Page 17 - MIN TTC MARCH 22,2016
P. 17
WORLD NEWSTuesday 22 March 2016
Breaking taboo, Hindu widows celebrate festival of colors
BISWAJEET BANERJEE Samaddar, who appeared
Associated Press to be in her early 30s. The
VRINDAVAN, India (AP) — powder made her white
Aruna Samaddar threw sari and those of the wid-
fistfuls of colored powder ows around her shimmer in
into the air. Blue and red myriad colors. So deep is
and green, the cheerful the ostracization of widows
colors settled on her white that they’re often shunned
sari and all over other by their families and forced
women nearby. In most of to seek shelter in temples.
India, widows like Samad- The holy city of Vrindavan,
dar have no place in this in India’s Uttar Pradesh
joyful celebration of Holi, state, is known as the City
the Hindu festival of col- of Widows because it has
ors. The country’s millions given so many women
of observant Hindu widows shelter. And in recent years,
are expected to live out widows have found a bit of
their days in quiet worship, color and joy here as well.
dressed only in white. They Aid group Sulabh Interna-
are typically barred from all tional has been organizing
religious festivities because regular Holi celebrations in
their very presence is con- Vrindavan since 2013. Sa-
sidered inauspicious. maddar and more than
So for Samaddar, Mon- 1,000 other widows gath- Hindu widows apply colour powder to each other during Holi celebrations at the Gopinath tem-
day’s celebration was a joy ered in the courtyard of ple, 180 kilometres (112 miles) south-east of New Delhi, India, Monday, March 21, 2016.
long denied. one of the city’s oldest tem- Associated Press
“I am so happy. I am play- ples — devoted to Krishna, falls on Thursday this year, other parts of the country, and into prostitution. While
ing Holi after 12 years. I am the most playful of the Hin- but in Vrindavan and many the playing of colors begins there are tens of thousands
happy, very happy,” said du gods. The festival of Holi a week ahead. of widows in Vrindavan, the
Hindu priests chanted re- group has been appointed
ligious verses as hundreds caretaker for about 1,500.
of widows splashed col- The organization looks af-
ored powders and played ter their basic needs and
with water pistols filled with gives them a stipend of
colored water. Showers of 2,000 rupees ($30) to buy
flower petals filled the air. essentials. They are taught
As loud music blasted, the to make incense sticks
younger women jostled and garlands to ensure
with each other as they that they can earn a small
played with the colors. amount of money on their
For dozens of older women, own. But for most part, the
years of social conditioning women spend the day
proved hard to break. They singing hymns to Krishna,
applied only tiny dots of for which they earn 10 ru-
color to each other’s fore- pees (15 cents).
heads. “Their participation The women range in age
in Holi symbolizes a break from 22 to 100. Some were
from tradition, which forbids abandoned by their fami-
a widow from wearing a lies decades ago.
colored sari, among many While some women were
other things,” said Bindesh- not comfortable joining in
war Pathak, the head of the celebration of colors
Sulabh International. Samaddar was determined
Sulabh was asked to over- to have at least one day of
see the lives of widows of cheer. “We have got just
the city by India’s Supreme one day to celebrate life,”
Court following news re- she said as she tossed the
ndian Hindu widows throw flower petals and colored powder during Holi celebrations at the Gopi- ports of the widows be- colors joyfully. “Let’s do it to
nath temple, 180 kilometres (112 miles) south-east of New Delhi, India, Monday, March 21, 2016. ing forced to beg for food the hilt.”q
Associated Press