Page 25 - MIN ECEM 29 JUNE 2017
P. 25

                   Thursday 29 June 2017
                 Loyal Island Guests Honored at the Marriott Surf Club

            PALM  BEACH  -  Recently
            the  Aruba  Tourism  Author-
            ity had the great pleasure
            of  honoring  a  very  nice
            couple who are loyal and
            friendly  visitor  of  Aruba  as
            Goodwill  Ambassadors  at
            the Marriott Surf Club.
             The symbolic honorary title
            is  presented  in  the  name
            of  the  Minister  of  Tourism
            as a token of appreciation
            to  guests  who  visit  Aruba
            for  20-to-35  consecutive
            The  honorees  were  Mr.
            Frank  and  Mrs.  Sandy  Ve-
            nafra  and  their  daughter
            Tina Venafra, from Pennsyl-
            celebrating  their  25   con-
            secutive  annual  visit  to
            Frank, Sandy and Tina are
            loyal members of the Marri-
            ott Surf Club and they love
            Aruba very much because
            of the friendly people, fun
            in the sun,
            the  climate,  the  beaches
            and the restaurants.
            They say that being on Aru-
            ba and staying at the Mar-
            riott  Surf  Club  is  like  being
            at  their  vacation  ‘home-
            away-from-home.’             sented  by  Ms.  Emely  Rid-  Aruba   Tourism   Author-   Administrative  Assistant  to  Jenny Boekhoudt from the
            The  certificate  was  pre-  derstaat  representing  the  ity  together  with  Executive  the  General  Manager  Ms.  Marriott Surf Club.q
                  Distinguished Visitor Honored at the Costa Linda Beach Resort

            EAGLE  BEACH  -  Recently
            the  Aruba  Tourism  Author-
            ity had the great pleasure
            of honoring a very special
            guest  who  is  a  loyal  and
            friendly visitor of Aruba as a
            Distinguished  Visitor  at  the
            Costa Linda Beach Resort.
            The symbolic honorary title
            is  presented  in  the  name
            of  the  Minister  of  Tourism
            as a token of appreciation
            to  guests  who  visit  Aruba
            for  10-to-19  consecutive
            The honoree was Ms. San-
            dra  Reavis  of  New  Jersey,
            celebrating  more  than  10
            consecutive  annual  visits
            to Aruba!
            Sandra  is  a  regular  guest
            of  the  Costa  Linda  Beach
            Resort  and  she  loves  Aru-
            ba very much because of
            the  friendly  people,  fun  in
            the  sun,  the  climate,  the
            beaches,  the  safety  and
            the  restaurants.  She  says
            that  being  on  Aruba  and
            staying at the Costa Linda
            Beach  Resort  is  like  being   away-from-home.’         presented  by  Ms.  Emely  the  Aruba  Tourism  Author-   Janga  from  the  Costa  Lin-
            at  her  vacation  ‘home-    The  official  certificate  was  Ridderstaat   representing  ity together with Ms. Gloria  da Beach Resort. q
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