Page 16 - MIN VOS 25 AUG 2015
P. 16
Tuesday 25 August 2015
Winning the Last 3 Eliminations;
Sarah-Quita Completes Stunning Comeback in Alacati
inaugural day of the 2015
Pegasus Airlines Alacati
PWA World Cup slalom
event saw a total of 95
competitors registering for
the upcoming competi-
tion - with 64 men and 31
women, being the highest
women’s attendance in
many years. The first two
days of competition saw a
lull in the conditions as the
mercury soared into the
30’s and 40’s and the nor-
mally prevailing Meltemi
wind from the northwest
was absent. On day 3 rac-
ing finally got underway in
light winds meaning that
the sailors had to use their
biggest equipment.
These conditions favored
the lightweight sailors. It
was a disastrous first elimi-
nation for the Aruban
gem Sarah-Quita as she
missed out to qualify for
the winner’s final. In the
subsequent loser’s final she
ed. pable pace and claimed the gauntlet over the re-
This was Sarah-Quita’s her first bullet. By elimina- mainder of the course to
come back day as she tion 3 Sarah-Quita once claim another clear cut
made absolutely no mis- again flew into the lead victory.
takes. She showed unstop- and continued to lay down
Continued on Page 14
jumped the gun and was all her starts. The following
disqualified as she went day the sailors were put on
over early. This was a poor hold due to the very light
start to the event in Alacati winds. Sarah-Quita knew
where she had won three she needed at least four
years in a row and also eliminations before a dis-
came into the event as card would come into play
the slalom tour leader and which caused the tension
defending champion. On the mount. On day 5 being
face book she comment- the best day of wind two
ed that she had mistimed eliminations were complet-