Page 8 - AHATA
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                                                                                                           local Thursday 11 May 2023
            Origin of Papiamento- Aruba’s native language

            ORANJESTAD      —   Papia-
            mento, Creole language of
            ABC  (Aruba,  Bonaire  and
            Curacao) is from the Cape
            Verdean     Creole   family
            (Cape Verdean language)
            and  was  taken  to  the  Ca-
            ribbean  in  the  9th  century
            by  the  Cape  Verdeans
            of  that  time  (linings  and
            slaves),  experts  in  cane
            culture  and  sugar  produc-
            tion,  and  who  were  hired
            by  Jewish  entrepreneurs
            who  went  to  invest  in  this
            business in the Caribbean.
            Cape     Verdeans    taught
            this  pre-industrial  revolu-  origin  of  Papiamento),  in  (Casamança,  Guinea  Bis-  fact, which is in the chron-  Verde (Cape Verdean lan-
            tion  technology  (planting  fact, this is not true. Papia-  sau, Sierra Leone and Nige-  icles  of  the  quinrentist  guage), speaking their Cre-
            cane and producing sugar,  mento  is  not  direct  from  ria,  these  last  two  releases  chroniclers,  but  which  we  ole and we ours. Therefore,
            which  they  had  learned  Portuguese,  Galician  or  to the English), all originat-   never  saw  in  the  history  Papiamento,  PapiCristang,
            from  Madeirans)  to  slaves  Castilian, it is from the Cape  ed  in  the  Creole  of  Cabo  of  Portugal  that  we  study  PatuáMacaense  and  the
            from other African regions,  Verde Creole family (Cape  Verde      (Cape    Verdean  from  primary  education  to  creoles, said of Portuguese
            and  did  so  in  their  lan-  Verdean  language).  You  language),  which  was  the  higher  education.  Howev-    origin,  Daman,  India,  Sri
            guage, Cape Verde Creole  can  see  this  bestwhen  it's  French  language  spoken  er, it has always been tried  Lanka, Myanmar, some lo-
            (Cape Verdean language)  saying obscene words and  in  Portuguese  feitories  on  to  deceive  us,  in  colonial  cations  in  the  Philippines
            ,  hence  the  language  im-  offending  someone,  pre-   the  coast  of  Africa  (from  time, that we were descen-  and some places in Indone-
            planted  in  Aruba,  Bonaire  cisely as they say today in  Senegal  to  Sierra  Leone),  dants  of  Viriato  (Iberian  sia,  are  creoles  of  the  lan-
            and Curacao.                 both ABC and Cape Verde  and which was taken east  hero in the fight against the  guage family Cape Verde
                                         islands. The obscene words  by the thousands of cable  Romans) and the pastors of  Creole  (Cape  Verdean
            Unlike   many    interesting  kept  the  original,  had  no  -  Verdeans  (linings  and  the Hermini Mountains, but  language)  and  indirectly
            stories,  wanting  to  link  Pa-  lexical influence either from  slaves,  already  Christian-  not  much  speaking  of  our  the  Galaico-Duriense  or
            piamento directly to Portu-  Castilian or Dutch. Also the  ized and speaking Creole)  black-African ancestry.       Galaico-Portuguese,      a
            guese, Galician or Castilian  PapiCristang  of  Malacca,  who  served  as  sailors  and  We  Cape  Verdeans  un-    language  that  the  people
            (see  Papiamento,  on  Wiki-  the  Patuá  of  Macau,  and  “slaves  of  arms′′  in  Portu-  derstand  each  other  very  spoke in Portugal in the 6th
            pedia - Portuguese version  several  creoles  from  the  guese  caravels,  demand-     well  with  these  Antillans  and 7th century.
            and Spanish version, where  east (from Daman, Sri Lan-    ing  the  east.  I  don't  know  and  Easterns,  whose  lan-
            the  Portuguese  and  Span-  ka,  Myanmar,  Philippines,  why  the  official  history  of  guage  is  from  the  same               Anonymous
            ish,  each  claim  the  direct  Indonesia)   and   Africa  Portugal  usually  omits  this  Creole  family  of  Cape          Source: Dushi Aruba

