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                                                                                                           LOCAL Monday 5 SepteMber 2022

            Paseo Herencia continues with its ‘Gift of Education’ program

            OranjEstad  -  Paseo  Her-   Paseo  Herencia  is  very
            encia  is  known  for  always  proud to have 10 students
            focusing on our culture and  who  are  part  of  the  pro-
            supporting  young  locals  gram  this  year.  Paseo  Her-
            with  their  education  and  encia firmly believes that a
            sports.                      good education is very im-
                                         portant, and no one will be
            The ‘Gift of Education’ pro-  able  to  take  it  away  from
            gram  is  active  since  2015  you because it is something
            with  the  goal  to  help  the  that you worked hard for.
            students  with  their  school
            tuition fees, which can help  On  Friday  evening,  an
            grant  them  the  opportuni-  event took place at TGI Fri-
            ties  to  reach  their  future  day’s to celebrate the start
            goals.                       of  a  new  academic  year.
                                         Each  student  received  a
            This  year,  Paseo  Herencia  goodie  bag  with  contri-
            expanded  its  program  to  butions  from  The  Athlete’s
            also help athletes who are  Foot, Delicia’s Jewelry, Aru-
            combining their studies with  ba Forever and TGI Friday’s.
            sports. Due to the fact that
            it  is  very  difficult  here  on  Paseo  Herencia  will  con-
            Aruba  to  combine  both,  tinue to support our young
            especially for young locals  local  students  and  wishes
            who wishes to excel in their  every student a great start
            education and sports.        the new academic year.q

            Beautification roundabout

            Plasa di Cultura

            OranjEstad  -  On  august  17,  replanting them in the green area
            2022, the Public Works department  of the DOW;
            (dOW) started the project to beau-  Curb maintenance and relocation
            tify the Plasa di Cultura roundabout.  of water meter box;
                                                Laying  a  new  foundation  for  the
            The  execution  of  this  project  is  in  flagpole.
            phases.                             The first phase will take place in Au-
                                                gust and should be ready by De-
            Phase 1 includes the following ac-  cember 2022.
            Removal of the grass;               Phase  2  includes  the  construction
            Raising of the existing wall around  of a new irrigation system, includ-  better view of the embellishment.
            the fountain with two more blocks;  ing a pump, electrical installation,                                    The  first  and  second  phases  are
            Replenish and fertilize the soil;   and  the  laying  of  new  pavement   Phase  3  is  planned  for  2023/2024.  more  about  preparing  the  round-
            Preserve existing Watapana, Guy-    clinkers. Phase 2 will start in 2023.  This project intends to plant colorful  about  for  the  embellishment  lat-
            aba, and Fofoti hedge trees;                                            local  plants  around  the  fountain,  er,  so  much  of  this  embellishment
            Moving  the  remaining  plants  and  Phase 3 includes the following ac-  while inside will contain protected  won’t be visible yet. However, it will
                                                tivities:                           plants.  The  DOW  consulted  the  be visible in phases 3 and 4.q
                                                                                    ‘Ban Lanta y Planta’ foundation for
                                                Plant  some  local  plants  but  also   the plants’ selection.
                                                popular  plants  that  we  often  en-
                                                counter in the garden;              The  fourth  phase  entails  the  con-
                                                Installation  of  permanent  decora-  struction  of  structures  around  the
                                                tive lighting;                      roundabout. This phase will start in
                                                Completion of the irrigation system   2024.  The  artworks  should  express
                                                installation.;                      cultural elements such as our lan-
                                                Installing a new flagpole;          guage,  music,  customs/traditions,
                                                Pruning the existing Fofoti tree for a   history, etc.
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