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PEOPLE & ARTS                         Monday 18 deceMber 2017

            2017 Breakthrough: Bianca Lawson of ‘Queen Sugar’

            By NICOLE EVATT              be on a set where you feel  her  research.  The  actress
             Associated Press            so safe, so taken care of.”  watched       documenta-
            LOS  ANGELES  (AP)  —  Now  Lawson  has  had  a  steady  ries,  poured  through  mov-
            more  than  ever,  “Queen  stream  of  television  roles  ing  audio  from  Narcotics
            Sugar” actress Bianca Law-   in shows like “The Vampire  Anonymous  meetings,  vis-
            son  is  thankful  to  work  on  Dairies,”  ‘’Teen  Wolf”  and  ited chat boards and talk-
            a  nurturing,  female-led  set  “Pretty Little Liars,” but said  ed to people in her life that
            helmed  by  Ava  DuVernay  her  most  recent  work  on  have been affected by ad-
            and Oprah Winfrey.           the OWN family drama has  diction.
            “It’s  a  gift  because  now  felt like a breakthrough mo-  “My  whole  life  I’ve  been
            you’re hearing about all the  ment in her career.         waiting  to  play  a  part  like
            stories,” said Lawson, refer-  “People  are  seeing  me  in  this,  quite  honestly.  ...  To
            encing the barrage of sex-   a  new  light,  in  a  different  work  with  these  directors
            ual harassment allegations  way,” she said during a re-   and  to  work  with  Ava,  I
            rocking  the  entertainment  cent interview.              could  cry  talking  about
            industry.  “It’s  like,  wow,  it’s  Before  tackling  the  role  her,’” said Lawson, tearing
            this  prevalent?  It  makes  of  Darla,  a  recovering  up.  “This  material  and  this
            you even more grateful to  drug  addict,  Lawson  did  environment,  it’s  really  like
            2017 Breakthrough: Singer

            SZA is sizzling in music industry

            By MESFIN FEKADU
            AP Music Writer
            NEW YORK (AP) — Yes, SZA                                                               In this Nov. 27, 2017 photo, actress Bianca Lawson poses for a
            is  easily  in  the  running  for                                                      portrait in Los Angeles.
            best  new  act  of  2017.  But                                                                                                 Associated Press
            her uber-successful year re-
            ally puts her in the running                                                           a once-in-a-lifetime experi-  Lawson  is  overwhelmed
            for female artist of the year:                                                         ence.”                       by  fan  reactions  and  how
            She’s  had  multiple  songs                                                            It  may  seem  like  Lawson  Darla  is  resonating  with
            chart  in  the  Top  40  in  a                                                         was  destined  for  stardom.  audiences.  Her  work  also
            year when male acts over-                                                              Her  parents,  Denise  Gordy  moved Winfrey, a “Queen
            whelming dominated, and                                                                and  Richard  Lawson,  are  Sugar”    executive    pro-
            she’s  the  most  nominated                                                            actors  and  her  stepmoth-  ducer, who pulled Lawson
            woman  at  the  upcoming                                                               er  is  Tina  Knowles,  mak-  aside after her first day on
            Grammy Awards with five.                                                               ing  Beyoncé  and  Solange  set.
            “It’s  wild.  It’s  awesome.   In this Dec. 4, 2017 photo, singer SZA poses for a portrait in New   Knowles  her  step-sisters.  “She took my hand and she
            ... Like,  I’m  in  awe. Like, in   York to promote her latest album, “Ctrl.”          But the 38-year-old said her  was  like  ‘amazing  work.’
            full  blown  awe,”  said  SZA,                                        Associated Press  parents initially resisted her  Can  you  imagine?  ...  She
            competing  for  honors  like   braving the snow to attend   ever  for  you.  Like,  I’ll  cre-  Hollywood dreams.   was like, ‘I can tell you love
            best new artist and best ur-  her  Cleveland  concert  on   ate more content for you.   “They  were  just  like,  you  Darla.  I  can  tell  because  I
            ban contemporary album.      Wednesday night.             I’ll  try  to  give  you  uplifting   know,  be  a  kid,  go  to  can tell in your work,’” Law-
            SZA, born Solona Rowe and    “It’s  too  overwhelming.  I   things. I’ll tell you the truth   school,” she recalled. “But I  son  beamed.  “End  scene!
            signed to Top Dawg Enter-    didn’t  even  know  what  to   because, like, you deserve   begged them. I wore them  What else do you need in
            tainment  along  with  Ken-  say,”  she  said  of  her  suc-  it,” she said.q          down!”                       life?”q
            drick  Lamar,  won  critical   cesses.  “It  almost  felt  like,
            praise six months ago with   ‘Be  quiet  because  you
            the  release  of  her  major-  don’t even know how this is
            label debut, “Ctrl,” earning   happening  to  you.  So  you
            a rapid fan base online for   need to just thank the Lord
            her  honest  lyrics  and  vo-  and move forward.’”
            cal delivery. This month she   SZA  is  even  stretching
            performed  her  platinum     outside  of  her  R&B  back-
            hit  songs,  “Love  Galore”   ground:  Her  collaboration
            featuring  Travis  Scott  and   with Maroon 5, the upbeat
            “The Weekend” — named        pop  smash  “What  Lovers
            the No. 1 song of the year   Do,”  is  spending  yet  an-
            by The Associated Press —    other week in the Top 10 on
            on  “Saturday  Night  Live.”   the Billboard Hot 100 chart.
            She’s  co-written  hits  for  Ri-  The  28-year-old,  who  was
            hanna  and  Beyonce,  re-    born  in  St.  Louis  and  grew
            cently  picked  up  two  Soul   up in New Jersey, said she’s
            Train  Awards  and  is  nomi-  most thankful for her fever-
            nated for four honors at the   ish  fans  who  continue  to
            NAACP Awards.                support her music and art-
            Even  LeBron  James  and     istry.
            J.R.  Smith  are  supporters,   “I’m  down  to  do  what-          523-0300
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