                                                Create museum memories

                                                which  began  in  the  19th  century.  preserve  valuable  artifacts  dating  um’s employees moved to the new
                                                The  Water  Tower  was  built  in  1939  back to the Pre-Ceramic period of  location. The final design for the ex-
                                                and  consists  of  three  sections:  the  2500 BC.                      hibit  was  completed  in  November
                                                substructure, the high-rising vertical  In the late 1980’s, AMA identified its  2007  and  the  permanent  exhibit,
                                                shaft, and the tank at the top. The  need for an adequate housing for  financed  by  the  Aruban  Govern-
                                                Water Tower was purchased by the  its  collection  and  activities.  After  ment and the Union of Cultural Or-
                                                Monuments  Fund  in  2003  so  it  can  studying  various  options,  a  project  ganizations  (UNOCA),  opened  in
                                                be restored and preserved as one  proposal  was  drawn  up,  includ-    July 2009.
            ORANJESTAD  —  Museums  are  an  of Aruba's monuments. The Museum  ing  the  acquisition  and  restoration  At  the  new  location,  the  National
            integral  part  of  conserving  and  of Industry is part of Aruba Museum  of  historical  buildings  in  downtown  Archaeological Museum Aruba dis-
            honoring cultures, and Aruba is no  Foundation (Fundacion Museo Aru-    Oranjestad.                         poses of approximately 500 m2 for
            exception.  Our  Island  has  a  wide  ban),  which  is  a  foundation  set  to  These  historical  buildings  were  for-  its  permanent  exhibit.  This  exhibit
            selection  of  various  museums  for  maintain, preserve, and protect the  merly the property of the Ecury fam-  conveys  information  on  the  origin
            our locals and visitors to see. Take  Aruban cultural sector, history, and  ily. The “Ecury Complex”, is a cluster  and  culture  of  the  first  inhabitants
            this  opportunity  to  learn  about  our  nature.  The  museum  of  Industry  is  of single and two-story historic build-  of  the  island  through  archaeologi-
            island  and  experience  a  different  open daily from 9 am till 6 pm.  ings,  mainly  Dutch  colonial  archi-  cal  objects  and  modern  exhibition
            day beyond the beach. Let us intro-  For  more  information,  check  out  tecture from the late 19th and 20th  techniques.  The  new  permanent
            duce to you these museums.          their Facebook page Museum of In-   century on a plot of approximately  exhibit  gives  the  visitor  an  insight
                                                dustry Aruba.                       1.700 m2.                           into the cultures that inhabited the
            Museum of Industry Aruba                                                In  1997,  the  Aruban  Government  island in Pre-Historical and Early His-
            The  Museum  of  Industry  is  located  Archaeological Museum of Aruba   bought the complex for the Nation-  torical times. The museum also hosts
            in San Nicolas—better known as the  The  Archaeological  Museum  of  al Archaeological Museum project.  attractive  public  programs,  includ-
            art  capital  of  Aruba.  This  museum  Aruba is located at Schelpstraat 42  In 2004, a financial agreement was  ing  lectures,  educational  projects,
            exhibits the industrial history of gold,  in downtown Oranjestad. The reno-  signed with the European Develop-  temporary exhibits and workshops.
            aloe,  phosphate,  oil  and  tourism  vated historic Ecury complex in the  ment Fund and in 2006, restoration
            through  elaborated  displays  and  area has been transformed from a  and  construction  work  began  on  The museum is open daily from 9:30
            multimedia installations.           family home to a modern museum  the monumental buildings and the  am  till  4:30  pm.  For  more  informa-
            The Museum of Industry is situated in  that  preserves  Aruba’s  Amerindian  soon-to-be exhibition space. In De-  tion check out the Facebook page
            the Water Tower in San Nicolas and  cultural  heritage.  This  21st  century  cember 2007, the key to the com-  Museo   Arqueologico   Nacional
            narrates  Aruba's  industrial  history,  museum  is  especially  designed  to  plex  was  delivered  and  the  muse-  Aruba.q
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