P. 29

                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Monday 18 deceMber 2017
            From rapper to mogul, Jeezy continues to make power moves

            By JONATHAN LANDRUM Jr.      was a coal, a coal in a dark
             Associated Press            hole, going through every-
            ATLANTA  (AP)  —  Rapper  thing in the world,” he said.
            Jeezy  was  so  poor  grow-  “Every type of problem you
            ing  up  as  a  child  that  he  can  think  of.  Every  type
            and  his  mother  sometimes  of  obstacle.  Every  type  of
            knocked  cockroaches  off  blackball  ever  done.  I  still
            their  meals  so  they  could  stood with my head up and
            eat.                         chest  out.  And  over  time,
            It’s  a  moment  Jeezy  will  all that pressure, it created
            never forget. The four-time  a  diamond.  I  came  out
            Grammy-nominated  rap-       shining.  ...No  matter  what
            per  is  now  far  removed  you’re going through in life,
            from those poverty-stricken  just stand your ground and
            conditions, but those tough  believe in yourself.”
            childhood  memories  still  From  rapper  to  mogul,      Rapper Jeezy is photographed at his recording studio in Atlanta, Wednesday, Dec. 6, 2017.
            makes  him  hungry  for  a  Jeezy  continues  to  make                                                                          Associated Press
            better life.                 power  moves.  He  has  an
            Now,  he  wants  to  use  his  online  merchandise  shop  rapper said at this point in  ad-libs  from  “Yeeaaah”  that relate to him. He said
            testimony  of  overcoming  called 99 Agency, opened  his life he’s the most happi-     and “That’s riiiigght,” Jeezy  there’s a motivational mes-
            life’s daunting obstacles to  a  steakhouse  restaurant  in  est and healthiest.       emerged  in  the  mid-2000s  sage within his music, which
            inspire listeners to “trust the  Atlanta, partnered with the  “You  have  to  know  this  is  with  his  raw  firsthand  ex-  he  calls  “ghetto  gospel.”
            process”  through  his  new  Atlanta  Hawks  for  his  own  possible,”  he  said.  “When  periences  of  his  crack-en-  “I’m  going  to  explain  this
            album,  “Pressure,”  out  on  apparel,  became  an  ad-   you see me, I’m living proof  trepreneur  tales  and  vio-  to them the best way they
            Friday. His eighth studio al-  viser for Avion Tequila and  that  you  can  do  these  lent street life. But he’s also  know  it,”  he  said.  “Some-
            bum  features  Kendrick  La-  built  a  six-story  compound  things. If you look at where I  dealt with critics who felt he  times  it  takes  the  gunplay.
            mar, Rick Ross, J. Cole and  studio  in  the  city.  He  also  came from, what I’ve been  glorified street life, including  It  takes  the  talk  about  the
            2 Chainz.                    has his record label called  through  or  the  obstacles  gun  violence  and  drugs.  penitentiary. That’s the only
            Jeezy, 40, said “Pressure” is  Corporate Thugz Entertain-  that I’ve dodged to where  But Jeezy said he’s always  thing that’s going to catch
            focusing more on his evolu-  ment.  Not  bad  for  Jeezy,  I am now, it should give you  tried  to  speak  the  lan-  their attention. That’s what
            tion from the street life.   who  used  to  struggle  to  hope. I came a long way.”    guage of those living in im-  they relate to. The message
            “If  you  take  my  situation,  I  pay his own water bill. The  Known  for  his  trademark  poverished  neighborhoods  is bigger than the music.”q
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