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                                                                                         world news Diaranson 4 augustus 2021

                       Head of group for exiled Belarusians found hanged in Ukraine

            (AP)  —  A  Belarusian  ac-  was  being  shadowed.  “He  hundreds  of  raids  in  recent
            tivist  who  ran  a  group  in  recently  noted  vehicles  and  weeks to target the indepen-
            Ukraine  helping  Belaru-    people  who  were  following  dent media and non-govern-
            sians  fleeing  persecution  him,” she said.              ment organizations.
            was  found  dead  in  the
            Ukrainian  capital,  Kyiv,  The  Belarusian  House  in  Belarus’  authoritarian  gov-
            local police said Tuesday.   Ukraine, which helps Belaru-  ernment  has  at  times  gone
                                         sians fleeing persecution with  to extremes in its crackdown
            Vitaly  Shishov,  leader  of  the  their legal status in Ukraine,  on dissent, including recently
            Kyiv-based Belarusian House  accommodation and employ-    diverting a plane to the capi-
            in  Ukraine,  was  found  ment,  also  said  that  Shisov  tal  of  Minsk  and  arresting  a
            hanged  in  one  of  the  city’s  was  recently  being  followed  dissident aboard.
            parks not far from his home,  by strangers.
            police said in a statement.                               Yury  Shchuchko  from  the
                                         It  noted  that  “both  local  Belarusian House in Ukraine
            A  probe  has  been  launched,  sources and our people in Be-  told  The  Associated  Press
            with   police   investigating  larus” have alerted the group  that Shishov was found with
            whether it was a suicide or a  to the possibility of “various  marks of beating on his face.  date in the August 2020 elec-  told  the  AP  she  feared  she
            murder made to look like sui-  provocations,  including  kid-  “Nothing was stolen, he was  tion  who  left  for  Lithuania  wouldn’t be safe in Belarus.
            cide, head  of Ukraine’s  Na-  napping and liquidation.”  in regular clothes people put  under pressure from the au-  International  officials  on
            tional  Police Igor  Klymenko                             on to work out, and he only  thorities,  expressed  condo-  Tuesday  urged  Ukraine  to
            told reporters on Tuesday.   “There is no doubt that this  had  his  phone  with  him,”  lences to Shishov’s family on  conduct  a  thorough  investi-
                                         was  a  planned  operation  by  Shchuchko said.           Tuesday.                     gation  into  the  death  of  the
            Ukraine’s  President  Volody-  security  operatives  to  liqui-                                                     activist.
            myr  Zelenskyy  is  keeping  a  date a Belarusian, dangerous  He also said that Shishov has  “Belarusians  can’t  be  safe
            close eye on the case, accord-  for the regime. We will con-  previously  noticed  surveil-  even abroad, as long as there  “We  are  deeply  shocked  by
            ing to his spokesman, Serhiy  tinue  to  fight  for  the  truth  lance during his runs and that  are  those  who  are  trying  to  the news of the death of the
            Nykyforov,  while  Foreign  about  Vitaly’s  death,”  the  strangers  would  approach  inflict  revenge  on  them,”  Belarusian  activist  Vitaly
            Minister  Dmytro  Kuleba  group said.                     him and try to start a conver-  Tsikhnaouskaya  said  in  an  Shishov,”  Austria’s  Foreign
            promised  on  Twitter  that                               sation.                      online statement.            Ministry  said  on  Twitter.
            “Ukraine  will  do  everything  About  300  people  rallied                                                         “Our  thoughts  are  with  his
            possible  to  fully  investigate  Tuesday  outside  the  Belaru-  “We have been warned to be  “Vitaly  Shishov  was  helping  loved ones. Austria calls for a
            the case.”                   sian  Embassy  in  Kyiv,  many  more careful, because a net-  Belarusians  and  was  found  thorough and transparent in-
                                         holding his portrait.        work of Belarus KGB agents  hanged ... It happened on an-  vestigation  into  the  circum-
            “It  is  of  utmost  importance                           is  operating  here  and  every-  other country’s soil. Just like  stances leading to his death.”
            for  us  to  reveal  the  truth  Belarus  was  rocked  by  thing is possible,” Shchuchko  the hostage-taking took place
            about his tragic death,” Kule-  months  of  protests,  which  said. “Vitaly asked me to take  on  another  country’s  plane.  U.N.  spokesman  Stephane
            ba said.                     were  triggered  by  President  care of his loved ones, he had  Just like the attempt to force-  Dujarric  said:  “We’re,  obvi-
                                         Alexander  Lukashenko’s  re-  a weird feeling.”           fully  bring  a  disloyal  athlete  ously, glad to see that this is
            Shishov’s  Belarusian  girl-  election  to  a  sixth  term  in                         back to Belarus from another  being investigated. I think his
            friend,  Bazhena  Zholudz,  an August 2020 vote that the  Klymenko  of  the  Ukrainian  country’s territory,” she said.  death needs to be investigated
            told  The  Associated  Press  opposition and the West saw  national police told reporters                           fully to elaborate all of these
            that  she  doesn’t  believe  that  as  rigged.  He  responded  to  on  Tuesday  that  there  were  Earlier  this  week,  Belarus  circumstances.  And  we,  of
            he could have killed himself.  demonstrations  with  a  mas-  indeed injuries discovered on  Olympic  sprinter  Krystsina  course, send our condolences
                                         sive  crackdown  that  saw  Shishov’s  body  —  scratched  Tsimanouskaya  accused  the  to his family and friends.”
            “I  don’t  believe  in  suicide,  more than 35,000 people ar-  skin on his nose, a cut on his  country’s officials of hustling
            nothing  in  Vitaly’s  conduct  rested  and  thousands  beaten  lip  and  an  injury  on  his  left  her to the airport and trying  The  U.S.  Embassy  in  Kyiv
            signaled his intention to kill  by police                 knee. He wouldn’t say, how-  to  put  her  on  a  plane  back  said on Twitter that Shishov’s
            himself,” she said. “He didn’t                            ever,  whether  these  resulted  to Belarus after she publicly  death  “takes  place  amid  an
            leave  any  note  or  message.  Lukashenko  has  vowed  to  from  violence.  Klymenko  criticized the management of  unacceptable    Belarusian
            We were together that morn-  continue  what  he  called  a  added that police haven’t re-  her team at the Tokyo Games.  crack  down  on  civil  soci-
            ing and he just went out for  “mopping-up     operation”  ceived any complaints about  Tsimanouskaya  refused  to  ety,  and  we  look  forward  to
            a jog.”                      against  civil  society  activists  surveillance from Shishov.  board  the  plane  and  instead  a  complete  and  thorough
                                         whom  he  has  denounced  as                              will seek refuge in Europe.  investigation  by  Ukrainian
            Zholudz added that Shishov  “bandits and foreign agents,”  Sviatlana   Tsikhanouskaya,                              authorities  to  establish  its
            had  recently  noted  that  he  and  authorities  conducted  the  main  opposition  candi-  In an interview Tuesday, she  causes and circumstances.”

