P. 21
SPORTS Monday 18 deceMber 2017
Angel Cabrera and
son win the Father-
Son Challenge
ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — nine with back-to-back
Angel Cabrera and An- birdies, and then making
gel Cabrera Jr. closed birdies on the 13th, 14th
with a 12-under 60 for a and 16th. The final birdie
three-shot victory in their allowed them to tie the
debut at the PNC Father- tournament scoring re-
Son Challenge. cord.
The Cabreras opened “This is certain my best
with a 59 at The Ritz-Carl- week of the year,” said Winnipeg Jets goaltender Connor Hellebuyck (37) stops the puck with Josh Morrissey (44) battling
ton Golf Club and were Cabrera, the 2009 Mas- with St. Louis Blues’ Paul Stastny (26) beside the net during third period NHL hockey action in Win-
challenged briefly by the ters champion and 2007 nipeg, Manitoba, Sunday, Dec. 17, 2017.
defending champions, U.S. Open champion
David Duval and Nick at Oakmont. “To play Hellebuyck stops 24 shots,
Karavites, in the scramble alongside all the leg-
format Sunday. The Ar- ends ... as well as playing Jets beat Blues 4-0
gentines went out in 30, alongside my son, has
and they had a two-shot been the greatest week WINNIPEG, Manitoba (AP) the St. Louis net and was hit back in the Blues’ lineup af-
lead with Cabrera’s son of the year.” — Connor Hellebuyck by two Blues players with ter the captain missed four
came within an inch of The popular event is for stopped 24 shots for his the puck popping loose. games with a lower-body
chipping in for eagle on players who have won a eighth career shutout, Copp picked it up and sent injury. He logged just over
the final hole. major championship or Patrik Laine got his team- a pass in the crease to Low- 20 minutes of ice time. ...
They finished at 25-un- The Players Champion- high 16th goal of the sea- ry, who put it in for his fifth of Winnipeg went 1 for 4 on
der 199 for a three-shot ship. It is a scramble for- son and the Winnipeg Jets the season. the power play while St.
victory over Duval and mat both days. beat the St. Louis Blues 4-0 Laine used a wrist shot on Louis was 0 for 4.q
Karavites, and Bern- In some cases, the major Sunday night. Allen’s blocker side to get
hard Langer and Jason champions lean on the Adam Lowry, Mark Scheif- his league-leading 10th
Langer. The Langer team power of their sons for the ele and Josh Morrissey also power-play goal of the sea-
won in 2014. distance. O’Meara said scored for Winnipeg, which son with 4:47 left in the sec-
Mark O’Meara and Saturday that his “little lost 2-0 at St. Louis the pre- ond while Alex Pietrangelo
Shaun O’Meara tied for man” hit it 58 yards by vious night. Morrissey also sat in the penalty box for
fourth at 21 under with him on the 18th. And on had an assist, and Andrew cross-checking.
Jerry Pate and Wesley Sunday, Stewart Cink said Copp and Jacob Trouba Scheifele scored his 15th
Pate. son Reagan told him af- added two each to help when he re-directed Mor-
Cabrera wasn’t even in ter outdriving him on the the Jets improve to 2-4-1 in rissey’s shot from near the
the field until two-time opening four holes, “In their last seven games. Hel- top of the circle at with
U.S. Open champion Cur- this tournament I may be lebuyck’s shutout was his 8:06 left in the third to make
tis Strange and his son, your son, but right now second of the season. it 3-0.
Tom Strange, had to with- I’m your Daddy!” Jake Allen was back in Morrissey then capped the
draw. Jack Nicklaus played goal for the Blues and fin- scoring less than two min-
Duval and his stepson with his grandson, G.T. ished with 42 saves. Carter utes later with his shot from
went out in 28, but the They closed with a 64 and Hutton had 48 saves in St. the high slot.
Cabreras regained con- tied for 15th in the field of Louis’ win on Friday night. The Jets outshot the Blues
trol by starting the back 20 teams.q Lowry got the Jets on the 12-9 in a scoreless first peri-
scoreboard at 4:32 of the od, with both goalies mak-
second. Brandon Tanev ing some key saves.
brought the puck behind NOTES: D Pietrangelo was