Page 17 - MIN VOS 25 AUG 2015
P. 17
LOCALTuesday 25 August 2015
Celebrating Our Roots
PALM BEACH - Chef Urvin cept for the 16 seat restau- on the traditional Aruban
Croes, born and raised in rant, guests are surprised Keshi Yena: no celebration
Aruba, trained at Dutch by elegant and exquisite of the The Kitchen Table
culinary school, went on to dishes, with the option to could be complete with-
gain experience in Michelin be perfectly paired with a out this popular Aruban
star restaurants in Europe. wide-ranging selection of chicken and cheese dish
Coming back to Aruba, fine wines. that Chef Urvin was able to
Chef Urvin had a dream This month, with The Kitch- elevate to a level of haute
to open Aruba’s first fine en Table by White cel- cuisine so unexpected and
dining, modern gourmet ebrating its first year on special you will never for-
cuisine restaurant. With the the scene, Chef Urvin cre- get it. The next entrée is the
opening of White Modern ated a menu highlighting Guava glazed Duck that
Cuisine in 2012, that dream guests’ favorite items from is featured in the Caribai-
came true. White Modern the past year. san menu, a Caribbean
Cuisine is now recognized The experience starts off twist to a traditional Asian
as one of Aruba’s best fine with a trio of amuses, the dish. For those who select
dining establishments, hav- famous Webo Yena, Spring the optional wine pairing,
ing been named Aruba’s roll with Keri Keri and Ar- the Speatburgunder wine tional Aruban dishes menu or telephone
#1 modern cuisine restau- epita with Chicken Salad. accompanying this dish Chef brings back the Bar- 528-7015 or visit your hotel
rant and winner of numer- The Webo Yena, better is a delight for the senses, baqoa Lamb. The culinary concierge for reservations.
ous other culinary awards. known to our international a perfect pairing with the journey is closed with the q
With the success of White guests as devilled eggs, duck dish. From the Tradi- Pumpkin Dessert, translat-
Modern Cuisine, Chef Urvin are a staple at most Aru- ing the sounds, colors and
was encouraged to take it ban celebrations. The sec- happiness of Aruba’s car-
to next level and open a ond course serves Cured nival into a festive celebra-
culinary studio, The Kitchen Scallops, the favorite of tion of the pumpkin. At
Table by White. a European Michelin Star the evening’s end you will
At The Kitchen Table by chef when he visited The recognize why The Kitchen
White, Chef Urvin is revolu- Kitchen Table this year. Table by White is the most
tionizing the way vacation- The next course is the gastronomically creative
ers and islanders regard Tuna Taco, the spectacu- cuisine on Aruba.
Aruban and Caribbean lar starter from the Latin For more information on
cuisine. Using a monthly Caribbean menu. The first The Kitchen Table, please
changing, fixed menu con- entrée is Chef Urvin’s take visit www.thekitchentable-
Sarah-Quita Continued on Page 14 were to qualify. By winning her third bullet of the week. Presently she will remain to
elimination 3&4 back to At the end of the race an further work on her docu-
By now she was ominously Consequently she had put back she placed herself emotional SQ returned to mentary which you can fol-
placed to challenge, if herself right back into con- prominently heading into the beach reflecting on low by clicking on https://
not steal, the event vic- tention for the event title by the final day. A nail bit- her poor start to the event.
tory from Marion Mortefon. winning 6 races of which 4 ing finale ensued on the The final slalom event takes projects/cabeibusha-the-
last day as elimination 4 place in New Caledonia. curly-gem.q
was the longest elimination
ever which took about 5
hours to complete, due to
the light and gusty nature
of the wind. Sarah-Quita
Offringa timed her start
best as she looked to lead
from start to finish to secure
back-to-back event victo-
ries, which is exactly what
she managed to do as she
continued to find another
gear to blitz away the rest
of the competition to claim