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                                                                                         world news Diamars 27 september 2022

             15 dead, 24 wounded in school shooting                                                     British pound plunges to new

                                             in Russia                                                 low as tax cuts spark concern

                                                                                                     (AP)  —  The  British  Kwarteng and Prime Min-
                                                                                                     pound  fell  to  all-time  ister  Liz  Truss,  who  took
                                                                                                     low against the U.S. dol-  office three weeks ago, are
                                                                                                     lar  early  Monday  after  betting that lower taxes and
                                                                                                     Treasury  chief  Kwasi  reduced bureaucracy even-
                                                                                                     Kwarteng    pledged    a  tually will generate enough
                                                                                                     sweeping package of tax  additional  tax  revenue  to
                                                                                                     cuts,  fueling  concerns  cover  government  spend-
                                                                                                     about  the  government’s  ing.  Economists  suggest  it
                                                                                                     economic  policy  as  the  is unlikely the gamble will
                                                                                                     United Kingdom teeters  pay off.
                                                                                                     toward recession.
                                                                                                                                Opposition  Labour  Party
                                                                                                     The  pound  fell  as  low  as  economy   spokeswoman
                                                                                                     $1.0373,  its  lowest  level  Rachel Reeves accused the
                                                                                                     since the decimalization of  government  of  “a  return
                                                                                                     the  currency  in  1971,  be-  to  trickle-down  econom-
                                                                                                     fore rallying to about $1.08  ics,  an  idea  that  has  been
            (AP) — A gunman opened  ple,  including  11  children,  Peskov  told  reporters  Mon-    in London afternoon trad-  tried,  has  been  tested  and
            fire in a school in central  were  killed  in  the  shoot-  day.                         ing.                       has failed.”
            Russia on Monday, killing  ing,  and  24  other  people,
            15  people  and  wounding  including  22  children,  were  The school educates children   The  weakening  currency  Monday’s  turbulence  fol-
            24 others before shooting  wounded in the attack.         between  grades  one  and  11.   piles pressure on the U.K.’s  lows a 3% fall in the pound
            himself  dead,  authorities                               It has been evacuated and the   new  Conservative  govern-  Friday, the biggest one-day
            said.                        The  governor  of  Udmurtia,  area around it has been cor-  ment,  which  has  gambled  drop against the U.S. dollar
                                         Alexander  Brechalov,  said  doned off, the governor said.  that  slashing  taxes  —  and  since  Johnson  announced
            The  shooting  took  place  in  the  gunman,  who  he  said                              increasing  borrowing  to  Britain’s  first  COVID-19
            School  No.  88  in  Izhevsk,  was registered as a patient at  Russia’s National Guard said   compensate  —  will  spur  lockdown  on  March  18,
            a  city  960  kilometers  (600  a  psychiatric  facility,  killed  Kazantsev  used  two  non-le-  economic  growth.  Many  2020.  Before  that,  the
            miles) east of Moscow in the  himself after the attack.   thal handguns adapted to fire   economists  say  it’s  more  pound lost more than 10%
            Udmurtia region.                                          real  bullets.  The  guns  were   likely  to  fuel  already  high  of its value immediately af-
                                         Kremlin  spokesman  Dmitry  not  registered  with  the  au-  inflation,  push  down  the  ter the U.K. voted to leave
            Russia’s  Investigative  Com-  Peskov  described  the  shoot-  thorities.                pound  and  drive  up  the  the  European  Union  in
            mittee  identified  the  gun-  ing  as  “a  terrorist  act”  and                         cost  of  U.K.  government  June 2016 before rebound-
            man  as  34-year-old  Artyom  said Russian President Vladi-  A criminal probe into the in-  borrowing  —  a  potential  ing.
            Kazantsev,  a  graduate  of  the  mir  Putin  has  given  all  the  cident has been launched on   perfect storm of economic
            same school, and said he was  necessary  orders  to  the  rel-  charges  of  multiple  murder   headwinds.          As  it  is  cutting  taxes,  the
            wearing a black t-shirt bear-  evant authorities.         and illegal possession of fire-                           government  plans  to  cap
