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                                                                                                  business Monday 5 SepteMber 2022
            Americans splurge on beauty, despite pullbacks elsewhere

            By HALELUYA HADERO and                                                                                              pandemic  as  Americans
            ANNE D’INNOCENZIO                                                                                                   stayed home — or behind
            AP Business Writers                                                                                                 masks  --  and  shifted  their
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Like                                                                                            interests  towards  wellness
            many    Americans,    Karla                                                                                         and  skincare  as  stimulus
            Maldonado has been cut-                                                                                             payments  flooded  bank
            ting  back  her  spending  to                                                                                       accounts,  helping  balloon
            spare her wallet from rising                                                                                        the  savings  of  consumers
            costs: She is eating out less                                                                                       who  were  already  spend-
            and attending fewer social                                                                                          ing less on traveling or eat-
            events to curb the impact                                                                                           ing  out  due  to  pandemic
            of high gas prices.                                                                                                 lockdowns.  Now,  makeup
            But  the  26-year-old  social                                                                                       is roaring back.
            worker of Portland, Oregon,                                                                                         Americans  have  bought
            hasn’t skimped on her eye                                                                                           more  eye,  face  and  lip
            makeup  —  the  mascara,                                                                                            makeup — roughly 2%, 5%
            eyeliner  and  eyeshadow                                                                                            and  12%  respectively  —  in
            she typically wears to work                                                                                         a year-over-year analysis of
            just above her face mask.                                                                                           sales across stores, accord-
            “That’s  something  I  can’t                                                                                        ing to the market research
            go  without,”  Maldonado                                                                                            firm IRI.
            said. And she doesn’t seem                                                                                          At  Macy’s,  CEO  Jeff  Gen-
            to  be  alone.  Many  major                                                                                         nette noted in an earnings
            retailers slashed their finan-  This  photo  provided  by  Kohl’s  shows  the  interior  of  the  Sephora  section  inside  of  the  Kohl’s   call  late  last  month  that
            cial  outlooks  for  the  year   department store in Ramsey, N.J.                                                   consumers  have  focused
            after  seeing  shoppers  pull                                                                      Associated Press  on deals and cut back on
            back  on  many  discretion-  overall  sales  spiked  nearly  Netflix binges at home.   can  no  longer  afford.  For  purchases  amid  high  infla-
            ary items in the latest quar-  17% in its most recent quar-  But  another  possible  ex-  others,  their  version  of  lip-  tion.  Still,  they  managed
            ter. But among the notable  ter, compared to the same  planation  for  why  beauty  stick might be cheap beer  to buy beauty products as
            exceptions: beauty.          period last year.            is  thriving  when  consum-  or  a  $5  Caramel  Macchi-  well as travel-related items
            Target,  Kohl’s,  Macy’s  and  Americans, once stuck be-  ers are more apprehensive  ato  from  Starbucks,  which  like  luggage,  shoes  and
            Nordstrom  all  highlighted  hind  Zoom  screens  in  the  about  their  spending  is  a  reported  record  revenue  clothes  to  wear  to  the  of-
            strong sales of beauty items  thick of the pandemic, are  long-held theory known as  in  August  for  its  fiscal  third  fice, Gennette said.
            in  their  fiscal  second-quar-  out  and  about  and  want-  the  “lipstick  index,”  which  quarter.              Meanwhile, Kohl’s reported
            ter  earnings  reports  issued  ing  to  look  their  best.  Co-  posits that lipstick sales rise  The lipstick theory has held,  that  shoppers  were  mak-
            over  the  past  few  weeks.  workers  —  some  of  whom  during  times  of  economic  though  not  always.  Make-  ing  fewer  trips,  spending
            Walmart, the nation’s larg-  are  meeting  each  other  downturn.                      up  sales  spiked  during  the  less  per  transaction  and
            est retailer, said that it’s see-  for the  first time  —  are  try-  The  reasoning  goes:  When  Great  Depression  and  the  shifting  toward  value-ori-
            ing  increased  momentum  ing to make an impression.  consumer  sentiment  de-         recession in the early 2000s.  ented  store  brands.  But  at
            in  its  beauty  business,  cit-  Meanwhile, people are go-  clines,  Americans  seek  es-  But  sales  declined  during  its  Sephora  beauty  shops,
            ing strong sales in cosmet-  ing  out  on  dates  and  get-  capism by looking for small  the  2008  economic  col-  launched last year as part
            ics as well as skin and hair  ting  together  for  summer  ways  to  indulge  them-    lapse, according to market  of  a  partnership  with  the
            businesses. Meanwhile, Ulta  parties  and  barbeques  af-  selves, such as by purchas-  research  firm  NPD  Group.  beauty chain, shoppers are
            Beauty, the largest beauty  ter  months  of  pandemic-    ing  a  new  lipstick  instead  The  same  happened  dur-  spending freely on skincare,
            retailer in the country, said  induced  leisurewear  and  of  pricier  alternatives  they  ing  the  early  days  of  the  makeup and fragrance.q

              Bed Bath & Beyond chief financial

              officer Gustavo Arnal dies

              By  The  Associated  Press  iner’s Office will determine  knowing him,” said Harriet
              undefined                   the cause of death. Police  Edelman,     independent
              UNION,  N.J.  (AP)  —  Gus-  said  an  investigation  was  chair  of  the  company’s
              tavo Arnal, the chief finan-  ongoing.                  board,  in  Sunday’s  state-
              cial  officer  of  retail  chain  Arnal joined the company  ment.
              Bed  Bath  &  Beyond,  has  in May 2020 after previous  Bed  Bath  &  Beyond  has
              died,  the  company  con-   stints  at  Avon,  Walgreens  faced   turbulence   re-
              firmed on Sunday.           Boots Alliance and Procter  cently:  Its  shares  made  a
              The  company  said  Arnal  & Gamble.                    monstrous  run  from  $5.77
              died  on  Friday.  Accord-  “Gustavo  will  be  remem-  to $23.08 over a little more
              ing  to  the  New  York  City  bered  by  all  he  worked  than two weeks in August,   Bed-Bath-&-Beyond-Strategic-Update,Shoppers enter and exit
              Police  Department,  po-    with for his leadership, tal-  in  trading  reminiscent  of  a Bed Bath & Beyond in Schaumburg, Ill., Jan. 14, 2021.
              lice found the 52-year-old  ent and stewardship of our  last  year’s  meme-stock                                           Associated Press
              unconscious  with  injuries  Company.  I  am  proud  to  craze,  when  out-of-favor
              showing  he  fell  from  a  have been his colleague,  companies  suddenly  be-      stores  and  lay  off  workers  sey, said it will close about
              building in Manhattan. He  and he will be truly missed  came  darlings  of  smaller-  in a bid to turn around its  150 of its namesake stores
              was  pronounced  dead  in  by  all  of  us  at  Bed  Bath  pocketed  investors.  On  beleaguered business.      and slash its workforce by
              the  scene  and  the  New  &  Beyond  and  everyone  Wednesday,  the  com-          The  home  goods  retailer  20%.q
              York  City  Medical  Exam-  who  had  the  pleasure  of  pany said it would shutter  based  in  Union,  New  Jer-
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