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P. 17
LOCAL Wednesday 1 november 2017
Mural Painting Workshop
things relevant to making The workshop will also ex- political murals, sign paint-
a mural. Different practical plore the many different ings and more.
methods of applying paint types of wall paintings, The creative workshop is
and images onto walls, throughout known histo- on from 13. November till
and other surfaces will be ry, everything from cave 7 December at Ateliers
researched. paintings, fresques, graffiti, ’89.q
ORANJESTAD - The Islandic murals.
artist ArnarÁsgeirsson will
give a workshop in mural The jump from canvas
painting at Ateliers ´89 in to wall will be investigat-
Aruba. In the workshop you ed. Participants will learn
will explore with Arnar the about story telling in im-
development from draw- ages, composition, color
ing and sketching to paint- design, materials, paint-
ing and to create fantastic ing techniques and other