Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20220927
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a28     obituario/u.s. news
                Diamars 27 september 2022

                                                                                                             White House: New rule

                                                                                                              will show 'true cost' of

                                                                                                                       plane tickets

              Mi a lucha e bon lucha, mi a core e careda te na   “Dios ta amor... y amor ta Dios,
              fin y mi a mantene mi fe.                       maske mi no ta na e mundo aki, tur dia lo mi
              2 Timoteo 4:7                                   ta banda di boso Curazon, mi por stens di loke
                                                              Señor ta hasi”
              Cu  profundo  dolor  na  nos  curason,  pero    Salmo 33
              agradecido pa tur locual e la nifica pa nos,
              Nos ta anuncia fayecimento inespera di mi casa,   Cu  dolor  na  nos  curason,  nos  ta  participa
              nos tata, welo, yiu, ruman y omo:               fayecimento inesperadamente di nos ser stima:

                                                                                                             (AP) — President Joe Biden will announce a
                                                                                                             new initiative Monday that would eventually
                                                                                                             allow  consumers  to  see  a  more  complete
                                                                                                             price on airline tickets — including baggage
                 Sylvester Mylles Vrolijk                                                                    and  change  fees  —  before  they  buy,  as  the
               Mihor conoci como: “Silo”, “Sylvio” of “Siro”                                                 White House continues to search for ways to
                       *31-12-1938 - †25-09-2022                                                             lower costs for Americans amid persistently
                                                                                                             high inflation.
              Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues.
                                                                  Sr. Joaquin Willems                        The White House says the proposed rule from the
                                                                Cariñosamente yama “Wim of Opa Quin”         Transportation  Department  will  prevent  airlines
                                                                       *16-08-1946 - †24-09-2022             from hiding the "true cost" of airline tickets, which
                                                                                                             would help consumers save money up front and
                                                              Acto di despedida lo wordo anuncia despues     encourage  more  competition  among  airlines  to
                                                                                                             offer better fares. The requirement will apply not
                                                                                                             only  to  airlines  directly  but  also  on  third-party
                                                                                                             search sites such as Kayak and Expedia.

                                                                                                             Airlines made nearly $700 million on cancellation
                                                                                                             and change fees last year, according to the White
              “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada
              Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega.                                                  The  proposal,  which  dates  back  to  the  Obama
              E ta hibami na awa trankil,                                                                    administration before it was scrapped in 2017 by
              Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.                                                                       then-President Donald Trump, would need to go
              Salmo: 23                                                                                      through  a  60-day  comment  period  before  final
                                                              “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada  approval.
              Nos ta anuncia fayecimento di:
                                                              Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega. E
                                                              ta hibami na awa trankil,                      The  president  will  make  the  announcement  on
                                                              Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.                       Monday  afternoon  at  a  meeting  of  the  White
                                                              Salmo: 23                                      House Competition Council, established last year
                                                                                                             as a way for his administration to find cost-saving
                                                              Cu profundo tristeza pero agradecido pa tur loke   measures for consumers. It will be the third time
                                                              cu E a nifica pa nos, nos ta participa fayecimento   that  the  group,  chaired  by  National  Economic
                                                              repentino di nos kerido tata, ruman, opa, primo y   Council director Brian Deese, has met.
                                                                                                             At the meeting, Biden plans to push other federal
                                                                                                             agencies  to  take  similar  cost-saving  actions,
                                                                                                             particularly by increasing transparency on hidden
                                                                                                             fees  that  can  balloon  the  true  cost  of  goods  and
                                                                                                             One  example  is  a  proposal  from  the  Federal
                Simon Pablo Loefstok                                                                         Communications Commission that would require
                       *29-06-1948 - †22-09-2022                                                             internet  service  providers  to  better  outline  fees
                                                                                                             and  charges  on  what  the  administration  calls  a
                Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues.                                                    "broadband nutrition label." And the Agriculture
                                                                                                             Department  on  Monday  will  also  unveil  new
                                                                                                             actions meant to encourage competition in various
                                                                                                             agricultural markets.
                                                                  Adolph Oswald Oehlers                      The administration has taken similar actions when
                                                                       Mihor conoci como: “Dino”             it comes to bank and credit card fees, which the
                                                                       *05-04-1934 - †19-09-2022             White House says have saved consumers $3 billion
                                                                                                             annually  compared  to  before  the  COVID-19
                                                              Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues.
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