P. 15

Diabierna, 10 November 2017                                    AWEMainta                                                                    15

       Giovanni Perez a kibra y

         horta cosmetica den cas

       DIARANSON den careda di 3’or  di

       madruga presencia di Polis ta wordo pidi na
       un cas na Washington unda cu habitantenan                                                AUCTION

       a descubri cu nan a bira victima di ladroni-

       cia. Central di Polis ta manda e patruya na e                                              ex. 3:268 Civil Code of Aruba
       cas na Washington unda cu e habitantenan a                                             THURSDAY

       mira un persona sospechoso riba nan tereno,

       tratando di kibra drenta. Na e sitio nan ta
       bisa cu e homber M. Y e muhe DLSR. Nan a                                         December 7, 2017

       declara cu dado momento e muhe a lanta pa
       bay den baño y a scucha algun sonido pafo                            On Thursday  December 7, 2017, at 11  AM, at the

       di nan apartamento. Manera p’e, el a scucha                          Conference Room of the Chamber of Commerce, Irausquin
                                                                            Boulevard 10, Aruba, will be auctioned in public:
       despues dos persona ta papia cu otro. El a
       reconoce un di e stemann di e personanan ey

       como e conocido di husticia “Giovanni Per-                               A residential house, locally known as
       ez”. Esaki pasobra algun dia prome “Giovan-

       ni” a haci algun trabou pa nan na nan cas.                                             SAVANETA 485

       Durante control nan a constata cu person-
       anan desconoci a kibra un di e portanan di                              standing on full ownership land,  400  m2 size,  situated in

       hero di e berghok, haciendo uzo di un “bar-                             Savaneta  in Aruba, locally recorded as Fourth Division
                                                                               Section E number 573, indexnumber D 5360.
       et”. E baret aki a wordo haya na suela dilanti
       e berghok tira.                                                         Starting price: Afl. 140.000,--

       Ademas, nan a constata cu tambe a disparce

       un bicicleta shinishi di hende muhe. Despu-                          Auction notary: mr. T.R. Johnson
       es nan a bin descubri cu e ladron tambe a

       drenta den e cas cu ta den renobacion y a
       bolter tur cos den e cas. Nan a bay cu tanto                       •       The auction is  subject  to the general  conditions  for

       paña como cosmetico for di e cas aki.                                      foreclosure auctions and special auction conditions which

       Na momento cu e habitantenan tabata cana                                   will be determined by civil law notary T.R. Johnson.
       pafo pa mira kico tin di straño, nan a mira                        •       A private bid can be submitted the latest on Wednesday,
                                                                                  November  22, 2017.  For  more  information contact our
       un bicicleta shinishi cu no ta di nan. Esaki                               office.
       nan ta sospecha ta pertenece na “Giovanni                          •       The auction will take place by raising bids (in Dutch: “bij

       Perez” ya cu algun dia prome nan a mire cu                                 opbod”) and by decreasing bids (in Dutch: “bij afmijning”),
                                                                                  in one session.
       un bicicleta similar.                                              •       Seller  has the right  to not accept  any bid, at his sole
       Den e caso den renobacion nan a haya un                            •       discretion.
                                                                                  Each bidder  must  be able  to submit a bankguarantee
       cuchiu  y schroefdraaier,  cual  a  wordo  con-                            issued by a reputable bank in Aruba to the amount of the

       fisca, pero tambe a bay cu e bicicleta shini-                              highest bid increased with an amount equal to the auction
       shi, e baret. Despues di atende e keho aki, e                              costs.

       patruya a bay tira un bista den bisindario.

       Na mas o menos un kilometer riba e mesun                                                              For more information:

       caminda, na altura di Washington 53, e pa-                                  WWW.JOHNSONNOTARY.COM/AUCTIONS
       truya ta mira un persona riba un bicicleta sin
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