Page 16 - MIN TTC MARCH 22,2016
P. 16
Tuesday 22 March 2016
Tensions rights
Continued from Page 2 normalize ties between President Barack Obama, left, listens to a live band along with Cuba’s President Raul Castro during
two countries that sit just 90 a state dinner at the Palace of the Revolution in Havana, Cuba, Monday, March 21, 2016. Laying
Ricardo Herrera, a 45-year- miles apart. The U.S. leader bare a half-century of tensions, Obama and Castro prodded each other Monday over human
old street food vendor said, traveled with his family and rights and the long-standing U.S. economic embargo during an joint news conference.
“It’s like a movie but based was taking in the sights in
on real life.” Old Havana and attend- Associated Press
After responding to a ing a baseball game be-
handful of questions, Cas- tween the beloved Cuban
tro ended the news con- national team and the
ference abruptly, declar- Tampa Bay Rays. Monday
ing, “I think this is enough.” night, Castro honored the
Obama then appeared to Americans with a state din-
lean in to pat Castro on the ner at Havana’s Palace of
back. In an awkward mo- the Revolution.
ment, the Cuban leader Several American business
instead grabbed Obama’s leaders joined Obama on
arm and lifted it up as the the trip, many eager to gain
U.S. president’s wrist dan- a foothold on the island
gled, an image that imme- nation. Technology giant
diately grabbed attention Google announced plans
on social media. to open a cutting-edge
White House officials said online technology center
Obama did not plan to offering free Internet at
meet with Fidel Castro, the speeds nearly 70 times fast-
older brother of the Cuban er than those now avail-
president and his prede- able to the Cuban public.
cessor in office, hoping to Obama said Google’s ef-
keep the visit focused on forts in Cuba are part of a
the future of the island. wider plan to improve ac-
Rhodes, the White House cess to the Internet across
adviser, said there were the island.
also other considerations, While Castro has wel-
including Castro’s “health comed increased eco-
issues.” Obama, in an inter- nomic ties, he insisted his
view with ABC News, said country would still suffer
he has no problem with as long as the American
such a meeting “just as a economic embargo was in
symbol of the end of this place. Obama has called
Cold War chapter.” on Congress to lift the
Obama’s visit to Cuba is blockade, but lawmakers
a crowning moment in his have not held a vote on
and Raul Castro’s bid to the repeal.