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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Monday 18 deceMber 2017

            Defiant Theresa May: UK ‘proving  doubters wrong’ on Brexit

            LONDON  (AP)  —  British  Prime  Minister  Theresa  Union.” Striking a defiant note, she added that  tiations would now begin on an “implementa-
            May  said  Sunday  her  government  is  “prov-  her  Brexit  plans  won’t  be  “derailed”  by  anti-  tion  period”  immediately  after  Britain  formally
            ing the doubters wrong” after European Union  Brexit campaigners.                               leaves the bloc in March 2019 — but some of
            leaders agreed that Brexit negotiations can fi-  “Amid all the noise, we are getting on with the  her Conservative party members have already
            nally  move  on  to  their  next  phase  in  the  new  job,” she wrote. “In the face of those who want  signaled that they won’t accept arrangements
            year.                                           to talk Britain down, we are securing the best  that  closely  resemble  continued  EU  member-
            Leaders of the other 27 EU nations gave a boost  and  most  ambitious  Brexit  deal  for  our  whole  ship during the transition to a new relationship.
            to  May  on  Friday  when  they  agreed  that  the  United Kingdom.”                            With  so  little  time  before  Britain’s  expected
            protracted talks over Britain’s exit from the bloc  May, who is already struggling to maintain her  exit date, negotiators face a tight deadline to
            can proceed to the issues of transition and fu-  authority  amid  the  fractious  exit  process,  suf-  carve  out  a  wide-ranging  separation  deal.  A
            ture trade relations between the two sides.     fered a significant political defeat in Parliament  transition phase of about two years, aimed at
            Writing in the Sunday Telegraph, May declared  on Wednesday when the House of Commons  easing Britain out of the EU and providing some
            that  “the  last  10  days  have  marked  a  water-  voted  to  give  lawmakers  the  final  say  on  any  certainty to business, is expected to be an early
            shed in our negotiations to leave the European  Brexit agreement. The prime minister said nego-  point of discussion.q

            British Prime Minister Theresa May walks by the British flag during
            an  EU  summit  at  the  Europa  building  in  Brussels  on  Thursday,
            Dec. 14, 2017.                                Associated Press
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