P. 22

A22     SPORTS
               Monday 18 deceMber 2017

            DeRozan scores 21 points as Raptors beat Kings 108-93

            By IAN HARRISON                                                                        time  in  its  past  10  and  im-  The Raptors, who snapped
            Associated Press                                                                       proved  to  11-4  against  an      eight-game     losing
            TORONTO  (AP)  —  After  a                                                             Western  Conference  op-     streak  in  Sacramento  with
            high-scoring  first  half,  the                                                        ponents.                     a 102-87 road win last Sun-
            Sacramento Kings sudden-                                                               “Any  team  in  this  league,  day, swept the Kings for the
            ly  found  themselves  strug-                                                          you let them shoot 61 per-   first time since 2014-15.
            gling  to  put  points  on  the                                                        cent,  it’s  way  too  high,”  Sacramento,  which  lost
            board  against  the  Toronto                                                           Raptors   coach    Dwane  for  the  fifth  time  in  seven
            Raptors.                                                                               Casey said. “We held them  games,  was  without  lead-
            DeMar DeRozan scored 21                                                                to 31 percent in the second  ing  scorer  and  rebounder
            points,  Jonas  Valanciunas                                                            half,  which  is  admirable,  Zach  Randolph  (rest)  and
            had  13  points  and  a  sea-                                                          but we can’t play with fire.”  guard  De’Aaron  Fox,  who
            son-high  16  rebounds  and                                                            Lowry  said  the  Raptors  sat for the first time this sea-
            Toronto  held  Sacramento                                                              “tightened  the  screws  a  son  because  of  a  bruised
            to  30  second-half  points                                                            little bit” on defense in the  right  thigh  sustained  in
            Sunday,  beating  the  Kings                                                           third and fourth quarters.   Thursday’s loss at Minneso-
            108-93.                      Toronto Raptors guard DeMar DeRozan (10) drives to the net as   Sacramento  trailed  96-88  ta.  Raptors  forward  Serge
            Kyle Lowry added 16 points   Sacramento  Kings  guard  Garrett  Temple  (17)  defends  during   after  a  jump  shot  by  Bog-  Ibaka  was  not  available
            and Norman Powell had 14     first-half NBA basketball game action in Toronto, Sunday, Dec.   dan  Bogdanovic  with  2:28  (left knee), but C.J. Miles re-
            for  the  Raptors,  who  won   17, 2017.                                               remaining, but a step-back  turned after missing Friday’s
            their  ninth  straight  home                                          Associated Press  3-pointer by Fred VanVleet  game  because  of  a  sore
            game.  Toronto  is  an  NBA-  Sacramento  a  63-61  edge  “I thought we played a lit-  with the shot clock expiring  left shoulder.
            best 11-1 at home.           at  the  intermission.  The  tle bit slower in the second  gave Toronto a 99-88 edge  Miles  started  for  the  first
            DeRozan  gave  the  Rap-     Kings  shot  61.9  percent  in  half,”  Kings  coach  Dave  with 1:38 left.            time this season.
            tors  a  61-60  lead  with  a  the  first  half,  making  26  of  Joerger  said.  “I  think  both  Bogdanovic  and  Garrett  Sacramento  made  seven
            pull-up  jump  shot  with  less  42 field goal attempts.  teams were in there saying  Temple  each  scored  18  turnovers  in  the  third,  two
            than  two  seconds  remain-  Sacramento     scored   14  ‘Man, we can’t give up 60  points  and  Hill  had  16  for  of  them  during  a  10-2  To-
            ing  in  the  second  quarter,  points  in  the  third  quarter,  points by halftime.’ Maybe  the  Kings,  who  are  4-13  ronto run late in the quarter
            but George Hill banked in a  making  five  of  18  shots,  we got a little slow. I credit  away from home, tied with  that  gave  the  Raptors  an
            46-foot 3-pointer from mid-  then  followed  up  with  16  their defense.”             Atlanta  for  the  most  road  83-77  lead  heading  to  the
            court  at  the  buzzer,  giving  points in the fourth.    Toronto  won  for  the  ninth  losses in the league.      fourth.q

                                                                      Pistons                      ing  really  well,  I  think  we  finally getting stops.”
                                                                                                   definitely relaxed way too  Harris,  Tolliver  and  Reggie
                                                                                                   much.”                      Jackson  scored  17  points
                                                                      Continued from Page 18       Orlando trailed 105-100 af-  each  for  the  Pistons.  He-
                                                                                                   ter  its  huge  fourth-quarter  zonja had 28 points for Or-
                                                                      The  Pistons  led  60-43  at   run,  but  Mario  Hezonja,  lando, and Jonathon Sim-
                                                                      halftime  after  going  10  of   who would finish with eight  mons added 23.
                                                                      18 from beyond the arc in    3-pointers,  missed  one  for  OPPORTUNITY
                                                                      the  first  half.  Then  Detroit   the  Magic.  Tobias  Harris  Bullock  has  played  in-
                                                                      added  six  more  3-pointers   scored on a driving shot at  creased  minutes  lately
                                                                      and  36  points  in  the  third   the other end with 1:21 to  with   Stanley   Johnson
                                                                      quarter.                     play.                       shooting  poorly.  His  big
                                                                      Tolliver’s   3-pointer   tied   The Pistons finished 17 of 34  game   was   especially
                                                                      the  franchise  record  and   from beyond the arc, and  welcome  Sunday,  when
                                                                      gave  the  Pistons  a  105-81   the Magic were even bet-  guard  Avery  Bradley  was
                                                                      lead  with  7:00  remaining.   ter at 17 of 33.          out with a right groin prob-
                                                                      Then  Orlando  scored  the   “It was great that we didn’t  lem.
              Detroit Pistons guard Ish Smith, right, shoots as Orlando Magic   game’s next 19 points.  give  in  when  we  were  “This  is  probably  one  of
              forward Jonathan Isaac (1) defends in the first half of an NBA   “I  don’t  really  feel  like   down  20.  We  finally  did  my most true opportunities
              basketball  game  in  Detroit,  Sunday,  Dec.  17,  2017.  Detroit   our   defensive   intensity   the things we hadn’t been  probably, since I’ve been
              Pistons guard Ish Smith, right, shoots as Orlando Magic forward   was  very  good  the  whole   doing  all  night,”  Vucevic  in  the  league,”  Bullock
              Jonathan Isaac (1) defends in the first half of an NBA basketball   game,” Tolliver said. “Even   said.  “We  hit  shots,  but  I  said. “Just knowing I’m go-
              game in Detroit, Sunday, Dec. 17, 2017.                 though  we  were  shoot-
                                                     Associated Press                              think  it  all  started  with  us  ing to be in the rotation.”q
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