  than                                                                                          ical  gloves,  sanitizer  spray
            five people.                                                                                                        and raincoats to them before
                                                                                                                                attempting to go to Govern-
            The  demonstrators  were                                                                                            ment House, which hosts the
            demanding  Prime  Minister                                                                                          prime minister’s offices.
            Prayuth  Chan-ocha’s  gov-
            ernment step down, insisting                                                                                        Organizers  also  handed  out
            the budget of the monarchy                                                                                          mock corpses in white burial
            and the military be cut during                                                                                      shrouds  representing  CO-
            the pandemic, and calling for                                                                                       VID-19 victims, which were
            the  importing  mRNA  coro-                                                                                         later  placed  on  the  ground
            navirus vaccines that have yet                                                                                      atop  an  image  of  Prayuth  at
            to be brought to Thailand on                                                                                        an intersection near Govern-
            a large scale to fight a grow-                                                                                      ment  House  and  set  alight.
            ing surge of the virus.                                                                                             The eerie figures also evoked
                                                                                                                                images of the bodies of sev-
            The  rally  came  as  Thailand                                                                                      eral  Thai  activists  who  had
            recorded its largest single-day  havoc across Southeast Asia.                                                       apparently been kidnapped in
            jump  in  virus  infections  —                                                                                      2019  from  where  they  lived
            nearly 11,400 — and as fresh  Thailand’s  other  main  vac-                                                         in exile in neighboring Laos.
            restrictions  were  announced  cine is AstraZeneca, which a
            such  as  the  shut  down  of  Thai company owned by the                                                            In  an  effort  at  avoiding  the
            most domestic flights. Many  country’s king has been pro-                                                           spread of infection, many of
            parts of the country, includ-  ducing,  but  only  since  June                                                      the  protesters  drove  cars  or
            ing Bangkok, are already un-  and in smaller than expected                                                          rode  motorbikes,  instead  of
            der some form of lockdown  quantities.                                                                              marching as they had in pre-
            that  includes  restrictions  on                                                                                    vious protests.
            gatherings  and  business  op-  Sunday’s  rally  was  led  by
            erations as well as a nighttime  Free  Youth,  a  student  pro-                                                     Around  1,500  riot  police
            curfew.                      test group that drew tens of                                                           were  deployed,  along  with
                                         thousands to its protests last                                                         water cannon trucks. Deputy
            As  infections  and  deaths  year, when it had three main                                                           National  Police  Spokesman
            climb  and  as  more  people  demands: that Prayuth’s gov-                                                          Kissana  Pattanacharoen  ac-
            face economic suffering, dis-  ernment step down, the con-                                                          knowledged that the authori-
            approval of the government’s  stitution be amended to make                                                          ties used water cannons, tear
            handling of the pandemic has  it  more  democratic  and  the                                                        gas and rubber bullets to dis-
            grown.                       nation’s  monarchy  become                                                             perse the protesters after sev-
                                         more accountable.                                                                      eral warnings were given.
            Criticism  of  Prayuth’s  gov-
            ernment for failing to secure  Jutatip  Sirikhan,  one  of                                                          Reports  of  injuries  were
            early  and  adequate  vaccine  Free  Youth’s  main  activists,                         This  weekend  daily  virus  not  complete,  but  the  city’s
            supplies is widespread. Thai-  charged in a phone interview   Thailand has recorded a total  deaths rose above 100 for the  Erawan   Medical   Center
            land  mostly  relies  on  two  with  The  Associated  Press   of 403,386 confirmed COV-  first time.                emergency  services  said  two
            vaccines,  including  China’s  that  many  people  have  died   ID-19 cases and 3,341 related                       people were sent to the hos-
            Sinovac  shot,  which  some  from COVID-19 because of     deaths  since  the  pandemic  “If  we  don’t  come  out  now,  pital from the protests, which
            studies indicate is less effec-  the lack of transparency and   started.  More  than  90%  of  we don’t know how long we  the  organizers  called  an  end
            tive against the delta variant,  mismanagement  of  Prayuth   cases  and  deaths  have  oc-  shall survive and whether we  to before nightfall.
            which  is  currently  wrecking  and his Cabinet.          curred  since  April  this  year.  will  have  a  chance  to  do  it

                             Militia officials: US drone destroys militia truck in Syria

              (AP) — A U.S. drone at-     housing U.S. troops.        speak to the media.         carrying  weapons  and  am-  al-Shuhada’s   commander
              tack targeted a truck for  The Iraqi militia officials re-                          munition  for  an  Iraqi  mili-  vowed to retaliate and since
              an Iran-backed militia in  fused to say what the truck  There  was  no  immediate  tia and was hit shortly after  then  several  rockets  attacks
              eastern  Syria  on  Sunday,  was  carrying.  They  said  comment  from  the  U.S.  crossing  the  border  from  have  been  reported  against
              destroying  the  vehicle  the  U.S.  drone  first  fired  a  military.              Iraq.  It  claimed  that  the  bases housing U.S. troops in
              without  causing  any  ca-  warning  shot,  after  which                            driver was killed.          Syria and Iraq.
              sualties, two Iraqi militia  the  driver  jumped  out,  and  Syrian state TV reported the
              officials said.             a  missile  hit  the  vehicle  attack  saying  it  was  carried  On June 27, U.S. Air Force  Hundreds of U.S. troops are
                                          shortly afterward. They said  out  by  American  drones.  It  planes carried  out airstrikes  deployed in eastern Syria as
              The  attack  came  amid  in-  the truck belonged to Kataib  said  the  truck  was  carrying  near  the  Iraq-Syria  border  part  of  the  war  against  the
              creasing  tensions  in  the  re-  Sayyid al-Shuhada, which is  food and there were no hu-  against  what  the  Pentagon  Islamic  State  group.  Thou-
              gion between the U.S. mili-  active  along  the  Iraq-Syria  man losses.            said  were  facilities  used  by  sands  of  Iran-backed  fight-
              tary  and  Iran-backed  Iraqi  border.                                              Iran-backed  militia  groups  ers are deployed in different
              militias in recent weeks. The                           The    Britain-based   Syr-  to support drone strikes in-  parts of Syria to help Presi-
              Americans  have  targeted  The officials spoke on con-  ian Observatory for Human  side  Iraq.  Four  militiamen  dent  Bashar  Assad’s  forces
              militants  who  used  drones  dition of anonymity because  Rights,  an  opposition  war  were killed.           in  the  10-year  conflict  that
              and  rockets  to  hit  bases  they were not authorized to  monitor, said the truck was  Days  later,  Kataib  Sayyid  killed half a million people.
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