P. 16

               Monday 18 deceMber 2017

            Tierra del Sol Resort and Golf

            Mackenzie Tour holds on to win 2017 Aruba Cup

                                                                                                             Match  17  Tee-k  Kelly  (PGA  TOUR  Latinoaméri-
                                                                                                             ca)  defeated  Jordan  Niebrugge  (Mackenzie
                                                                                                             Tour) 3&2
                                                                                                             Match 18 Max Rottluff (Mackenzie Tour) defeat-
                                                                                                             ed Nelson Ledesma (PGA TOUR Latinoamérica)
                                                                                                             Match  19  Brady  Schnell  halved  vs.  T.J.  Vogel
                                                                                                             (Mackenzie Tour)
                                                                                                             Match 20 Robby Shelton (Mackenzie Tour) de-
                                                                                                             feated José Toledo (PGA TOUR Latinoamérica)
                                                                                                             Miscellaneous notes:
                                                                                                                •   Weather:  30  degrees  Celsius,  Partly
                                                                                                                    cloudy  with  brief  showers,  winds  at  33
             Mackenzie Tour – PGA TOUR Canada 10.5 vs. PGA TOUR Latinoamérica 9.5
                                                                                    Enrique Berardi/PGA TOUR    •   Player records for the week (Won-Lost-
            (Noord, Aruba) – With T.J. Vogel providing the  square his match before halving the 18th to set         Halved):
            exclamation  point  for  the  third  straight  day,  off a celebration for the Mackenzie Tour squad.  Mackenzie Tour – PGA TOUR Canada
            Team Mackenzie Tour – PGA TOUR prevailed in   “I’m just so happy for the team. It was a lot clos-
            a thrilling finish to win the second annual Aruba  er than we anticipated, but a win’s a win and   Kramer Hickok 1-1-1
                                                                                                             Robby Shelton 2-0-1
            Cup  on  Saturday  at  Tierra  del  Sol  Resort  and  I’m  just  happy  for  the  guys,”  said  Vogel,  who
            Golf in Aruba.                                  added  that  his  experience  early  in  the  week   Johnny Ruiz 1-1-1
                                                                                                             Patrick Newcomb 1-2-0
                                                            helped him come through in the clutch again.
            Vogel’s  half  point  in  the  final  match  to  finish  “I  think  the  first  match  really  helped,  coming   Rico Hoey 2-1-0
                                                                                                             Lee McCoy 1-1-1
            gave  his  team  a  10.5  to  9.5  tally  over  Team  down the stretch and winning the last two holes
            PGA TOUR Latinoamérica, allowing the Mack-      with Rico (Hoey). That really helped. I felt like as   Max Rottluff 1-1-1
                                                                                                             Chase Wright 1-1-1
            enzie Tour team to survive a furious charge by  long  as  I  was  within  reach,  I  was  going  to  be
            their opponents and giving the Canadian side  able to close strong.”  The win caps a thrilling   Jordan Niebrugge 1-1-1
                                                                                                             T.J. Vogel 2-0-1
            their first win in the two-year history of the an-  week and a memorable season for all 10 play-
            nual team competition. “It feels amazing,” said  ers on the team, especially those who earned      PGA TOUR Latinoamérica
            Mackenzie Tour Team Captain Ben Silverman,  promotions to the Tour.
            who saw his team begin the day with a 6.5 to   “It was a great way to celebrate our success        José de Jesús Rodríguez 0-2-1
            3.5 lead but quickly found his side trying to hold  throughout the year,” said Hickok. “The year is
            off  a  late  rally.  “The  Latinoamérica  Team  re-  such a grind, and the Aruba Cup a great way   Jared Wolfe 1-1-1
                                                                                                             Brian Richey 2-1-0
            ally  pushed  hard  at  the  end,  and  you’ve  got  to reward the players who played well. It was
            to  give  them  a  lot  of  credit  for  the  way  they  great  to  get  to  know  these  guys  better  and   José Toledo 0-2-1
                                                                                                             Nelson Ledesma 1-2-0
            fought back today.” Needing just four points to  spend a week with them, and I’m glad it ended
            secure the cup, Team Mackenzie Tour secured  the way it did.”                                    Hank Lebioda 2-0-1
                                                                                                             Tee-k Kelly 1-2-0
            an early point as Kramer Hickok defeated José
            de Jesús Rodríguez 3 and 1 in a battle of each  Saturday Singles matches:                        Brady Schnell 0-1-2
                                                                                                             Rodolfo Cazaubón 1-2-0
            Tour’s Player of the Year. Max Rottluff and Rob-  Match  11  Rodolfo  Cazaubón  (PGA  TOUR
            by Shelton also notched decisive victories, win-  Latinoamérica)  defeated  Patrick  Newcomb     Oscar Fraustro 1-0-2
            ning their matches 6 and 4 and 6 and 5, respec-  (Mackenzie Tour) 2&1
            tively, putting the Mackenzie Tour just one point  Match 12 Kramer Hickok (Mackenzie Tour) de-
            from victory.  Every time it seemed victory was  feated  José  de  Jesús  Rodríguez  (PGA  TOUR
            at  hand,  however,  PGA  TOUR  Latinoamérica  Latinoamérica) 3&1
            clawed closer to a remarkable comeback. Os-     Match 13 Brian Richey (PGA TOUR Latinoaméri-
            car Fraustro drained a 30-foot birdie putt at 18  ca) defeated Rico Hoey (Mackenzie Tour) 2&1
            to halve his match with Johnny Ruiz and keep  Match  14  Oscar  Fraustro  (PGA  TOUR  Latinoa-
            hope alive, while Jared Wolfe turned a 1 down  mérica)  halved  vs.  Johnny  Ruiz  (Mackenzie
            deficit into a 1 up win over Lee McCoy, putting  Tour)
            the pressure squarely on the shoulders of Vogel.  Match  15  Hank  Lebioda  (PGA  TOUR  Latinoa-
              After  securing  points  thanks  to  clutch  closing  mérica)  defeated  Chase  Wright  (Mackenzie
            birdies in both Four-Ball and Foursomes play on  Tour) 5&4
            Thursday and Friday, Vogel was once again put  Match 16 Jared Wolfe (PGA TOUR Latinoaméri-       Dramatic singles charge by PGA TOUR Latinoamérica
            in position to decide the outcome, and he de-   ca)  defeated  Lee  McCoy  (Mackenzie  Tour)  1   falls just short in thrilling finish
            livered yet again, making birdie at the 17th to  up                                                                     Enrique Berardi/PGA TOUR
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