P. 24

Monday 18 deceMber 2017 TECHNOLOGY

            Disney buying much of Fox, will help it compete with Netflix

            By TALI ARBEL                                                                                                       on Wall Street when it sued
            AP Technology Writer                                                                                                to  block  another  media
            NEW YORK (AP) — Disney is                                                                                           megamerger,  AT&T’s  ac-
            buying a large part of Fox,                                                                                         quisition of Time Warner, in
            including  its  movie  and                                                                                          November.
            television studios, for about                                                                                       A  watchdog  group,  the
            $52.4 billion, as the home of                                                                                       Parents  Television  Council,
            Mickey Mouse tries to meet                                                                                          worries that in getting larg-
            competition  from  technol-                                                                                         er,  Disney  would  be  able
            ogy  companies  in  the  en-                                                                                        to  extend  the  traditional
            tertainment business.                                                                                               big cable bundle to newer
            Disney’s  all-stock  deal  for                                                                                      online  services,  resulting  in
            the  Murdoch  family’s  21st                                                                                        higher  prices  for  consum-
            Century Fox gives it the stu-                                                                                       ers.
            dios that produce the Ava-                                                                                          That said, the White House
            tar movies, “The Simpsons”                                                                                          says   President   Donald
            and    “Modern     Family.”                                                                                         Trump  supports  the  deal
            Murdoch  will  form  a  new                                                                                         and  called  Murdoch  to
            company to keep the U.S.                                                                                            congratulate him.
            television  networks,  includ-                                                                                      MURDOCH FAMILY TAKES A
            ing Fox News Channel, Fox                                                                                           BOW
            Business  Network  and  Fox                                                                                         Murdoch  built  his  empire
            Broadcasting.  “The  Simp-                                                                                          by  buying  a  string  of  pa-
            sons” will continue to air on    In this Aug. 8, 2017, file photo, The Walt Disney Co. logo appears on a screen above the floor of   pers  in  Australia,  the  U.K.
            Murdoch’s Fox stations.      the New York Stock Exchange.                                                           and  the  U.S.,  building  an
            The deal also brings Marvel                                                                        Associated Press  influential  platform  for  his
            characters  such  as  X-Men  lege  sports  through  the  the internet, where Google  ment in Roku.                  views. He expanded into TV
            and  The  Avengers  under  Fox  TV  network  and  cable  and Facebook win the vast  Disney will get at least a 39  and movies, launching the
            one roof — Disney’s.         networks  FS1,  FS2  and  Big  majority of advertisers’ dol-  percent stake in European  Fox network and Fox News
            In owning these properties,  Ten Network. Disney is get-  lars.                        satellite-TV and broadcast-  and changing the face of
            Disney  will  be  in  a  better  ting  Fox’s  regional  sports  To  combat  this  trend,  Dis-  er Sky. Fox is hoping to ac-  American news and enter-
            position  to  compete  with  networks, including the Yes  ney  is  launching  its  own  quire the remainder of Sky  tainment.
            the  likes  of  Netflix  when  it  Network  showing  the  New  streaming services with ex-  before  the  deal  closes,  so  “Rupert  has  spent  many,
            launches ESPN- and Disney-   York Yankees.                clusive  video  to  sharpen  that it could give Disney full  many years assembling the
            branded  streaming  servic-  Disney  also  gets  some  ca-  its  ability  to  compete  with  control  after  the  sale.  Dis-  components of his empire,”
            es in the coming years.      ble  and  international  TV  Netflix for consumer dollars.  ney  is  also  acquiring  Star  said NYU business professor
            That  Rupert  Murdoch  and  businesses from Fox.          Disney  CEO  Robert  Iger  India, a major media com-      Samuel Craig, who special-
            his  sons  were  willing  to  sell  BATTLING NETFLIX      said  many  Fox  properties  pany with dozens of sports  izes in the entertainment in-
            off  much  of  the  business  The  deal  —  announced  will fit with the new service,  and  entertainment  chan-    dustry. Rupert Murdoch has
            that has been built up over  Thursday  on  the  eve  of  a  including  National  Geo-  nels.                        ostensibly  already  handed
            decades came as a shock  major “Star Wars” movie re-      graphic  and  additional  Disney will also win majority  the  reins  over  to  a  new
            to the entertainment indus-  lease from Disney — comes  Marvel      productions.   In  control of Hulu, both its live-  generation  at  Fox.  His  son
            try.                         as  the  entertainment  busi-  some  cases,  though,  Dis-  TV  service  and  the  older  James is CEO, while his oth-
            Murdoch,  who  built  a  ness  goes  through  big  ney  will  have  to  wait  for  service with a big library of  er son, Lachlan, like Rupert,
            global  media  and  enter-   changes.  TV  doesn’t  have  existing Fox deals to expire.  TV shows.                  has  the  title  of  executive
            tainment empire out of an  a  monopoly  on  home  en-     Fox movies are exclusive to  Not  everyone  thinks  this  chairman.  The  Murdoch
            inheritance  from  his  father  tertainment   anymore.  HBO  through  2022,  for  ex-  is  a  good  bet  by  Disney,  empire  has  already  been
            in  Australia,  said  what  re-  There’s  Netflix,  which  is  ample.                  though.  Rich  Greenfield,  a  divided.  After  a  phone-
            mains  of  his  family’s  busi-  spending  up  to  $8  billion  THE MECHANICS          longtime Disney critic, thinks  hacking  newspaper  scan-
            ness will be able to focus on  on programming next year.  Iger  will  continue  as  chair-  the deal is a bad idea that  dal in the U.K., News Corp.
            American news and sports.  Amazon is building its own  man and CEO of The Walt  ties  Disney  to  older  TV-dis-    was split off into a separate
            During a call with investors  library, having splashed out  Disney Co. through the end  tribution  systems  —  cable  company for the publishing
            Thursday, Murdoch and his  on global TV rights to “Lord  of 2021. The deal still needs  and  satellite  TV  —  rather  and newspaper businesses,
            sons  described  the  move  of  the  Rings.”  Facebook,  approval  from  Disney  and  than helping it look toward  which include the New York
            as a return to the compa-    Google and Apple are also  Fox shareholders.              the future.                  Post,  The  Wall  Street  Jour-
            ny’s  lean  and  aggressive  investing in video.          Before  the  buyout,  Fox  will  He  also  notes  that  regula-  nal, The Sun and The Times
            roots.                       As  consumers  spend  more  separate the businesses it’s  tors  may  not  like  the  idea  in the U.K., and book pub-
            Murdoch’s  new  company  time  online,  TV’s  share  of  keeping into a newly listed  of  combining  two  major  lisher  HarperCollins.  Now,
            will  get  national  rights  to  U.S.  ad  spending  is  shrink-  company.  It  will  also  keep  movie  studios.  The  Jus-  Fox  is  slimming  down,  with
            Major  League  Baseball,  ing.  Advertisers  are  follow-  the  Fox  studio  lot  in  Los  tice  Department  surprised  the  bulk  of  the  company
            the NFL, NASCAR and col-     ing  consumer  attention  to  Angeles and equity invest-  many  in  the  industry  and  going to Disney.q
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