P. 8

Monday 18 deceMber 2017 WORLD NEWS

            Israel to probe fatal shooting of Palestinian paraplegic

            By FARES AKRAM                                                                         The Israeli military said thou-  In  a  reflection  of  how  his
             Associated Press                                                                      sands  of  protesters  were  death has been embraced
            GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP)                                                             rolling  burning  tires  and  by a swath of Gazan soci-
            —  The  Israeli  military  said                                                        throwing  stones  at  soldiers  ety, posters from the many
            Sunday  it  has  opened  an                                                            in separate locations along  Palestinian  political  fac-
            investigation  into  the  fatal                                                        the fence. Lt. Col. Jonathan  tions  and  diverse  commu-
            shooting  of  a  paraplegic                                                            Conricus, a military spokes-  nity organizations lined the
            Palestinian  man  who  was                                                             man,  blamed  Hamas  for  tent’s sides.
            shot  in  the  head  during  a                                                         instigating  violent  demon-  Abu  Thraya  lost  his  legs  in
            violent  demonstration  in                                                             strations that posed a “sig-  an  Israeli  airstrike  during
            the Gaza Strip last week.                                                              nificant  threat”  to  soldiers  a  2008  war  between  Is-
            Ibrahim Abu Thraya, 29, was                                                            and justified the use of live  rael  and  Hamas.  Al-Komi
            shot  while  demonstrating                                                             fire.                        said he was assisting in the
            along  Gaza’s  border  with                                                            Still, he said “allegations of  evacuation of people hit in
            Israel, Palestinian health of-                                                         the  killing  of  a  paraplegic  a separate strike when the
            ficials  said,  during  days  of   Palestinian  mourners  carry  the  body  of  29-year-old  activist   Palestinian rioter are under  second  airstrike  occurred.
            unrest sparked by President   Ibrahim Abu Thuraya who was shot and killed by Israeli troops   investigation.” The probe is  He had since used a wheel-
            Donald  Trump’s  recogni-    Friday,  in  clashes  on  the  Israeli  border  with  Gaza,  during  his   expected  to  take  several  chair.
            tion of Jerusalem as Israel’s   funeral in Gaza City, Saturday, Dec. 16, 2017.         days, Conricus said.         Abu  Thraya,  a  fisherman
            capital  earlier  this  month.                                        Associated Press  Hundreds   of   neighbors,  before  his  injury,  partici-
            Abu Thraya is being hailed  said  ‘this  is  Jerusalem;  if  I  lem  turned  out  to  protest.  friends and officials, includ-  pated  in  several  border
            as a hero and his death has  don’t go to defend it, who  Hamas, the Islamic militant  ing  Hamas  leader  Ismail  demonstrations     following
            emerged  as  a  rallying  cry  will?’”  said  Raed  al-Komi,  group  that  rules  Gaza,  Haniyeh,  have  visited  a  Trump’s   announcement.
            among Palestinians against  Abu Thraya’s half-brother.    called  for  a  third  Palestin-  mourning  tent  erected  for  As   other   demonstrators
            Trump’s  dramatic  declara-  Following  Trump’s  deci-    ian uprising. Violence broke  Abu  Thraya  in  Gaza’s  al-  ran  away  from  tear  gas
            tion, which they largely saw  sion, the Palestinians called  out  in  several  flashpoints  Shati refugee camp, which  fired  by  Israeli  troops,  Abu
            as siding with Israel.       for three “days of rage” in  and  erupted  again  on  Fri-  was adorned with photos of  Thraya  wheeled  himself
            “We were telling him not to  which  thousands  of  Pales-  day,  including  along  the  him in a wheelchair hoisting  closer  to  the  frontier,  ac-
            go (to the border), but he  tinians in the West Bank, the  Gaza border fence, where  up the Palestinian flag and  cording to Ahmed Yaghi, a
            would  not  listen  to  us.  He  Gaza Strip and east Jerusa-  Abu Thraya was killed.   flashing  a  “victory”  sign.  protester.q
                                                                      Suicide bombers attack

                                                                      church in Pakistan, killing 9

                                                                      the  response  of  security  “plungers” from their group  Wasim  Baig,  a  spokesman
                                                                      forces    guarding     the  had  stormed  the  church,  for Quetta’s main hospital.
                                                                      church, saying the attacker  without  providing  further  A young girl in a white dress
                                                                      who  made  it  inside  was  details.                      sobbed  as  she  recounted
                                                                      wounded  and  unable  to  It  was  the  first  time  the  the   attack    to    Geo
                                                                      reach the main building.     Islamic  State  group  has  television,   saying   many
                                                                      “Otherwise the loss of lives  claimed  an  attack  on  a  people  around  her  were
                                                                      could  have  been  much  church in Pakistan, though  wounded.
                                                                      higher,” he told reporters.  Muslim   extremists   have  Aqil  Anjum,  who  was  shot
            A Pakistani walks in the main hall of a church following a suicide   Quetta Police Chief Abdur  claimed  church  attacks  in  his  right  arm,  told  The
            attack in Quetta, Pakistan, Sunday, Dec. 17, 2017.        Razzaq  Cheema  said  a  in  the  past.  The  deadliest  Associated  Press  he  heard
                                                     Associated Press  search   was    underway  example was in September  a blast in the middle of the
            By ABDUL SATTAR              ahead  of  Christmas  when  for      two     suspected  2013,  when  twin  suicide  service, followed by heavy
             Associated Press            the  bombers  appeared  accomplices                who  bomb      blasts   killed   85  gunfire.
            QUETTA,  Pakistan  (AP)  —  in  the  city  of  Quetta  and  escaped.                   people  in  a  Peshawar  “It was chaos. Bullets were
            Two suicide bombers struck  clashed      with   security  Local  television  showed  church. In March 2015, two  hitting  people  inside  the
            a  church  in  Pakistan  on  forces.   One     assailant  ambulances  and  security  suicide  bombers  attacked  closed hall,” he said.
            Sunday, killing nine people  was  killed  at  the  church  patrols racing to the scene  two churches in the eastern  Dozens    of    Christians
            and  wounding  more  than  entrance. The other made  as  women  and  children  city  of  Lahore,  killing  15  gathered outside a nearby
            50 others, authorities said, in  it   inside,   said   Sarfaraz  were  being  led  out  of  the  people.            hospital  to  protest  the
            the first attack on a church  Bugti, home minister for the  church’s main gate.        Fifty-seven  people  were  lack  of  security.  Pakistan’s
            claimed  by  the  country’s  southwestern   Baluchistan  The Islamic State group later  wounded  in  the  latest  president  and  other  senior
            Islamic State group affiliate.  province.                 claimed  responsibility  for  attack,  including  seven  officials  condemned  the
            Hundreds  of  worshippers  Baluchistan  Police  Chief  the attack on their Aamaq  who  were  listed  in  critical  attack.q
            were  attending  services  Moazzam  Ansari  praised  news  agency,  saying  two  condition,  according  to
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