                         Russia hands Navalny ally parole-like sentence over protests

            (AP)  —  A  court  in  Mos-  cow on Tuesday sentenced  a close ally of imprisoned  p.m. and 6 a.m., attend mass  was  launched  shortly  after
                                                                      opposition  leader  Alexei  events or travel outside Mos-  nationwide  protests  over  his
                                                                      Navalny  to  1  1/2  years  of  cow and its outlying region.  arrest and jailing rocked Rus-
                                                                      parole-like    restrictions  She was also ordered to check  sia all across its 11 time zones
                                                                      in  a  controversial  crimi-  in  with  police  three  times  a  on Jan. 23.
                                                                      nal  case  the  government  month,  her  lawyer  Vladimir
                                                                      launched  against  opposi-   Voronin said.                Navalny,  Russian  President
                                                                      tion supporters after mass                                Vladimir Putin’s most ardent
                                                                      protests shook Russia this  He added that because Sobol  political  foe,  was  arrested  a
                                                                      year.                        had  already  spent  nearly  six  week before that upon return-
                                                                                                   months  under  house  arrest  ing from Germany, where he
                                                                      The court found Lyubov So-   and  other  restrictions,  the  spent five months recovering
                                                                      bol  guilty  of  inciting  people  sentence will only remain in  from a nerve agent poisoning
                                                                      to  violate  coronavirus  re-  place for about a year.    that he blames on the Krem-
                                                                      strictions  and  for  the  next                           lin — an accusation rejected
                                                                      18  months  barred  her  from  The  case  against  Sobol  and  by Russian officials.
                                                                      leaving her home between 10  several  other  Navalny  allies
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