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                  Thursday 24 augusT 2023
                                                                      I was surprised when some of my

                                                                      student loans were canceled.

                                                                      Yours might be, too

                                                                      By JAE BRATTON
                                                                      of NerdWallet
                                                                      In 2022, I left the teaching
                                                                      profession, convinced that
                                                                      the public service loan for-
                                                                      giveness (PSLF) I had been
                                                                      pursuing  for  the  past  14
                                                                      years was no longer a pos-
                                                                      sibility. When I changed ca-
                                                                      reers, I had nearly $50,000
                                                                      in student loan debt.
                                                                      But  in  2023,  my  loan  ser-
                                                                      vicer  informed  me  that    New graduates line up before the start of a community college
                                                                      almost $40,000 of that bal-  commencement in East Rutherford, N.J., on May 17, 2018.
                                                                      ance had been forgiven.                                               Associated Press
                                                                      This surprising reversal hap-  Education, the adjustment   payments.  Borrowers  who
                                                                      pened  because  a  limited   isn’t  tied  to  public  service   don’t qualify for PSLF need
                                                                      PSLF  waiver  temporarily    and  applies  to  borrowers   240  or  300  qualifying  pay-
                                                                      gave  borrowers  credit  for   with a Direct Loan or Fed-  ments  to  get  forgiveness,
                                                                      payments    toward    loan   eral Family Education Loan   depending on the type of
                                                                      forgiveness  that  normally   (FFEL),  including  Parent   loans.  “We  recommend
                                                                      wouldn’t  count  toward      PLUS loans, and gives cred-  submitting a PSLF form ev-
                                                                      PSLF    and  waived  the  re-  it  toward  PSLF  or  income-  ery  year  and  every  time
                                                                      quirement  that  borrowers   driven  repayment  (IDR)     you  switch  jobs  to  make
                                                                      must work in public service   loan forgiveness for:       sure  your  payment  count
                                                                      at  the  time  of  application    Any month in which a bor-  is updated,” says Amy Czu-
                                                                      and forgiveness.             rower was in a repayment     lada, outreach and advo-
                                                                      The bad news: The waiver     status, regardless of wheth-  cacy manager at the Stu-
                                                                      that  helped  me  get  loan   er  payments  were  partial   dent  Borrower  Protection
                                                                      forgiveness  expired  Oct.   or late, the loan type or the   Center.
                                                                      31, 2022.                    repayment plan.              BE PREPARED TO PUSH BACK
                                                                      The good news, according      Any month in which loans    After  submitting  my  PSLF
                                                                      to  Abby  Shafroth,  director   were  in  an  eligible  repay-  application,   I   received
                                                                      of  the  Student  Loan  Bor-  ment,  deferment  or  for-  periodic  correspondence
                                                                      rower  Assistance  Project   bearance  status  prior  to   from Mohela, my loan ser-
                                                                      at  the  National  Consumer   consolidation.              vicer,  with  updated  pay-
                                                                      Law  Center:  “If  you  didn’t     Months  while  a  borrow-  ment  counts.  By  Decem-
                                                                      already  take  advantage     er  spent  at  least  12  con-  ber 2022, I had 66 qualify-
                                                                      of  the  limited  waiver  …   secutive  or  36  cumulative   ing  payments;  a  month
                                                                      there’s still time to receive   months in forbearance.    later,  I  had  91.  Finally,  in
                                                                      almost the same benefits,”    Any month spent in defer-   May  2023,  I  passed  the
                                                                      which  may  lead  to  loan   ment (except in-school de-   120-payment  threshold  on
                                                                      cancellation for some bor-   ferment) prior to 2013.      two loans and was notified
                                                                      rowers. Here’s how.          Borrowers  in  the  PSLF  pro-  that  those  balances  were
                                                                      TAKE ADVANTAGE OF RULE
                                                                      CHANGES                      gram  or  who  have  ever    forgiven.
                                                                                                                                But  getting  across  the  fin-
                                                                                                   been  enrolled  in  a  pay-
                                                                      Millions of borrowers will see   ment  plan  don’t  need  to   ish  line  required  self-advo-
                                                                      their  payment  counts  to-  do anything to receive the   cacy. When I noticed that
                                                                      ward  forgiveness  increase   adjustment.  But  if  you’re   some  of  my  employment
                                                                      through a one-time adjust-   aiming  for  PSLF,  you  may   hadn’t  been  approved
                                                                      ment that’ll be applied to   need to submit an employ-    — even though I correctly
                                                                      accounts  in  waves  from    ment  certification  form  to   filled out my PSLF applica-
                                                                      July  2023  through  some-   ensure that months worked    tion — I called Mohela and
                                                                      time  in  2024.  According   in public service count to-  asked a loan counselor to
                                                                      to  the  U.S.  Department  of
                                                                                                   ward the required 120 total   reevaluate  my  PSLF  form
                                                                                                                                and    update    payment
                                                                                                                                counts accordingly. q

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