            ing “Nazi symbols.” No de-                                arms.                          The   turbulence   raised  electricity  and  natural  gas
            tails  about  his  motives  have  “President   Putin   deeply                            speculation  that  the  Bank  prices for homes and busi-
            been released.               mourns deaths of people and  Izhevsk,  a  city  of  640,000,   of  England  may  step  in  nesses  to  help  cushion
                                         children in the school, where  is  located  west  of  the  Ural   with an emergency hike in  price  rises  that  have  been
            The Committee said 15 peo-   a  terrorist  act  took  place,”  mountains in central Russia.  interest rates to help shore  triggered  by  Russia’s  war
                                                                                                     up sterling.               in  Ukraine  and  have  sent
                                                                                                                                inflation  to  a  near  40-year
                Japan bans export of chemical weapons                                                Despite mounting concern,  high of 9.9%.
                                                                                                     the government dug in its
                                       goods to Russia                                               heels, insisting it wouldn’t  This  program  will  cost  60
                                                                                                                                billion  pounds,  and  the
                                                                                                     comment  on  “daily  mar-
                                                                                                     ket  movements.”  But  in  government  will  borrow
                                                                      question about U.S. national   a  bid  to  reassure  markets,  to finance it, Kwarteng said
                                                                      security  adviser  Jake  Sulli-  the Treasury  announced it  Friday.
                                                                      van’s  comments  Sunday  on    would  set  out  a  medium-
                                                                      CBS  news  that  the  United   term  fiscal  plan  on  Nov.  He said Sunday that it was
                                                                      States will act “decisively” in   23, alongside an economic  the  right  policy  because
                                                                      case of a Russian nuclear at-  forecast  by  the  indepen-  the government needed to
                                                                      tack on Ukraine.               dent Office for Budget Re-  help  consumers  squeezed
                                                                                                     sponsibility.              by the unprecedented pres-
                                                                      Asked  if  Japan  approves  of                            sures caused by the war in
                                                                      the  possible  use  of  nucle-  The  British  currency  has  Ukraine and the pandemic.
                                                                      ar  weapons  by  the  United   been hammered since Fri-
                                                                      States  against  Russia,  Mat-  day,  when  Kwarteng  an-  While the pound’s slide has
                                                                      suno refused to comment on     nounced the U.K.’s biggest  accelerated  in  recent  days,
                                                                      the grounds that it was a hy-  tax cuts in 50 years.      the  currency  has  fallen
                                                                      pothetical question.                                      steadily  against  the  dol-
                                                                                                     The  government  plans  to  lar for more than a year as
            (AP)  —  Japan  expressed  “As the world’s only country   Japan’s government on Mon-     cut 45 billion pounds ($49  investors  sought  the  secu-
            grave concern about Rus-     to  have  suffered  nuclear  at-  day banned the export of ma-  billion)  in  taxes  as  well  rity of U.S. assets amid the
            sia’s  possible  use  of  nu-  tacks,  we  strongly  demand   terials  that  may  be  used  for   as  spend  billions  to  help  global economic shocks.
            clear   weapons     against  that  the  threat  or  use  of   chemical weapons to 21 Rus-  consumers  and  businesses
            Ukraine  as  the  top  gov-  nuclear  weapons  by  Russia   sian  organizations,  includ-  struggling  with  high  en-  The   pound’s   decline
            ernment  spokesman  on  should never happen,” Chief       ing science laboratories. The   ergy  bills  that  are  driving  against  the  dollar  also  has
            Monday  announced  an  Cabinet  Secretary  Hirokazu       measure was approved by the    a cost-of-living crisis. The  been fueled by the Bank of
            additional ban on exports  Matsuno told a regular news    Cabinet following a decision   combination  has  sparked  England  not  keeping  pace
            of  chemical  weapons-re-    conference.                  by  Group  of  Seven  foreign   investor concern about spi-  with the U.S. Federal Re-
            lated goods to Russia.                                    ministers last week.           raling government debt.    serve’s efforts to rein in in-
                                         Matsuno was responding to a                                                            flation.
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