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                                                                                                                           Wednesday 1 november 2017

            The Aruba Chamber to Exhibit the Creations of ‘Stichting Mira’

                                         ents, as our special guests,
                                         together  with  the  Director
                                         of Stichting Mira, Mrs. Jean
                                         Vieira,  a  professional  art
                                         teacher with many years of
                                         experience in creative and
                                         therapeutic art for all ages.
                                         Stichting  Mira  is  a  founda-
                                         tion  for  Artistic  Education
                                         and  Art  Appreciation  and
                                         was  established  on  Octo-
                                         ber  6,  2006.  Mira  started
                                         giving  art  classes  to  Aru-
                                         ba’s children in 2007. With-
                                         in  the  first  few  years  there
            ORANJESTAD  -  The  Cham-    was  such  a  demand  that
            ber cordially invites you to  they  had  to  implement  a
            its  5th  art  exhibition,  ‘Spot,  full  schedule  of  classes  for
            Smear  and  Discover,’  pre-  Artistic  Education  and  Art
            senting the interesting story  Appreciation.  Lessons  are
            and  creations  of  ‘Stichting  given  to  children  starting
            Mira.’                       at the age of 4, as well as
                                         adults  and  elderly  people.
            This  colorful  and  enlight-  Furthermore, special needs                                                           moment  including  drinks
            ening  exhibition  will  take  children  and  adults  are                                                           and snacks.
            place Friday, November 3,  also  guided  with  different                                                            To  confirm  your  atten-
            2017  from  5pm  to  7pm  at  art projects.                                                                         dance please go to: www.
            the  Aruba  Chamber,  J.E.  The name ‘Mira’ is derived                                                    
            Irausquin Boulevard 10. En-  from  ‘Papiamento’,  the                                                               up  and  select  the  event
            trance is free and there will  native  language  of  Aruba                                                          ‘Aruba Chamber Art Exhibi-
            be refreshments!             and  means  ‘to  see,’  ‘to                                                            tion 2017. For more informa-
            Join us for an inspiring eve-  look,’  or  ‘to  review.’  Mira                                                      tion  and  questions  about
            ning  where  you  can  view  developed  lesson  plans                                                               this  event  please  contact
            the paintings of the students  and methods aiming to re-                                                            us! Send an e-mail to: busi-
            of  Stichting  Mira,  mainly  teach  “how  to  look”  and  ated. The next exhibition is  For this edition most of the  nessinfo@arubachamber.
            children,  who  started  to  stimulate artistic life skills.  planned for June 2018.   art  work  is  not  for  sale  but  com  or  call  582-1566,  ext.
            paint at a relatively young  The  courses  end  with  an  For more information about  donations  to  the  founda-   30/35.
            age.  These  children  (the  annual exhibition, for which  Stichting  Mira,  please  visit  tion are welcome. As usual,  We hope to see you Friday,
            artists)  will  also  be  present  donations  are  always  wel-  the website: www.stichting-  we will combine this event  November 3rd for an enjoy-
            this evening with their par-  come  and  highly  appreci-                   with a pleasant networking  able art evening!q

            Get Ready for the Most Exciting Book in the World

            ORANJESTAD  -  The  Children’s  book  Festival  is  vorite book when you were a child”?
            the  local  library’s  annual  project  to  promote  This  year  the  library  welcomes  a  group  of  14
            reading amongst children and is in full motion  creative individuals, storytellers, authors and il-
            all through the first week of November. The ac-  lustrators  from  the  Dutch  Caribbean,  Holland
            tivities take place in schools all over the island  and  Surinam  together  with  10  local  invitees.
            as well as at the library in Oranjestad and the  The theme of this year’s festival is ‘Shiver’ and
            San Nicolas branch.                             children will read and listen to scary stories. Il-
                                                            lustrator Mariëllav.d. Beek designed the logo for
            During  the  book  festival  the  library  pays  extra  the festival and Sjoerd Kuyper wrote this year’s
            attention to children and children’s books, au-  children book titled ‘The most exciting book in
            thors and illustrators and celebrates the world  the world’, which visual artist, Stan Kuiperi illus-
            of  children’s  imagination  with  special  themes.  trated. The festival’s special book is free with the
            Children  meet  their  favorite  author  or  illustra-  purchase of 25 florins at local bookstores.
            tor, listen to them and enjoy their presentations,  The Children’s Book Festival opens with an open
            have a book autographed, or just have the op-   air grand fiesta for children and their parents on
            portunity to talk to them about their inspirations.  November  3rd  at  6  o’clock  in  the  afternoon,
            Popular  questions  children  ask  authors  are:  behind the library in Oranjestad. The public Li-
            “How  old  are  you?”,  “How  many  books  have  brary offers fun activities in the afternoon from
            you  written?”,  “What  is  your  favorite  color?”,  November 6 till the 9th (3pm till 4pm) for all chil-
            “Do you have a pet?”, and “What was your fa-    dren. q
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