Page 11 - AHATA
P. 11

               Thursday 20 February 2025

            Don’t miss out on L’Avenue’s Early Bird Special!

                                                              10pm. Enjoy your lunch and/
                                                              or dinner in a cool, air-con-   But  that’s  not  all!  L’Avenue
                                                              ditioned interior area of the   is  offering  their  guests  their
                                                              restaurant,   accompanied       Early  Bird  Special,  available
                                                              by the warm lights and chic     every day from 4pm to 7pm.
                                                              design  that  emphasizes  the   Enjoy  this  affordable  and
                                                              restaurant’s  laid-back,  yet   delectable  3-course  meal
                                                              sophisticated ambience.         special  at  a  comfortable     More information
                                                                                              price  of  $29.50  per  guest,   L’Avenue  is  situated  at  The
                                                              Lunch  includes  a  variety  of   which  includes  a  selection   Cove  Mall  in  Palm  Beach
                                                              sandwiches—with a healthy       of their fine in-house wine.    and is open every day from
                                                              selection of bread options—                                     11am to 10pm for lunch and
                                                              if  you’re  going  for  a  light   L’Avenue  honors  and  takes   dinner.  To  book  a  reserva-
                                                              meal,  but  just  like  their  din-  pride in serving the tradition-  tion or ask for more informa-
                                                              ner  selection,  also  includes   al  Belgian  and  French  fla-  tion,  please  contact  their
                                                              steak,  chicken,  fish,  and    vors, but does not shy away     phone line at +297 6996400,
                                                              even  mussels  and  rabbit  if   from offering a flexible menu   send  an  e-mail  info@lave-
                                                              you’re craving a bit more of    for their guests’ needs. That’s,  or  visit  their
                                                              L’Avenue’s  exquisite  menu.    right, L’Avenue also offers to   website  at  lavenuearuba.
                                                              And  let’s  not  forget  their   cater for their guests’ dietary   com.q
                                                              wide  selection  of  Belgian    restrictions, making sure that
                                                              beer and European wine to       each  guest  gets  well  taken
                                                              complete  the  tasty  experi-   care of!

             (Oranjestad)—Up to grab an early dinner af-
             ter a day of shopping or cruising? Take ad-
             vantage of L’Avenue’s Early Bird Special, and
             experience their innovative twist of tradition-
             al Belgian cuisine!

             Located in a cozy nook at The Cove Mall—a
             short  walking  distance  from  the  Holiday  Inn
             and Paseo Herencia, this Belgian and French
             bistro offers a delicious and rich menu avail-
             able through lunch and dinner from 11am to

            Aruba Tourism Authority honored loyal visitors at Divi Aruba Phoenix Beach Resort!

            The  Aruba  Tourism  Authority  recently  had  the  The honorary certification is presented on be-  United states.
            great pleasure of recognizing Goodwill Ambas-   half of the Minister of Tourism as a token of ap-  Mr. Jorgino Willems representing the Aruba Tour-
            sadors  of  Aruba.  The  honorees  were  respec-  preciation and to say “Masha Danki” to guests  ism Authority, and staff members of Divi Aruba
            tively honored with a certificate for their years  who  have  visited  Aruba  10,  20,  or  35  years  or  Phoenix Beach Resort bestowed the certificate
            of visits, loyalty, and love for the island of Aruba.  more consecutively.                      upon the honorees, presented them with gifts,
                                                                                                            and thanked them for choosing Aruba as their
                                                            The three levels of honor are as follows:       favorite  vacation  destination,  as  their  home
                                                            Distinguished Visitor (10>years consecutively vis-  away from home.
                                                            iting Aruba)
                                                            Goodwill Ambassador (20>years consecutively  The top reasons for returning to Aruba provided
                                                            visiting Aruba)                                 by the honorees were:
                                                            Emerald  Ambassador  (35>years  consecutively  •        Aruba’s people.
                                                            visiting Aruba)                                 •       Aruba’s weather.
                                                                                                            •       “I love all the activities”
                                                            The honorees were:
                                                            Goodwill Ambassadors                            On  behalf  of  the  Aruba  Tourism  Authority,  we
                                                            Mrs. Rosalyn Berstein/Charnes from Bridgewater  would like to express our sincere gratitude and
                                                            New Jersey, United States.                      appreciation  to  the  honorees  for  their  contin-
                                                            Ms. Susan Mann from Bridgewater New Jersey,  ued visits to the “One Happy Island”. q
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