Page 17 - HOH
P. 17
local Friday 9 September 2022
Gihae Gymnastics returned to Aruba with 55 medals and 11 trophies
ORANJESTAD – This week,
minister of Sport, Mr. Endy
Croes received the athletes
of Gihae Gymnastics at
the Reina Beatrix Interna-
tional Airport, to congratu-
late them on their amazing
achievements in the Copa
Candy Party 2022, which
took place in Panama.
A total of 723 gymnasts
were competing, from 25
clubs from the following
countries: Ecuador, Colom-
bia, Costa Rica, Guatema-
la, Panama and Aruba.
The 18 athletes represent-
ing Aruba managed to win
a total of 55 medals, includ-
ing 16 gold medals, 15 sil-
ver medals, 1 bronze; 8 4th
place medals, 8 5th place
medals, 1 6th place medal
and 5 Explorers medals.
Gihae Gymnastics also
managed to obtain 11 tro-
phies, of which 4 are for
first place, 4 are for second
place, 1 is for third place,
and 2 teams in first place. Minister Croes congratu- Palma Villegas and Mrs.
lated the athletes for their Himilice Casares, as well
The competitions were high great results, and for let- as the athletes’ parents for
level, and our athletes rep- ting Aruba’s name shine supporting their kids in the
resented Aruba worthily. abroad. He also thanked sport. Congratulations!q
the coaches, Mr. Jimmy
Official visit of Plenipotentiary Minister of Aruba in the Netherlands
to the new offices of ATA Europe
DEN HAAG – Alternate and wished the team of
Plenipotentiary Minister of ATA a lot of success in their
Aruba in the Netherlands, new office. As a gesture of
Mr. Ady Thisen recently appreciation, he brought
paid an official visit to the a plant to decorate the of-
new offices of ATA Europe. fice.
There, the minister was re-
ceived by the director of ATA’s director appreciated
ATA Europe, Tirso Tromp, the gesture of minister Thi-
and the rest of the staff. jsen, and said that Aruba
is experiencing a great in-
Mr. Thijsen thanked Mr. crease in tourism. The num-
Tromp for the invitation, bers from Europe, particu-
larly from the Netherlands, they will begin direct flights be a very positive support
are very positive. This is from London Gatwick to for tourism on Aruba, to be
also the case for England, Aruba from March 2023. able to receive flights from
which resulted in the air- According to Mr. Tromp, such a renowned airline. q
line flying under the flag of this is the product of a lot
the United Kingdom, British of marketing work from Images are courtesy of
Airways, announcing that ATA Europe. Surely it will Arubahuis.