Page 14 - HOH
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Friday 9 September 2022 Friday 9 September 2022
On Friday September 2nd, 2022, Man-
aging Director Mr. Freddy Albertus,
The Resort Manager Mrs. Lillian Britten,
The Human Resources Manager Mrs.
Yina Maduro and the Employee So-
cial Activities Committee, honored 9
employees at the Paradise Beach Vil-
las for their years of service. We were
celebrating 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 years
of service.
dinator, 5 years;
This year the celebration took place in Ruby Ojeda, Room Attendant, 5 years.
the beautiful garden of Paradise Beach Security Department:
Villas. A delicious early breakfast was Randolf Yarzagaray, Security Guard,
prepared by the Paradise kitchen staff. 10 years;
A big thanks to Andres Zievinger and Michael Winterdal, Security Guard, 25
Juan Chayadi for their contribution to years.
this celebration. Maintenance Department:
Amaro Maduro, Maintenance Man, 15
Congratulations goes to the following years.
employees that during 2022 reached Food & Beverage Department:
their respective anniversaries. Silvia Añez, Server/Bartender, 20 years.
Housekeeping Department: Front Office & Reservation Depart-
Monica Polo, Room Attendant, 5 years; ment: Giselle Tromp, Front Desk Clerk,
Ricardo Rosario, Housekeeping Coor- 20 years.
Accounting Department:
Imelda Koolman, Assistant Controller, 20 years.
We do greatly appreciate our loyal employees for being
not only a part of the Paradise Beach Villas family for all of
these years, but also for contributing to our success.
We look forward to many more years of service together.q