Page 29 - bon-dia-aruba-20211227
P. 29
world news Dialuna 27 December 2021
Save the Children says staff missing after Myanmar massacre
(AP) — The international
aid group Save the Chil-
dren said two of its staff-
ers were missing in a mas-
sacre in eastern Myanmar
that left more than 30 peo-
ple, including women and
children, dead and burned
in their vehicles after they
were reportedly shot by
government troops as they
were fleeing combat.
Photos of the aftermath of
the Christmas Eve killings said they were killed after who were going to attend head by the military. Myanmar’s military had un-
in Mo So village, just outside they were arrested by troops training to fight the army, leashed airstrikes and heavy
Hpruso township in Kayah while heading to refugee and that the seven vehicles The witness said the villagers artillery on Lay Kay Kaw, a
state, spread on social media camps in the western part of they were traveling in were and anti-government militia small town controlled by eth-
in the country, fueling out- the township. destroyed in a fire. It gave no groups left the bodies as mili- nic Karen guerrillas in neigh-
rage against the military that further details about the kill- tary troops arrived near Mo boring Kayin state, since Fri-
took power in February after Save the Children said that ings. So while the bodies were be- day.
ousting the elected govern- two of its staff who were trav- ing prepared for cremation.
ment of Aung San Suu Kyi. eling home for the holidays The witness told the AP the The governor of Thailand’s
after conducting humanitar- remains were burned beyond “It’s a heinous crime and the Tak province, Somchai Cha-
The accounts could not be ian response work in a nearby recognition, and children’s worst incident during Christ- roenkitroongroj, told report-
independently verified. The community were “caught up and women’s clothes were mas. We strongly condemn ers that around 4,700 evacu-
photos showed the charred in the incident and remain found together with medical that massacre as a crime ees from Myanmar were in
bodies of over 30 people in missing.” supplies and food. against humanity,” said Ban- three shelters across the bor-
three burned-out vehicles. yar Khun Aung, director of der. Sounds of gunfire and
“We have confirmation that “The bodies were tied with the Karenni Human Rights explosions could be heard
On Sunday, the U.S. Em- their private vehicle was at- ropes before being set on Group. across the river dividing the
bassy in Myanmar said it was tacked and burned out,” the fire,” said the witness, who countries.
appalled by the “barbaric at- group added in a statement. spoke on condition of ano- Earlier this month, govern-
tack in Kayah state that killed “The military reportedly nymity because he feared for ment troops were also ac- He ordered five border dis-
at least 35 civilians, including forced people from their cars, his safety. cused of rounding up vil- tricts to prepare supplies and
women and children.” arrested some, killed others lagers, some believed to be secure places to receive more
and burned their bodies.” He did not see the moment children, tying them up and refugees from Myanmar.
“We will continue to press for they were killed, but said he slaughtering them. An oppo-
accountability for the perpe- The government has not believed some of them were sition leader, Dr. Sasa, who Myanmar’s military’s action
trators of the ongoing cam- commented on the allega- Mo So villagers who report- uses only one name, said the prompted multiple Western
paign of violence against the tions, but a report in the edly got arrested by troops on civilians were burned alive. governments including the
people of Burma,” it said in a state-run Myanma Alinn Friday. He denied that those United States to issue a joint
statement. daily newspaper on Saturday captured were members A video of the aftermath of statement condemning “seri-
said that the fighting near of locally organized militia the Dec. 7 assault — appar- ous human rights violations
Save the Children said it was Mo So broke out on Friday groups. ently retaliation for an at- committed by the military
suspending operations in the when members of ethnic tack on a military convoy — regime across the country.”
region. guerrilla forces, known as the Myanmar’s independent me- showed the charred bodies
Karenni National Progressive dia reported on Friday that of 11 people lying in a circle “We call on the regime to im-
A villager who said he went Party, and those opposed to 10 Mo So villagers includ- amid what appeared to be the mediately cease its indiscrim-
to the scene told The Asso- the military drove in “suspi- ing children were arrested by remains of a hut. inate attacks in Karen state
ciated Press that the victims cious” vehicles and attacked the army. The media said that and throughout the country,
had fled the fighting between security forces after refusing four members of the local Fighting resumed over the and to ensure the safety of all
armed resistance groups and to stop. paramilitary Border Guard weekend on the border with civilians in line with inter-
Myanmar’s army near Koi Forces who went to negotiate Thailand, where thousands national law,” the joint state-
Ngan village, which is just The newspaper report said for their release were report- of people have fled to seek ment said.
beside Mo So, on Friday. He they included new members edly tied up and shot in the shelter. Local officials said
Taliban-run government dissolves Afghan election commissions
(AP) — The Taliban dis- situation in Afghanistan.” He were mandated to admin-
solved Afghanistan’s two said if there is a need for the ister and supervise all types
election commissions as commissions in the future, of elections in the country,
well as the state ministries the Taliban government can including presidential, par-
for peace and parliamen- revive them. liamentary and provincial
tarian affairs, an official council elections.
said Sunday. The international commu-
nity is waiting before extend- Karimi said the Taliban also
Bilal Karimi, deputy spokes- ing formal recognition to Af- dissolved the Ministry for
man for Afghanistan’s Tal- ghanistan’s new rulers. They Peace and the Ministry of
iban-run government, said are wary the Taliban could Parliamentarian Affairs. He
the country’s Independent impose a similarly harsh re- said they were unnecessary
Election Commission and gime as when they were in ministries in the govern-
Electoral Complaint Com- power 20 years ago — despite ment’s current structure.
mission have been dissolved. their assurances to the con-
trary. The Taliban had previously
He called them “unneces- shut down the former Wom-
sary institutes for the current Both elections commissions en’s Affairs Ministry.