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a26 obituario/u.s. news
Diaranson 4 augustus 2021
Lawmaker who ID’d rape accuser may lose
committee assignment
(AP) — A legislative eth-
ics committee decided Tues-
day that an Idaho lawmaker
Despues di a gosa profundamente di who publicized the name of
bida, a fayece inespera a Statehouse intern who re-
ported that she was raped by
another lawmaker should be
stripped of one of her commit-
tee assignments for acting in
an a manner “unbecoming” to
the state’s House of Represen-
The bipartisan committee unani-
mously approved its recommen-
dation against Republican Rep.
Priscilla Giddings at the end of a Giddings became the subject of already struggling. The Associ-
two-day hearing, with members two ethics complaints by about ated Press does not typically iden-
saying she violated basic stan- two dozen lawmakers earlier this tify sexual assault victims without
dards of conduct in targeting the year after she shared links to a far- their permission.
19-year-old intern. right blog that included the name,
photo and personal details about When she first entered Monday,
Committee members also said the intern who reported being she was greeted by shouts of sup-
Giddings was evasive and disre- raped by the lawmaker, Republi- port and applause from some in
spectful to her House colleagues can Aaron von Ehlinger. Giddings the audience, including militia
during her testimony on Monday posted the link on social media members, participants in anti-gov-
and accused her of lying to the and in a newsletter to constitu- ernment activist Ammon Bundy’s
Ruby Lucia van Blarcum public in an attempt to paint her- ents. far-right “People’s Rights” group
and anti-vaccination protest orga-
*02-11-1942 - †30-07-2021 self as a victim of the ethics inves- Von Ehlinger resigned earlier this nizers.
tigation. year after the ethics committee
Na nomber di su: Giddings didn’t attend the hearing recommended his removal from Giddings said during her testi-
Rumannan: on Tuesday after missing much of the Statehouse. He has denied all mony that she felt she had an an
Marlene van Blarcum it on Monday. In a statement re- wrongdoing and police are inves- obligation to share the article on
†Richard van Blarcum leased after the hearing ended, tigating the rape allegation. the blog when the ethics commit-
Villana (Lelia) y Ygmar Wiel-van Giddings claimed the committee tee was investigating von Ehlinger
Blarcum was corrupt and called its decision The intern later said the publici- because she said the committee
Karen van Blarcum “a mockery of Idaho’s ethical stan- zation of her name and personal did not disseminate a written re-
sponse he had made about the
dards.” details led to overwhelming ha-
rassment at a time when she was rape allegation.
Sobrinanan: Shaina y Keisha Wiel
Primo, Primanan y demas famia na: Tennessee sued over 'bathroom bill' for public schools
Merca, Corsou, Hulanda, Surinam,
Sto. Domingo.
(AP) — Tennessee was hit rights should be respected,” David
Coleganan di Botica del Pueblo, Tuesday with a second legal added. For those transgender students or
employees who want more pri-
Amigo y Amiganan, Grupo di challenge aimed at overturn- Attorney General vacy than that afforded by a bath-
ing a slate of bills targeting Tennessee
Carnaval Los Laga Bai, Bisiña y transgender people that Gov. spokesperson Samantha Fisher room designated for their sex at
Conocinan. Bill Lee signed into law earlier said in an email the office was re- birth, the law says schools must
this year. viewing the lawsuit. try to offer a bathroom or chang-
Ta invita tur famia, amigo, colega, ing facility that is single-occupan-
bisiña y conocirnan pa bin celebra The federal lawsuit filed by the While numerous anti-LGBTQ cy. Critics of that provision say
hunto cu nos Ruby su bida, Human Rights Campaign chal- measures advanced in GOP-led it could further stigmatize an al-
diaranson 4 di augustus 2021 di 7'or lenges the state’s “bathroom bill,” statehouses across the country, no ready marginalized group.
pa 9'or di anochi na Aurora Funeral a measure that restricts school state’s political leaders went fur-
bathroom use by transgender peo-
ther than Tennessee in enacting The Human Rights Campaign
Home. ple. new laws targeting transgender filed the lawsuit on behalf of two
Nos ta pidi pa bin bisti cu paña people. transgender students currently
colorido y festivo. “Courts have time-and-again enrolled in Tennessee schools.
ruled against these dangerous and Under Tennessee’s bathroom Specifically, the plaintiffs allege
Despedida lo tuma lugar diahuebs 5 discriminatory laws and we are measure, a student, parent or that the law violates Title IX, the
di augustus 2021 di 2'or pa 4'or di going to fight in court to strike employee can sue in an effort to 1972 federal law that protects
atardi na Aurora Funeral Home. down this one and protect the civ- claim monetary damages “for all against sex discrimination in edu-
Cremacion ta tuma luga den seno il rights of transgender and non- psychological, emotional, and cation.
familiar. binary young people,” Human physical harm suffered” if school The group says one student, iden-
officials allow a transgender per-
Rights Campaign President Al-
phonso David said in a statement. son into the bathroom or locker tified as Alex, 14, had already been
Enbez di krans of flor lo tin un caha room when others are in there. forced to use the school nurse’s
disponibel pa haci donacion pa un “With our representation of two They also can take legal action if private bathroom or the bathroom
bon causa. transgender kids today, we are required to stay in the same sleep- that corresponded to his gender
sending a strong message of sup- ing quarters as a person who was assigned at birth during seventh
Lo por presencia e acto di despedida port for all transgender and non- a member of the opposite sex at grade because of the school’s cur-
via facebook page di Obituary Aruba. binary children across the coun- birth, unless that person is a fam- rent policy.
try — you matter, and your legal ily member.